Is This Right That People Say

Why do people think they are always right?

Cause it feels better that way!Admitting you're wrong about something isn't as easy as it's portrayed.. it's hard and requires self awareness and courage Someone might know he's wrong but won't admit it nor act based on it.. because being wrong means being socially rejected Many people say they accept when someone does something wrong and says he's sorry or thing like that! But it's just talks.. people despise the idea of being wrong about anything cause it means that they're not mature enough,masculine enough,smart enough.. etcSo people act based on "I'm right and you're not" even if that's not what they believe deep down themselves!, it's easier to see everyone wrong and not ourselves cause we don't want to change.. things are good that way .. it's stable.. change is scary ,it demands thinking and viewing life from a different anglePeople don't like to all that .. people like things the way they are .. even if it's wrong! As long as it doesn't hurt them .. it's just fine!

Which is right: What people has to say or what people have to say?

what people have* to say :)

Why do people bid $1.00 on The Price Is Right?

Because by betting only the one dollar, there is no way possible to bet over the price of an item, because, what if I bet $100 on a night stand. Although it may be a nice looking night stand, it may have an actual retail value of 75$ or so.

Are people that say "right right right" when u tell them something in a conversation?

They are simply not interested in your words. I suspect these are highly opinionated individuals, who cannot bear to concede to anyone else's point of view. They are expressing their perceived opinion-superiority.

When people say "yeah, right" does that means that they don't believe what you say?

It has two meanings.

1. I agree.
2. I don't agree. Don't talk bullshit.

Definition 1 applies if
Man1: I think, British accent is sexy?
Man2(speaks softly) : yeah,right!

Definition 2 applies if
Man1: I think, British accent is sexy?
Man2(in a sarcastic manner): yeahhh, righttt

Why do people say "I forget"?

Shouldn't it be, "I forgot"?

Is "I forget" slang or is it grammatically correct?

For instance, if I ask someone what day the Emmys is on...and they say ..."I forget" that right? or is it "I forgot"?

When is it correct to use "I forget" and "I forgot" or do you just not use "I forgot" altogether?

Sorry if the question sounds confusing...I've always wondered about it though.