Is This Safe For Rodents

RATS is there a safe paint for cages?

No guessing here, my rats' health is important to me to. This is a subject of discussion on the rat forums, and everyone agrees there are not many paints they would feel comfortable using.

In the last week I have been cleaning up 4 of my rat cages and the spray paint that I am using is Wal-Mart's ColourPlace Rust Paint in Flat White.

Says on the lable, "resists marring and chipping.......lead-free and non-toxic when dry making it perfect for children's toys."

"my life has gone to the rats"

Is felt safe for rats?

Ideally, yes, all types of cloth materials are perfectly safe. But you should avoid cloth material with loops or fibres (like felt) as the rats very easily can get their claws caught. Usually, they can untangle free, but there is a chance they won't be able to, and in some cases completely pull out the claw. I would stick to smoother cloth, like fleece or anything softer and more solid.

Is eating rodents ok?

Sure. People eat guinea pigs in South America, especially the Andean people, all the time. While this may seem weird to some people, it's just because we're not used to it. Guinea pigs are a cheap source of protein and Andeans have been eating them for thousands of years. Imagine what Hindus think about people who eat beef! It's just cultural perspective.

Is it safe to eat a cooked rodent or not?

Of course! Rodents are an excellent survival food when skinned and cooked. They are usually in great abundance from sub-arctic regions to the tropics, and range in size from the tiny shrew (don’t bother- it’s too small!) through mice, and rats and squirrel, to the coipu, capybara and beaver. The beaver is especially valuable because of the large amount of fat in the tail, providing essential calories to keep you alive. (In survival mode, forget chasing proteins and vitamins, - you need calories for energy and to stay alive, and that means starches and especially fats and oils.)

Is cuttlebone safe for rats?

Yes, cuttlebone is safe for rats.

Because pet rats will be fed a balanced diet and not garbage, they do not need the cuttlebone as a source of calcium as birds would. Rats will use the cuttlebone as a play toy, as something to gnaw on and destroy. They might even stash it in their toilet corner where they will just pee and poop on it.

Some people will tell you that the brittle back of the bone will splinter and cause harm if swallowed. This is false information when it pertains to rats and refers back to the harm that is done to cats and dogs should they chew on bones. Rats are gnawers, they don't swallow the bits they are gnawing on because they have muscular flaps of skin located inside the jaw on either side. These flaps fold behind the front teeth, essencially blocking off the throat and preventing materials from being swallowed. This is why rats can gnaw on meat and bird bones without harm.

"my life has gone to the Rats"

Is polyster safe for rats?

It's safe, as long as they don't rip it apart and eat it. Remember that rats WILL chew fabric, especially if they are bored.

Is it safe to give rats juice?

Rats have a real sweet tooth. I give mine fruit juice occasionally (Yeah same as you no orange juice, bad for the males) but if the lemonade you give them is fizzy, please don't. Rats cannot burp so if they have anything carbonated they can blow up and die. Just stick to unfizzy sweet stuff and don't give it all the time, i usually just give it to them in a little dish for a treat or dip my finger in some and let them lick it off!

**EDIT** To Thomas' Fiance - Please don't call people stupid when they know what they are talking about. It's aknown biological fact that rats do not have the ability to burp or vomit. That is why when your rat goes in for an operation you don't have to stop giving it food for a certain amount of time. Species capable of vomiting, including humans cannot eat before an operation because of their ability to vomit. Read any book on the biology of rats, which is a extensivley studied subject and you will see in every one of them that rats cannot vomit or burp. If rats could vomit, rat bait for wild rodents wouldn't work. My friend had a rat who had to get the air taken out of its stomach at the vets because it blew up after drinking fizzy drink. You have no right to insult people who learn about their pets biology for the better of their pet and offer this information to help others.

Just so other people know a non vomiting species is called NONEMETIC and rats come under this classification. You can check out a biology site which explains why rats cant vomit its:

Are wild rats safe to handle?

So, I had pet rats for years. They were lovely, friendly little critters and lived in a controlled environment that I could keep reasonably clean. Even so, I did get bitten rather badly once, when one of my rats got her foot trapped in something and was too panicked to understand I was helping her.By the next day, my hand was so swollen I could barely move my fingers. That bite put me in the hospital for a week. I had a wicked Staph infection deep inside the puncture wound on my right index finger. It took two incisions & drainage under local anesthesia and one more extensive surgery under general anesthesia, plus a truckload of IV antibiotics, to clear that shiat out.Again, that was a pet rat, whom I know was healthy, ate good food, lived in a nice cage with fluffy bedding, and who appeared to be as shocked as I was that she had bitten me (she froze, very slowly pulled her teeth out of my finger, and passively let me free her foot. Ironically this probably contributed to the deep infection, as it made for very little bleeding to clean out the resulting wound.) By comparison, a wild rat is an undomesticated animal, as similar to a pet rat as a dog is to a wolf. Wild rats that live near humans most likely eat garbage and live in it, too. They're exposed to all kinds of pathogens and no-one is going to take them to the vet if they get sick. By their nature they are simultaneously more aggressive and much more afraid of humans than their pet brethren.TL;DR answer: Hell no, are you nuts!?

Is Lavender-scented Kaytee pet bedding safe for my rats?

I am considering mixing something that smells pleasant into my Carefresh Ultra pet bedding. I do not like the smell of Ultra to begin with and although I find it safe and effective it would be nice to have the good smells start in their cage. I would never want to hurt them and have found about 80% positive feedback and 20% negative, and the 20% have never tried it they are just against it in theory... What do you think?

Is it safe to put neosporin on rats?

my rat has scabs and i looked up on the internet that you can put neosporin on your rat to help the scabs heal

i just want to make sure it is ok because it says on the neosporin box that if it is swalled contact poison control
i dont know if the same rules apply to rats

let me know if it is safe to put neosporin on my rat's back please
Thank you!