Is This Some Kind Of Anxiety Attack

Did I just have an anxiety attack?

Last week I was in a car accident. Nothing really bad happened but someone cut me off and I slid into a snow bank. After this I have had numerous occasions in which I suspect I may have had an anxiety attack. I’ve looked up symptoms but I usually only have like?? One?? Like I was just driving and someone almost drove in front of me and I just couldn’t breath and my throat got kinda like tight? and I started crying and I had to pull over. Is this just me over reacting? I’d really like to know if I should talk to someone about it

Why do I have anxiety attack while I am preparing for any kind of test? How can I overcome that?

Performance anxiety!fear of failure!you must realize that not getting an A on a test will not destroy your life, your health and your happiness. Many incredible people have "failed" tests, exams, auditions before succeeding. You need to have a better relationship with "failure". Failure is part of success. Studies show that the one quality that all successful people had that unsuccessful people did not was RESILIENCE.Steve Jobs, Churchill, Ghandi, Einstein, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mandela, Oprah all were fired and failed before they because successful.Fear of failing makes you anxious, because you catastrophize. that not passing a test will just destroy you. worst case scenario, you will not pass and take it until you do. Do not torture your self. This is not life or death. it is a damn test.

I think I might be suffering from anxiety attacks?

So whenever I go out for a day of fun, such as going to an amusement park or concert, I am physically hurting by the end of them, and it seems the more fun I'm having the worse I feel in the end. I just came back from Prom tonight, and I had to leave early because I began to feel the tell tale signs of an attack. First, my throat tightens. Then, (this one is stupid) I get the hiccups. Afterwards my chest begin to ache. On other occasions when I didn't listen to the first sign, by the end of the day/night, my chest would feel like a sledge hammer had been thrown on to it. Its a kind of pain that has left me gasping for air on the floor and I feel like I can hardly move all around because of its crippling effects.
This is something that first started around middle school for me. Six years later and I'm still having these problems. I don't really know what it is, my best guess is some kind of anxiety attack, except that I'm not nervous or fearful? Its just physical pain that comes after having a good time. If anyone has any clue as to what this and how to stop it, please help.

What is the difference between an anxiety attack and a panic attack? Is what I’m having a panic or an anxiety attack?

Anxiety can be mild ie butterflies in a challenging situation such as exams. Panic is a high level of anxiety where the individual is in a frank flight or fight response. When in situations where there is nothing or no one to flee from or attack this energy swills around inside that person. Three aspects usually maintain this; a fear that this will harm or even kill them, a fear they will lose control & put their sanity at risk, a fear that they are going to make an absolute idiot of themselves in front of others. All anxiety without an obvious trigger is a misapprehension of threat. There is anecdotal evidence that there are those who have a panic attack & say what was that about & I’m not going down that road again. Those who present with panic disorder are most commonly maintaining the anxiety by being anxious about being anxious with one or a combination of the three fears I mentioned. First line of treatment is educative to explain the fear response & whilst subjectivity unpleasant it is not harmful. Secondly to own the response under the way one thinks feels & behaves towards the stimulus. Certainly not to give power & credence to the stimulus by avoidance. Graduated exposure is the jargon ie not to expose a spider phobic to a room full of tarantulas but to gradually help with exposure. Help the individual examine the perception of threat & test its validity & teach relaxation methods. There are some useful self help books such as Overcoming Anxiety otherwise find a suitably qualified Cognitive Behaviout Therapist.

What is the difference between panic attack and anxiety attack?

well anxiety attacks are less severe and have less bodily symptoms....but panic attacks are full blow,out of the blue,more violent on the body,and are worse in symptoms.
the duration of the panic attacks are longer also.

What kind of anxiety am I experiencing?

That is rather an odd question. Anxiety can be synonymous with stress. What situations, what topics, or which people cause your muscles to tense? When are you gripped by fear, a feeling of wanting to run and get away from where you find yourself? Do those feelings occur when you were alone or around others. Try to write down those times you feel stress, a need to flee, or a sense of dread. Are you with people, certain people? Or, are you alone? Are you in a small area or room or are you in wide open spaces?Once you start answering these questions by paying attention to your feelings and under what circumstances you find yourself, you will know the triggers and causes for your anxiety. That's only half the battle. Once you begin understanding the triggers, then it's a longer journey to sort out why you experience more anxiety than others who go through the same kinds of situations and take them in stride without excessive anxiety.

Can you have panic attacks while you are sleeping?

About 50% of all patients with panic disorder have nocturnal panic attacks, but most of the events will be happening during daytime activities. Research shows that only 10.2% of all panic attacks happen at night, but patients might be more severely concerned about these events.
A significant number of patients are afraid of the nighttime and do expect a loss of control or severe somatic consequences like a heart attack, stroke or other irrational cause of death. Of course this is most unlikely!

We know that most panic attacks are NOT caused by dreams. Records of sleep polysomnographia show a maximum of panic attacks during early sleep phase (phase II), not during the REM-phases associated with dreams. This is a major difference to nightmares! Nightmares happen during the second half of the night, so we are often able to remember the content of these dreams.

Pavor nocturnus is a very specific type of sleeping disorder, more common among children. It is defined by a sudden avakening with crying, strong anxiety symptoms and vegetative symptoms like heart palpitations, short breathening and sweating. This type of sleeping problems occur during deep phases of sleep (phase IV).

Arousals caused by sleep apnea syndromes are usually not characterized by extreme anxiety symptoms. But this sleep disorder might have an effect on the origin of panic attacks, because sleep apnea has an impact on heart frequency and blood pressure. Chronic arousal of anxiety during night could be a kind of dysfunctional protection against apnea during night.

The exact causes for panic attacks at night are not known. Other possible causes include an increase of CO2-concentration (False Suffocation alarm hypothesis) or changes of the parasympathotonic system due to autonomic dysfunction.

So panic attacks at night will be mainly influenced by the events of the last day, consumption of alcohol or drugs and a general higher arousal due to the anxiety disorder of the client.

ROTC and anxiety disorder?

I am a 21 year old college student in ROTC, and I was really hoping someone could help me with mysituation or give me advice. I have always been an outstanding cadet with a great APFT score, great evals etc. etc. But over the years I have been coping with what I believe to be some kind of anxiety disorder. It never used to affect my performance, but in the last year I have been to the ER three times for sever panic attacks. My situation is getting quite severe, but I'm scheduled to go to Warrior Forge this summer. I was doing a packout today and I had to run to the bathroom to collapse and cry from...well I dont know what from. I just seem unable to cope with anything anymore. My instructors and fellow cadets are completelt unaware of any of this because I have tried so very hard to hide it, But as of right now I no longer have a desire to be in the program, at all. I hardly sleep anymore and I feel like my heart is fluttering all the time. I'm scheduled to go see a counselor tomorrow. After today I just couldnt take it anymore. If you know anything about ROTC, what would be your advice on how to approach this problem? I live alone and am independent from my parents. Getting kicked from the program would leave me $20,000 in debt to the army, and I have nothing to fall back on. I would lose my home, education etc. This has kept me from seeking help, and right now I just feel completely lost on what to do.