Is This True There Is No Way A Writer Can Use Tone To Subtly Influence The Reader

Tips on becoming a great writer?

I love to write, I am currently a college student trying to decide between being a journalist or a lawyer. I eventually want to be a full time fiction writer. Any advice?

In literature, why is imagery effective?

The shortest answer to this is the age old ‘because a picture is worth a thousand words.” Imagery is also effective because it allows the reader to create the scene in their mind, and if it is used in subtle, high level ways it allows the user to create the scene in their own perception, thus making a connection to memories and whatnot. In my book I tried to create imagery a lot, because in the process of trying to convey the gravity of war, I quickly found that mere descriptive (boring) words can’t even come close to painting a picture for someone that conveys gravity, scale, and in my case, horror.