Is Tonsillitis Contagious

Is tonsillitis contagious?

My daughters both have had tonsillitis and my doctor has told me several times that it is extremely contagious untill you've been on antbiotics for at least6]t 24 hours. Swollen tonsils, fever,over all ill feeling are some of the sypmtoms. Sometimes you may get white spots like you do with strep.

Is tonsillitis contagious ?

Tonsillitis is an inflammation or infection of the tonsils and is usually viral and may follow a cold or flu. Is it contagious? That depends. If it's caused by a cold or flu virus, the virus itself is contagious but if transmitted to another, it would probably just cause a cold or flu. The condition "tonsillitis" isn't what would be described as contagious.

Tonsillitis can also be a symptom of mono or Strep throat. If Strep bacteria were transmitted to another person, they'd probably develop a Strep throat infection which would include tonsillitis. It's a symptom, remember? But the tonsillitis isn't contagious. It develops as a symptom during the course of a Strep throat infection. And if some one were not already immune to mono, they might well develop infectious mononucleosis which would include the symptom tonsillitis. Again, the tonsillitis itself isn't contagious but the condition of mono is and it includes tonsillitis as one of its symptoms.

If your boyfriend's condition is viral, the antibiotic that he's taking will do no good and he'd be contagious so it's possible that he would have transmitted the virus to you. If his tonsillitis is bacterial in origin, after 4 days on the medication, he shouldn't be contagious. On the other hand, it's entirely possible that something was transmitted to you before he was diagnosed and perhaps when he was still in the incubation period. This is the interval of time that transpires after a person is infected but before they develop tell-tale symptoms. Organisms are often passed around during the incubation period because people don't yet know they're infected.

"My bf gave me a few small kisses yesterday" -- Your boyfriend wasn't looking out for you so you need to think with your head and not your heart.

@ "MagnusMoss", the thing of it is that just because the guy's on an antibiotic, this isn't suggestive or indicative of a bacterial infection. Rather than test, doctors will often prescribe an antibiotic as a prohylactic, a preventive measure, just in case it's bacterial. This decision can be further justified as a means of preventing a secondary bacterial infection. You see, there's been no evidence presented that this young man was tested or cultured for a bacterial infection or that he had test results that were positive for bacteria. I know how doctors work and it can be a mistake to make presumptions without anything to back them up.

Is tonsillitis contagious?

My boyfriend hasn't been feeling so great lately and he's been sick, we hung out last Monday when he was sick and I look past his cold and we had a great time and kissed a lot and stuff, but now he has tonsillitis, is it contagious? Is there a possibility that I'll get tonsillitis? How can it be cured?

Tonsillitis - Contagious?

If someone with tonsilitis sneezes, those mucus particles go EVERYWHERE. They are airborne for a little while...Think about it, teeny tiny particle of mucus in the air. Those particles (which you can't see) land everywhere. They could land on a pen or phone or even you. The particles that are airborn can be breathed in very easily...which is why it's so important to cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze. Even with using a tissue, there are still airborn particles. Once the particle land, they can survive up to 8 hours (depending on the strain) but that's the longest. Also, with those particles, they land on things that both of you have used. Thats' the other way, if you were to touch your face after touching something they did, you can pick it up that way. So when someone is sick around you, Lysol is your best friend. Also, try airbourne, it tastes like crap but seems to help when you start feeling symptoms. Another thing is if your coworker touched her mouth, then touched a pen, then you touch the pen and then do something like rub your eye, you can get it. that's why when you are contagious, everyone seems to catch it.

Is tonsilitis contageous?

Tonsillitis is an infection and swelling of the tonsils which are oval-shaped lymph nodes located in the back of the mouth and the upper part of the throat. Our body has two sets of tonsils. One pair can be seen at the back of the throat. These are called the palatine or faucial tonsils. The other pair is at the back of the tongue and is called lingual tonsils. Also part of the same group of lymph nodes are the adenoids, which are situated behind the nose, and above the throat. Their main function is to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms. Tonsillitis commonly means the inflammation or infection of the palatine tonsils. However, sometimes the infection can involve the lingual tonsils and other lymph nodes in the back of the throat, especially the adenoids. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing pharyngitis (infection of the pharynx).

The causes of Tonsillitis
Tonsillitis is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection, mainly due to the Streptococcus, Pneumococcus and Haemophilus bacteria. Viruses such as the Adenovirus and Epstein-Barr virus may also cause tonsillitis. The infection spreads by:
Coming in close contact with someone who has tonsillar or pharyngeal infection with the above organisms

Having a sore throat that develops into tonsillitis

Sharing utensils or toothbrushes with people infected by or carrying streptococcal bacteria or the Epstein-Barr virus.

Is tonsillitis contagious?

How is Tonsillitis diagnosed?

Tonsillitis can be diagnosed by performing a rapid strep test, also called a throat culture. To perform the throat culture, the doctor will use a long cotton swab to swipe off some of the stuff on the surface of the back of your throat. The doctor will then test the "stuff" on the cotton swab. This test will determine whether you have tonsillitis and whether it is caused by a bacteria or a virus.

Is Tonsillitis Contagious?

Yes. Tonsillitis usually spreads from person to person by contact with the throat or nasal fluids of someone who is already infected.

How Is Tonsillitis Treated?

Treatment for tonsillitis depends on whether it was caused by a virus or bacteria. If the tonsillitis was caused by strep bacteria (streptococci), the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If the tonsillitis was caused by a virus, your body will fight off the infection on its own. However, medication can be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms.
How long does Tonsillitis Last?

If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, with antibiotic treatment, the illness is usually cured within 1 week. However, it may take several weeks for the tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal size.

When tonsillitis is caused by viruses, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. Usually, people are almost completely recovered within 1 week.

to read more on this here is the link.. i also been in the medical field for over 18 yrs.

Is tonsillitis contagous?

My baby has tonsillitis and I've had a sore throat for the past two weeks, I'm wondering if tonsillitis is contagous and whether he maybe got it from me.

How long is tonsillitis contagious?

I did a quick google search to verify what I already knew and here are the terms I used to do the searchtonsillitis contagiousI found the information shownIf your question is different than a simple google search can handle, maybe you can update your question so you don’t waste our time showing you how to use google.

Is tonsillitis contagious? Can it be transmitted by kissing?

Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsillitis itself isn't contagious, is a symptom of infection. It's usually caused by a viral infection or, less commonly, a bacterial infection. Both viral and bacterial infections in the mouth could be spread by kissing.Exactly how contagious the infection is will depend on the virus or bacteria causing the inflammation.