Is Typing 61 Words Per Minute Fast

How many words do you type per minute?

I hunt and peck so maybe 5 words per minute. My wife types about 65, and the average per the encyclopedia is 40

Teens: How many words can you type per minute....?

...and what is your accuracy?

Today I took a typing test in my Digital Communications class and I learned that I can type 89 words per minute with 99% accuracy.

I'd say that's pretty good especially considering I've never had any computer classes prior to this one.

You can take a free typing test here if you're interested.

BQ: Have you ever took a typing class?

BQ2: What was the last television program you watched?

Sandy can type 62 words per long will it take her to type 12,462 words

If you've done unit conversion, it's easiest to do it through that.

so you know she can type 62 words/minute, and you have 12,462. Therefore if you divide 12,462words/62words/min (aka amount/rate), you have the minutes it takes for her to type that many words.

What typing speed in WPM is considered good/fast?

Congratulations - you are incredible if you can go that fast!A lot of people, even professionals in various fields, can only muster 40 or maybe 50.My best is something like 75 wpm, but I probably settle around 65, which most people also consider fast.One challenge to give yourself, if you haven’t already, is to slow way down to 30–40 wpm and start using the pinkies correctly. I don’t know how you type that fast without them, but you could probably go faster with. So start slowly and correctly, and then build up again to see if you beat that 125 wpm.Another challenge would be to tackle alphanumeric - a lot of people who go fast can’t seem to deal with numbers and symbols.A third challenge would be to learn Dvorak, which I use and go 25% faster on than I do on Qwerty, but I know that that is debated and that not everyone has that same experience, so your choice there.The other thing, since you are so fast, if you happen to have a Samsung Watch, we would love it if you would try out Modality (sorry I can’t PM you on this, but Quora doesn’t work that way). We’re trying to make people as productive or more productive on their watches as they are on their phones. Last week I typed 42 wpm on my watch, which is 68% faster than the average phone typing speed. We think 50 wpm is possible on a watch, which would probably take someone like yourself to do. So would love to hear from you if that’s you.Other than that though, good job and keep it up for sure!

How many words per minute is 8,000 keystrokes?

I don't think there is a comparison. Keystrokes per minute refers to data entry with a 10-key pad. I took typing in high school and 5 keystrokes was equal to one word. And if I remember correctly 10,000 keystrokes per HOUR is the standard for data entry.

How do you convert keystrokes per hour to words per minute?

Keystrokes per hour (Kph) divided by 60 will give you keystrokes per minute (wpm).Kpm divided by 5 will give you words per minute.Kpm is often a lot faster than wpm because it is a measure of how many type you hit (or stroke) a key on the keyboard as opposed to how fast you can type full words in a minute.If you want an example, I have worked through one here.

HELP! If the secretary types 60 words per minute, how many minutes will he take to type 330 words?

330 divided by 60 = 5.5

The first twenty-five prime numbers are:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97. The number 1 is by definition not a prime number.
13 + 11 / 2= 12
12 is the greatest possible value.

Integers are numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component.
1 + 50 = 51
2 + 49 = 51
3 + 48 = 51
So, there are 25 pairs that add up to 51. 25 x 51 = 1275.
Another shortcut is to divide 50 by 2 and then multiply by 51.

25 x 151 = 3775
A equals 1275 and B equals 3775.
B - A = 3775 - 1275 = 2500.

Is a score of 57 WPM in a typing test considered good?

57 WPM is considered above average.Bad Typing Speed would be 15 - 35 wpmThanks to the development of typing programs and how schools implement keyboarding classes, average Typing Speed has now increased to 35 - 45 wpm.For exemplary touch typists, one may need to reach 46 or above wpm. There are some people who can actually type as fast as 90–120 wpm.So, better ramp up those typing skills. I suggest checking Typesy to help you improve. :)