Is Unbleached White Bread Still Bad For You

Unbleached White Flour??

Laura -- unbleached flour and all purpose flour can be inter changed the only difference is that regular all purpose flour has been {bromated } or bleached to make it whiter. Unbleached flour is available in the flour display section of the super market.
It will be on the label Unbleached. Some
recipes call for unbleached flour usually the recipe is a bread or some other yeast raised dough. Pie crust recipes some times call for unbleached flour. But all purpose flour will work just fine to replace unbleached
flour. I hope that I have helped you. jim b
Do not use selfrising flour to replace it.
It has Baking powder and salt in it. it will make good Biscuts or Scones

Is bleached white flour vegan?

I have been looking up vegan dessert recipes and they say to use unbleached white flour. At my house I have unbleached wheat flour and bleached white flour.

I would like to use more of the white flour if I can because it would just taste better (I am planning to mix the two). But it is making me wonder if they are saying that because bleached white flour isn't vegan, or it just isn't as healthy as unbleached white flour?


I know white bread is unhealthy but is home made white bread bad for you too?

Not to say these guys are presumptuous, but they are answering something they really don't know about.
The question is whether you want to be completely healthy (like an athlete) or moderately healthy. White flour is always unhealthy because it is bleached, meaning treated with solvents to remove the enzymes. Enzymes are complex protein chemicals that are not digested, but break down the nutrients into the form the body uses. This is why you can't inject food directly into the bloodstream safely. The enzymes are necessary to use all the nutrients in food and without them the body is in a constant state of stress, working harder to use food than it should be. You might have noticed this effect, after eating a big meal you feel tired weak and sluggish. That is from the energy the body has to tap from other places to digest unnatural foods. That energy requires protein too, and the first place the body takes it from is your muscle mass.
The necessary enzymes are all in the natural form of the foods themselves. If you don't care about perfect health, you can still do pretty well just by eating a minimum of one or two fruits with each meal ( juice does not count) and keeping a BIG water bottle with you all day.
White bread will not kill you if you keep enough other natural food in your diet. Fruit is the most cost effective, in fact the MOST effective way altogether to keep yourself healthy.

Is bleached wheat flour bad for health?

White flour is made by removing most of the nutrients  from the wheat flour.   - lower percentage of nutrients -> missing essential nutrients -> impact certian body functionalitiesWhat is left is mostly starch which has a high glycemic index. It will  - spike your blood sugar -> make you hungry faster -> eat more -> gain weight/fat.To make things worse,Most of the industrial bleaching is done by chlorine. Chlorine bleaching creates a by-product alloxan, which is poison.Alloxen damages pancreas and compromise its ability to create insulin resulting in Diabetes. Alloxen is used in healthy animals to induce diabetes, so that we can test our anti-diabetes medicines. So Unbleached wheat flour is a little better than bleached.

Is it safe to substitute unbleached white flour for whole wheat flour for dogs?

We are making homemade dog treats, and the recipe calls for whole wheat flour. However; we don't have it.

We do have white flour though. If we substituted the white for the wheat, would it make a difference?

Thank you. :)

What are the differences between unbleached flour and whole wheat flour?

When wheat is milled into flour, the various parts of the wheat kernel — the bran, the germ, the endosperm, etc — can be mechanically separated due to their different hardnesses, mass, and other properties. This is usually done via a series of sifting and remilling steps. The end result of removing everything but the endosperm is “white flour”.This “white flour” doesn’t start out white. It initially has a yellow tinge. As it sits in storage and ages, it undergoes some chemical changes which affect its properties when used — and also causes the yellow pigments to break down and the flour gets lighter in color. This matured, aged flour was preferred to freshly milled white flour.Modern processes for milling, packaging, shipping, and stocking flour happen too fast for an aging step to be included — the quantities involve would require a lot of storage space, for one thing. Fortunately, there are “bleaching agents”, like benzoyl peroxide, which can accelerate the natural bleaching and maturation process. The end result is a white flour that is whiter in color and may have the other useful properties of matured flour in a fraction of the time.Some older bleaching agents, like potassium bromate, are suspected carcinogens, and as such bleaching has gotten a bad name. As such, unbleached flour has entered the market. It has a yellowish tint, and has slightly different chemical properties than bleached flour, but it doesn’t have any suspect additives for bleaching added.So “unbleached flour” is white flour that hasn’t been bleached. It consists almost entirely of the endosperm of the wheat berry that it was milled from.Whole wheat flour, on the other hand, contains not just endosperm, but also the germ and bran of the wheat as well. It is either made by not going through as many cycles of sifting and remilling, or by taking the separated streams of germ, bran, and endosperm and recombining them in a preferred mix.You can easily tell the difference between white flour (bleached or unbleached) and whole wheat flour by looking at it closely with a magnifying glass. White flour will be uniform, with very small pieces of flour, all looking just about the same. Whole wheat flour will have small brown flecks and pieces in it, generally much larger than the flour background.

Why is whole wheat bread healthier than white bread?

White bread is wheat bread. It’s made from wheat flour that has had the bran and germ removed, both to make it whiter and to improve it’s keeping qualities. Some white wheat flour is bleached, which makes it less nutritious, and some is not. Whole wheat bread is made from wheat that still has the bran and germ intact. It has more nutrition because it contains most of the grain aside from the inedible outer coating.

Why is bleached flour banned in the U.K.?

Bleached flour is white flour which has been whitened and softened by adding a chemical bleach (usually a chlorine, a bromate, or a peroxide, similar to hair bleach or cleaning bleach.) The bleach makes the flour whiter and softer.Over several months, oxygen in the air will also whiten flour, which is why flour labeled "unbleached" is also white - it is just stored a couple months in a dry place instead of being mixed with bleach. Unbleached flour is sometimes slightly more expensive, adding chemicals is cheaper than finding warehouses to store all your flour in.(Since bleach also breaks down gluten, unbleached flour is not as soft as bleached flour. Some people microwave unbleached flour to destroy the gluten for extra fluffy sponge cakes or gooey sugar cookies, anything you don't want to be chewy at all, but for most baking, it doesn't really matter. I've never noticed myself, anyway.)The European Union publishes a list of which chemicals are considered safe and allowed in food (they're pretty strict about it). Bleaches are not on the list, so flour - or anything else - with bleach in it cannot be sold in any country in the European Union, including the UK. The Miscellaneous Food Additives Regulation 1995 is the exact law in the UK that requires UK stores to follow the EU standards.

What is unbromated unbleached enriched wheat flour?

It's good. Bromates promote gluten development. Bleaching makes the flour whiter than it would normally be. You don't really need either. Enriched means nutritents have been added (USDA law). And wheat means the flour comes from wheat grains and not soy, rice, rye (altho I'm sure rye flour is also an ingredient in rye bread!) or other flour sources.

Is homemade white bread better or worse than whole wheat bread?

there is nothing healthy about white bread regardless of it's homemade or store bought. to the body it is nothing more than simple sugars, it's basically empty calories.

because white flour is so heavily processed it contains no usable nutrients. all of the fiber and fats are removed during processing. white flour only contains the endosperm of the grain which is pure starch. the endosperm contains monosaccrides and disaccrides which are simple sugars.