Is Unobtainuim Very Easy To Obtain

Is unobtainium easy to obtain?

incredibly easy to obtain
your mistake is assuming it is un-obtain-ium
when in fact it is uno-b-tainium
it is the second isotope of the first version of the element more commonly known as tainium
very easy to obtain

Is unobtainium easy to obtain?

The name suggests it is unobtainable.

Is unobtainium very difficult to obtain?

Don't listen to the's still funny

Can the mixture of steel, titanium and tungsten forming metal alloy stops armor piercing bullets from penetrating?

If it's thick enough, sure, anything could theoretically stop a bullet.If you mean in the thickness of something like a bullet proof vest than no, absolutely not.First of all it's worth noting that steel and tungsten don't mix very well, so good luck making an alloy out of them. Secondly both steel and tungsten (not sure about titanium as I've never personally handled it) can be relatively easily bent by hand in the thicknesses you'd be talking about with a bullet proof vest. Even very thick steel plating can be bent with a hammer strike, and that has significantly less energy than a bullet would.As a final note, though not 100% relevant, what metals can withstand has to do with their grain structure as well, which can be modified through heat treatments. A very hard steel will also be very brittle and easy to shatter, while a softer steel is more likely to bend.Now I can rest knowing my metalurgy class has been useful in life.

Why is it impossible for us to reach the center of the Earth?

The core of the Earth is a very hostile environment and you want to do like these guys:Unfortunately, we do not remotely possess the technology to reach the core like they do in movie (the movie is also famous for having physics realism way beyond Wile E. Coyote physics. Here is a physics review of The Core XP).The temperature is estimated to 6000C (Earth's Core 1,000 Degrees Hotter Than Expected) . This is several 1000 Celsius more than the melting point of any known material (I believe slightly over 4000C is the current record). Wolfram carbide is commonly used in drilling, but it already melts away at 2870C. Any craft or drill would melt away before reaching the core.Lets say we invented some incredible clever cooling system or sci-fi material that could withstand the heat what else could stop us? Pressure!The maximum pressure a craft or drill would experience is around 350 Gigapascal. That is an insane amount of pressure, something like a million elephants (here is a delightful paper about the foot pressure of elephants Foot pressure distributions during walking in African elephants (Loxodonta africana)).I wouldn’t call it impossible to go to the center of Earth, but very very difficult; unless we invent some unobtainium.

For writing a screenplay in the sci-fi genre, at what point does the science that’s explained becomes too abstract and impractical for the viewer?

It depends on the type of sci=fi you are writing, in most cases if it isn’t directly related to the plot you should keep it simple. If it is plot related, explain enough that a person can understand the basics, if it in central to the plot you should give a fairly detailed explanation.For example: an FTL drive in a story where the drive is just how they get around“This is our FTL drive, it needs about 6 ounces of unobtainium per light year so always make sure we have several pounds before we head out.”In a story where the fuel is part of the plot:“This is the FTL drive and here is where we store the unobtainium to power it, always keep the storage bin locked. That stuff is really expensive and its hazardous to certain species including humans.”In a story where the FTL is a major part of the plot:“This the FTL Drive, it uses unobtainium to create a bubble of warped gravitational space around the ship that allows us to ‘skid’ across normal space at many times the speed of light, the drawback is that if the bubble encounters another warp bubble both collapse in a small, yet robust, nuclear detonation as all the atoms n each bubble are ripped apart. Over here are the warp field generating missiles we use to create such detonations in combat without killing ourselves in the process…”