Is Using Tap Water For Green Tea Okay

Can you use really hot tap water for preparing green tea, instead of boiling water?

The water where I live has extremely high ratings, and I am confident in drinking it, even though I still regularly keep a PUR pitcher in the fridge. I'm wondering if it is ok to just fill a cup with extremely hot tap water and then put a tea bag in it, as opposed to boiling water first. Thanks!

Is it okay to drink water after brushing your teeth?

Of course. The only time you shouldn't drink water after you brush is if you have just used a fluoride mouthwash or any other kind of special treatments. Drinking after that will lessen the effectiveness of those treatments. If you do use any of those things it will tell you on the bottle how long to wait before drinking. Other than that go nuts! Water is very good for you. There is always a reason behind you drink water before you brush your teeth. It is not considered as you drink water before you brush your teeth it should be like you should have it just after getting up from your bed after a long night sleep. If u do this than 1. it will keep an acidity away 2. It will help to reduce the constipation problem & will clean your stomach 3. It will also help to reduce the acne or pimples on your face if u have & help to improve your skin 4. It will help to get all the heat out from your body through urine 5. It will give you the healthier & fresh day than ever you have had till now. Try having water kept in copper vessel for the whole night.

Can you make tea using cold water?

Yes, especially for green or white tea that you will drink cold or iced. You need to steep il longer, to extract more flavour; the brew will have fewer tannins and more aroma, and will be sweeter (even without any sweetener). If you would use sugar with tea, brewing cold and without sugar you will get an healtier drink.Don’t use tea bags, use loose leaves. I always recommend this, but especially for cold brewing. Long cold brewing paper instead of leaves is a really bad idea.See also Why can't you make tea with cold water? (most answers say that you can, more or less what I say here).

I drink 2-3 liters of green tea each day. Is it okay?

Thanks for the A2A.My perspective is, it’s largely okay but not suggested.In China, there are these sayings: ‘中庸之道’ (most things are good in moderation) and ‘物極必反’ (something will turn to its opposite direction if push too far). Considering your question, I would first think about why do I drink 2-3L of green tea. Is it because of the taste? the smell? the health benefits? or as a replacement to water or others?‘中庸之道’ (most things are good in moderation):If you like the taste and smell, then I’d recommend not to drink too much. I often like to use this analogy of my own: I really like to eat sushi, but if I eat it every single meal, after some time, my appreciation towards it will not be as much as before. So that’s why even I like it, I would try to eat an appropriate and moderate amount.If you drink it because of health benefits, then again, drinking a moderate amount would have similar effect/benefits compared with drinking a lot. No matter it’s the benefit of supporting to lose weight, helping to focus, reducing stress or others.If you drink it as a replacement to water, perhaps like many people, then at least you should drink more water too, water, after all is more ‘pure’ than tea : )Another thing to consider is, it depends on how much physical activity you do. A person with normal amount of physical activity should be drinking at least 2L of liquid. Take myself as an example, I workout everyday and sweat a lot, so comparatively speaking, I can and should intake more liquid (hence more green tea).‘物極必反’ (something will turn to its opposite direction if push too far):Notably, there are some potential downsides of drinking too much:- polyphenols in green tea can cause some irritation in the digestive lining- tannins in tea can cause excess acid production in the stomach which may you feel uncomfortable- it may reduce the absorption of iron from food(many people say that we may get stomach irritation caused by caffeine contents, but I don’t think that would be the case because green tea is not fermented like black tea or puerh so its caffeine is quite low to cause a noticeable effect)If you enjoy drinking it, drink in moderation : ) May tea brings you peacefulness and happiness!

What will happen if we drink water after having tea?

Tea acts as a stimulant that promotes mental alertness, one of the many advantages it possesses. People normally like to relish a hot cup of tea each morning for this purpose. However, it is not a good practice to drink water immediately after having tea. It is recommended to wait at least 15 minutes before consuming water.WHY?Because if you drink tea that is too hot or too cold, followed by the intake of water, there will be something called temperature shock. This is caused by the sudden change of temperatures of the liquids, which can damage your teeth’s enamel and gums.But waiting for a period of 15 minutes before drinking water has some benefits.The presence of tannin tends to provide a yellow hue after consumption of tea. After a period of 15 minutes from drinking tea, it is good to consume water which helps in preventing discoloration of your teeth. While flushing out the presence of tannin, you will also feel slightly hydrated.Drinking water before consuming tea is also beneficial to health. It prevents acid reflux in the stomach and dilutes the concentrated caffeine content in tea. As a result, this will reduce the harmful effects that the caffeine provides.So, it all depends on how long you wait until you drink water. There are neither any lethal health effects nor any changes to the health benefits you get by drinking a cup of tea made from premium tea leaves, but it would be wise to wait for at least 15 minutes before doing so.

Lemon,Honey,Ginger tea? or Green tea?

ive been feeling reall sick most of the day since i ate a takeaway earlier /: i ate at about 3.00 roughly and ive felt sick since. had a few pains and been a little constipated, awful really! i haven't eaten olt since then! cause i ate aload of rubbish yesterday aswell, and so i thought i should give my guts a rest untill later when it gets light. Anyway ive had four big glasses of water, but i want something different as im not keen on tap water and its nearly making me wretch :L

Ive noticed we have some Lemon,honey and ginger tea and green tea in the cupboards would one of these be okay to drink? and which one you recommend best? plus why is possible?

Lemon tea is horrible but i know ginger works or something so its worth a try! please help!

Is it okay to use bottled water instead of distilled water in a facial steamer?

No, because usually bottled water is simply spring water or tap water, and it has lots of trace minerals that our bodies need, but will clog steamers in the long run.

You can buy distilled water at any grocery store in gallon jugs for much cheaper than individual sized bottled water.

Can tea/coffee be made from hot tap water instead of boiled water?

If that's all you got and you just have to have coffee, sure.
Are you talking about instant or brewed?
But hot water from the tap is kinda yucky it has sediments in it from the tank that are not good for you.