Is War And Violence Almost Always Counterproductive

My daughter is violent what should i do?

Her and her father just don't get along so when shes in trouble its full out war.
Sounds like 'daddy' needs to set a better example

My daughter has also had problems in school shes very smart but she disrespects the teachers and finds it funny.
Let me ask you something. Does the teacher respect her? Resspect works two ways you know.

she hangs out with other kids and never hurts them but she says that the goody two shoes annoy her. she recently had a friend over that was a goody two shoes that she got along with and my daughter said she was pushed off a skateboard and was almost pushed down a hill by railroad tracks and the friend stared hitting her but didn't leave marks. My son said it was true the friend hit her for no reason but also that my daughter started throwing punches.
Your daughter was defending herself. What did you expect. She was nearly killed and then her friend hit her. Come on. Think lady

My daughter left bruises on the kids back. In the past she has been beat up a lot. in fifth grade she was in a fight a day but rarely won and she was fighting the same guy every time. All her other friends think she is hilarious and so does she but she hurt a kid and the other friends still find it hilarious. I took away her cell phone after the fight with the friend but she Just screams you are making it worse you are making it worse. I don't want her to text people that are encouraging her to hurt people.
You punished her for defending herself?

I didnt have these problems with my other children Her teachers have told me to have her checked for A.D.D but muy daughter just screams and cry she doesnt want to. What should i do???
She might have ADD but she needs her mother to be on her side. Yes have her checked but you need to start thinking about your behavior too.

Is Mahatma Gandhi's concept of non-violent struggle (Satyagraha) still relevant in the present world? Is it right/wrong to presume that it might not be able to solve the major problems the world is facing now?

Let me start by quoting "Albert Einstein's views on Gandhi"After 2-3 generations, looking at the situation in Gandhi's own country everyone must be doubting that "Einstein's words will be true".Nonviolence is not the concept designed & created by Gandhi. Citing of use of non violence  can be seen in almost all "Holy texts".In one such texts, they say"I foresee no good will come from killing my own kindred in war.  Even though they slay me, I wish not to strike them.  How can we be happy, having slain our own kindred?"In history, Buddha, Mahavir, Emperor Ashoka and many others also propagated the importance of nonviolence and established religions based on nonviolence....But, Gandhi mastered the execution of the concept and proved it by delivering above the normal results. That, my sir... deserves him respect.As for my understanding, His principles are still relevant in present world because,His rules are simple to understand and easy to follow as a starter. Yet, they demand highest order of determination from a person to master.His principles and technique of satyagraha are highly efficient instruments of peaceful economic, social and political change which have been replicated across the world.His peaceful means for resolving all conflicts is the only way to escape the disaster nuclear war.In its totality, Gandhi’s teachings are highly inspiring and serves as a signpost to humanity marching towards a better, happier and more harmonious world.On a lighter note (Programmer Gandhi):Thanks User for returning the favor. ;)

Why are there no successful black countries?

Successful black countries- Gabon ,nigeria, ghana, cote d'ivoire, south africa, cameroon, Barbados, Seychelles, Trinidad, Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, St Kitts, Anguilla, Equilateral Guinea, Cape Verde.

Gabon is almost completely Black and is LIGHT YEARS ahead of South Africa and even a few countries in Europe. Botswana is doing a little better than South Africa and Ghana and Angola have very fast growing economies in the world.

Barbados is among the wealthiest country in the world, it has the 3rd best quality of life in the Western Hemisphere and there are also a few more nations in that region that are very successful but since they have small population they do not receive much credit.

Colonialism, famine, disease, genocide, mass graves, constant coups, corrupt government and war are issues in some African countries have not the whole continent. Africa is not a mess, you have to learn more about the continent.

This is the Africa your Americanized media never shows you -

Trust me when I say a lot of African countries are doing okay.

What is the role of Maoist, Marxist and Leninist ideology in motivating radicalism and political violence in 19th and 20th century?

Politics has always been violent. The Bolshevik Revolution came after three years of senseless violence by Liberal Capitalism in the First World War. They overthrew a government determined to keep that war going.See Brendan Clifford on the Russian Revolution – 1.And revolution became part of politics from the French Revolution. Marx and Engels declared themselves amidst the failed liberal revolutions of 1848.Many of the freedoms now assumed in the West might not have happened without the pressure of the Soviet Union as an alternative system. See The Left Redefined ‘The Normal’.

Is war ever the right thing to do?

In Erich Maria Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front", it is suggested that war is never a solution, and is simply the antithesis to humanity. However, culture in the United States and elsewhere continuously glorifies war as an avenue to freedom, glory, and honor. Does the end justify the means?