Is Weed Legal In California And Do You Need A Medical Card To Smoke It

In california can you get a medical card and smoke while on the deferred program?

You could get a doctor's recommendation that you use marijuana, which would allow you to legally possess marijuana under California law. Nothing you have stated would bar you from doing that. The question is whether possession of marijuana, which would still violate federal law, would be a violation of the terms of your deferred program. I am not an expert in Texas law, but I would want to get some assurance from the court which allows you to participate in that program that marijuana use as authorized by the laws of a different state will not subject you to punishment for a violation in Texas.

Do you need a medical marijuana card in California?

You don't need a "card." A card is just evidence that you have what you DO need: a recommendation from a doctor. If you do not have a recommendation from a doctor, you cannot legally possess MJ under CA law no matter what ailment you may claim. (And, of course, it is still illegal under federal law.)

Is it illegal to smoke weed in public in California as a 21 year old?

You won't be able to light up a marijuana joint on the sidewalk or in a bar. Under the ballot measure, marijuana still cannot be smoked in public places, unless it is allowed by a local ordinance.In addition, marijuana cannot be smoked in places where state law already prohibits tobacco smoking, including restaurants and theaters.

Is it legal to smoke weed in California?

No, although the penalties are not severe.  The charge of possession of up to one ounce of cannabis from a misdemeanor to an infraction, similar to a traffic violation, with a $100 fine and no mandatory court appearance or criminal record.An exception is provisions under the Medical Marijuana Medical Protection Act, allowing people with cancer, AIDS and other chronic illnesses the right to grow or obtain marijuana for medical purposes when recommended by a doctor.

Is it legal to smoke pot in California?

Of course it's true! Haven't you heard that everything you hear is ALWAYS true?!?!?

For the people who gave me a thumbs down, I'm pretty sure he could tell that it was sarcasm.

If smoking pot really was legall in California without some type of permit, then every pothead would move to California...

Is it legal in CA to smoke weed in a parked car?

Me and my friends were smoking weed in my car in a neighborhood and somebody called the cops on us. All 3 of us have our medical cards and we were planning on getting out of the car and walking to my friends house after we were done smoking, because we can't smoke in his house, we were literally right down the street from the house. The cops came up to the car and were threatening charging me with a DUI, the officer was completely biased against Marijuana saying that he had 3 knee surgeries and he doesn't smoke (like I care). He ended up giving all of us littering tickets because my friends emptied out tobacco onto the street, I didn't throw anything out but the officer said he didn't believe me. The cops exact words were, "either I give the driver a DUI or I give all 3 of you littering tickets." Also, he asked me if there was any other weed in the car, there was none, but again, he said he didn't believe me. I don't understand what that has to do with anything because the medical card allows possession up to 8 oz. At the moment of this, I had no idea how to react because I've never been in this type of situation. My question is, is smoking in a parked car legal? I don't understand how that can bring a DUI charge, I'd appreciate any constructive answer to this. My record is clean and I understand I don't look like an angel here but I don't want to pay a $1,000 littering ticket for something I didn't even do. Thanks in advance.

Why was weed legalized in California?

First for all, I think your question requires a bit more specification. As Mikhaila Weber rightly pointed out medical cannabis has been legal in the golden state since 1996. Recreational cannabis will finally reach the 39 million population of the golden state. In my opinion, cannabis was legalized because simply put, people felt the need to deserve complete, legal protection to their cannabis use-whether medical or recreational. In matters of usage, you must keep in mind that california and Colorado are the two biggest consumers of marijuana.Plus, estimates point out that the recreational marijuana industry is set to bring $7 billion in revenue for the state.All in all, it was just the government listening the people. The same trend is likely( and also is currently ) spreading all over the nation, and very soon to other world nations.

Since weed is legal in California, can a 21-year-old just walk in and buy it?

Yes, as long as you have an ID card or a license showering you are 21 or older. It's the same as buying beer and cigarettes.

Can you get a medical marijuana card in California when you’re 18?

First you should be aware about the laws for medical marijuana in the California. If you are 18 you cannot buy marijuana until it is not for medicinal purposes. You should qualify any of the medical conditions (mentioned by the state authorities).You need to get a medical recommendation by a 420 doctor. There are various online websites where you can get your card by simply allying online. Example i get my card from Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online - Fast Doctor Recommendation . They have three simple steps. Filling form, a video call from doctor and your card in your email (PDF).

Marijuana is now legal in California, my landlord says I cant smoke on property where I live. Is it legal?

Your landlord can absolutely prohibit you from possessing or smoking marijuana in a rental property.You are incorrect when you say that marijuana is legal in California. Although the state of California has decriminalized marijuana, the use and possession of marijuana remains a crime under federal law.Furthermore, California state law specifically excludes marijuana from the provision of its landlord/tenant law that generally gives tenants the right to grow potted plants in rented single-family homes and duplexes.California state law also gives landlords the right to prohibit tenants from smoking tobacco in any form, either inside or outside of their rental units. It does not matter that the use and possession of tobacco products is legal.Just because something is lawful doesn’t mean that your landlord has to permit it. If you read your lease in its entirety, I have no doubt you will find at least half a dozen clauses prohibiting you from engaging in certain types of lawful conduct. Your lease probably prohibits you from making substantial alterations to the physical premises. It probably prohibits you from painting your bedroom hot pink. It probably prohibits you from storing large cardboard boxes on your balcony. It probably prohibits you from playing loud music late at night. It probably prohibits you from having more than a certain number of pets. The fact that it would be legal for you to engage in these behaviors if the lease did not prohibit them is irrelevant. If the lease says you can’t do it, then you can’t do it.