Is Whether The Young Are Treated Well And Respected Show A Nation

Should you respect women because they're women? I don’t respect anyone just because they’re a certain gender, and I think it’s sad that some feel that this needs to be taught to us.

All things being equal, no. You need to respect women because they’re human beings. You don’t need to legitimize that respect (the way we saw here in the US after “Pussygate”) by saying, “Oh, I have daughters, sisters, a wife, a mother, etc.” A statistically stunning 100% of all human beings have one of those (see graphic below). So all you need to say/do is respect women, period, at all times, no matter what. No need to explain that respect (and subsequently feign a case of the vapors when you —surprise!— find out that they are treated like shit every day of their lives).But all things are not equal. We live in a world where —while some women do have power, and some nations do a pretty good job— on the whole, humanity kind of sucks at respecting women, their bodies, their achievements and pretty much anything at all connected with them. Their contributions are not considered equally, and they are lectured by men on what feminism is, what date rape is. They are told how to manage their bodies and are blamed when they get raped.So, until we can say “all things are equal”, it’s important to highlight that appalling disparity and make sure that we respect women and adjust our behavior accordingly. Yes, some of that will mean that you adjust your tone of voice and what you say in ways that you wouldn’t say to men. You might look at your pal, Doug, and “mansplain” to him freely. But when you stop a female colleague at work and do the same, you should take into consideration the fact that in every meeting she’s shushed to silence, that her ideas aren’t respected —even when they’re the same as a male’s ideas—, that they are asked to do clerical duties multiples of times more than men (see: taking notes) which prevent them from contributing wholly during the meetings and are otherwise disrespected to a degree that would make a male bring an AK to work and gun down his coworkers.And you might go a step further and start identifying those behaviors in others. You might start calling them out on it. You might become an ally and start looking for way to level the playing field. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s just start with your behaviors first. Respect women because they’re people.

Do you think respect is earned or deserved?

I am baffled that some people think respect can only be earned. I do think that there are certain levels of respect that need to be earned. I appreciate when someone tries to gain my trust and earn my respect. However I think everyone, even complete strangers deserve a certain level of common courtesy and respect. Human nature is to be selfish. To think of yourself first. It's always important in my opinion to put forth an effort to act differently and treat others with respect. (For example holding doors, saying please and thank you, helping someone in need load their groceries- the list could go on and on)

What are your thoughts?

In which country are Indians respected the most?

I have traveled to Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Russia, UAE, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia. I will answer one by one below. I don't want to stereotype entire population by few interactions.Hong Kong - People are busy in their life. They don't bother about anyone. Whether you're Indian or European or American. They just don't care.Macau - People are very friendly and humble. They just don't understand English.Malaysia - They interact with Indians on daily basis. 10% of the Malaysia population is Indian. Lots of Indians travel there. So it's normal for them to see an Indian. They neither respect nor disrespect.Russia - They love India and Indians. Moscow is like Delhi & St Petersburg is like Mumbai. Few of the Moscow people are bit rude, they don't speak English. St Petersburg people are very polite and friendly. Siberian people are the best among all Russians. Also ex-soviet central Asians respect and love India a lot. I found Russia with mixed attitude. In restaurants, waitress have a bad attitude. Drivers and other people are friendly.UAE - They like Bollywood. They respect India and India-UAE have a good relationship. Many Arabs can understand and speak Hindi.Czech Republic - They're friendly towards everyone. Not just India. If you ask them for help, they'll definitely help you.Slovakia - Most friendliest people I have seen yet. People are sweet and welcoming. Would love to visit again.Austria - They're not rude. But they're busy in their own lives like Hong Kong.Germany - They love India and Indians. People have a good sense of humour.Belgium - Country is full of immigrants. Hardly I could interact with any local. I interacted more with Indians, Pakistanis than any local.

Women are most respected in ISLAM then any other religion.?

If women are so respected in Islam - especially by Muhammad - please read the post that someone else put out here but which disappeared when I tried to rply - it was all about Muhammad having innumerable wives - including marrying a 6yr old and having sex with her when she was 9. Ok, forget that - but marrying his adopted kids wife - and going against his own rules about having sex equaly with women till ayisha caught him with another woman Maria and he tried to bribe her into submission saying that he'd never look at Maria again if she didnt tell anyone.. look.. your 1st point says women are twin halves of men.. then why can't women do the same? Why aren't' the women having multiple husbands and sex slaves? If they're allowed to get eduction, why aren't they allowed to work in equal jobs with equal pay? And why don't the men aid in cooking and raising kids?
Why did Muhammad take advantage of his being respected by one and all by having sex with every female he came across?
Im sorry... but I can't respect a guy who can't hold it in his pants, or a paedophile. Maybe he had alot of good concepts, but he was NOT faultless as the Quran preaches. What about loyalty? Why marry at all if you cant be loyal? Why not just stay single and go having sex with everyone instead of denegrating the word marriage?
You say yourself "2-The world and all things in it are valuable; but the most valuable thing in the world is a virtuous woman. " but why does Muhammad not consider a virtuous man valuable? HuH?? Are men to be immune to responsibility and value? How fair is that?

Does everyone inherently deserve respect or do they have to earn it?

Everyone deserves a certain amount of respect. To have no respect for someone would be to believe they are beneath you— pride and arrogance.These two things, pride and arrogance, are the factors of the dehumanization of others. To treat someone as sub-human, is to dehumanize someone.By doing this, you are being unjust, as the general rights of an individual are not being fulfilled. This means that by not treating someone with a basic level of decency and respect is to be unjust. Unrighteous.Of course, there are people who demand respect. That in itself is pride. The cycle continues.Then there are people, e.g. teachers who expect respect. Every teacher should be given respect until they are proven not deserving it. This is only in extreme cases. Teachers are educators. They are often the next level after your family, and friends. To begin with rudeness, and expect a teacher to earn your respect, creates a disharmony among the people.A balanced, equal, just environment is what one wants to live in. But, peace is also the pin in the board keeping the paper in place.To maintain the peace is to show respect. To understand your position in society and not overstep it unless you have acquired the skill sets to do so, is to be respectful.Show everyone respect. They may not deserve it, but do so and they may do so in return. If they don’t, why drop to their character?

Why should we respect elders?

We should not respect anybody who does not deserve respect, whether they are elders or not. And the only way to know who deserves respect is for people to demonstrate that they are worthy of respect. This is another way of saying that people "earn" respect.Some people talk about elders having more experience in life. However, experience by  itself does not make a person worthy of respect. Many people do not learn from their experience and continue to act in ways that are not deserving of respect. So, experience alone does not entitle a person to respect, no matter how old he or she is. One way to earn the respect of others is to treat others with respect. Many elders fail this test, even if they don't do anything that is really terrible (such as commit crimes or abuse others). If elders want to receive respect from others, they need to treat others with respect, just like anyone else. That is one of the main ways of earning respect. In traditional societies, elders often feel entitled to treat younger people without respect. This is just the way elders in such societies behave, and this makes them unworthy of respect.For example, there are many cases in traditional societies where elders have forced their children to marry someone for the sake of money, or power, or privilege, or family connections, and the children have suffered tremendously as a result of being married to the wrong person. This sort of behaviour on the part of elders shows disrespect for their children. Since they, themselves, have not shown respect, such elders are definitely not worthy of the respect of others. Their "experience in life" has taught them nothing about how to behave like decent human beings.In many traditional societies, respect for elders has been the reason why those societies have remained backward and have not made any progress in terms of human rights, moral values, and general social advancement. Blind respect for elders is the same as blind respect for authority, since elders in traditional societies are automatically given a position of authority because of their age. However, as Albert Einstein said: "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." And he was absolutely right.

Why are kids/young adults so messed up today, compared to years ago?

I am 19, and I am sick and tired of people my age. I thought that once I left high school and went to attend a decent college, I would escape from the idiots and actually be around useful people for once in my life. WRONG. Now, I am just surrounded by people who think that if it feels good, you should do it, which is the mentality hippies generously contributed to this country, which is degrading our culture. I hardly ever hear a conversation that is not about sex, pot, drinking, or relationship drama. I think I am one of the few kids I know who actually tries in school and doesn't party 4 days a week (I can enjoy an occasional party, but I am not one to waste my mind partying more than half the week). I know so many kids who couldn't even drive a nail straight, never mind being the head of a company or doing anything useful for a job after getting out of college. Sure, there are a lot of idiots among my parents' generation, but I noticed a lot more people in their generation have practical, real-life skills and contribute to society. My dad and many other guys his age I know of could fix a car, fix broken appliances, etc. at my age, along with being able to run a company. China is literally buying out this country because of the massive stupidity that is running rampant right now, and Germany is following suit. Foreigners and illegal aliens are taking all of our jobs because Americans don't have the practical skills needed for those jobs. I am saddened to think of the future of this country.

I don't know if it is because so many high schools and colleges teach pathetic and useless courses now (my college has classes literally called things like "Queer Studies", "Making Babies" and BS like that and I know of colleges who teach courses like "Fem Sex" and phys ed courses revolved around climbing trees)), or if it is simply the degenerate media today, or both.