Is Writing In A Diary Externalization Or Internalization

How do I emotionally internalize something I know intellectually?

Be very careful about what you wish, because it might come true.Are you sure you want to feel emotions about everything you know intellectually? It's a double edged sword, it's a blessing and a curse respectively at the same time.  Imagine you couldn't feel any emotions about anything, that would be a living hell right? And so would be if you felt emotions for absolutely everything you know.Feeling emotions for stuff you intellectually know are euphoric, good, or everyday stuff and philosophy - hell yeah, why not. But trust me you don't want to feel emotions for horrible things that you know exist or happen to someone or have happened to someone you know. You intellectually are very aware of a lot of terryfing stuff that exist and happen to people, and you surely don't wanna feel it all, and as you get used to feeling stuff emotionally it might just happen that you get to feel everything and not just the stuff you want, but practice can help. But in the following part of my answer I will concentrate on trying to help you practice emotionally feeling stuff rather than advising you.I love the cat fur example given in the other answer so I'll use it as well, say you want to emotionally feel the nice softness of nice cat fur, depending on your personality, there are three approaches of practice you can use to practice. First one would be using imagination only, you try to concentrate and imagine how you feel soft fur with your hand, how it makes you feel, relaxed, makes you feel the softness emotionally too, not just the touch of it, and you have to do this in every approach, the second one would be playing some music, the music that remind you of those feelings and emotions, and concentrate and imagine while listening to it, kinda like meditation. The third approach would be personification of the emotion you want to feel, imagine the feeling of soft cat fur and the emotion it drives into the heart of yours as another person, preferavly the person you have some sort of relationship with, generally just imagine the emotion as a relationship between you and another person. I'm sorry it might not be a realy good answer but I am extremely busy at the moment so I couldn't go more detail on it. Thanks for the A2A and feel free to comment with what you think, all the best.

What should I do if I am contemplating suicide every day of my life?

Fellow quoran, the phase you are going through in your life is not an easy one, I agree with you that looks highly matter no matter, how much people assert it doesn't. Through this answer I want to discuss with you as your fellow teenager. In my early teen days I too used to feel that my friends and class mates ostracized me because of my looks. But gradually I realized that those who wanted to be with me because of my looks aren't worth having, yes dear don't forget looks are ephemeral, it will get fade by every approaching day. I know looks are a great factor which affects our confidence and can boost it too. But being beautiful means to be beautiful from inside also , if you think you are beautiful then you are…….. And everyone will accept that too , how and why someone will accept you as a beautiful person if you yourself are denying this………..If still you are not contented with what I said then go and ask your mother how much pain she endured to bring you on this earth. You can't even imagine that… now ask yourself that whether you want to finish yourself because of some random people who are just futile in your life and will judge you at every point ….. Or you will continue living your life happily ignoring those monkeys :-D …… choice is yours……..Dear, I hope you will give up the idea of finishing yourself and will try to understand the meaning of being beautiful .Life is not about how we appear to others or look , it's about accepting yourself and being the best version of yourself ………..

Is Dialectical Behavioral therapy (DBT) only used on patients with borderline personality disorder, or is it used with other disorders?

BPD and DBT are synonymous, to be sure. At the outset, my therapist had this to say:“I’m not here to hold your hand. Imagine you’re in Hell. I’m here with you, but I can’t pull you out or push you up. I have a ladder, though. And I can guide you to it, guide you out. The ladder is hot to the touch, and every step out is painful—but in order to get out of Hell, you have to WANT to leave.”That last line: You have to want it.DBT carries a great number of skills which can be useful for many different disorders. Mindfulness is a skill that anyone can use, not just those with BPD. For people who are often afraid to speak up for themselves, DBT offers a series of procedures to help one with low self esteem find their voice in defense/support of themselves.But for the most part, DBT is useful for BPD, because those with BPD have a number of issues to work through that other personality disorders don’t necessarily have. DBT can help slightly with PTSD, but there are other modes, other therapies that work more efficiently. DBT can help with OCD, but once again, there are therapies that are geared more towards helping someone through OCD.Bruce Lee would encourage one to never stop learning. To that end, he’d tell you, “Keep what is useful, discard what is not.”

How do I become the person I ultimately want to be?

Establish short and long term goals that suit your passion and interests.Gain mentors and a support system as things don't always go the way we want them to.Success = sacrificeLearn from your mistakes and turn them into opportunities.Take a look at Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and read into it. It is a very interesting practice/theory to self-actualization.If you are uncertain about what degree to pursue; I always recommend Business Administration to any undergrad. Unless you want to become a Doctor, Lawyer, Architect, etc.Be kind to others as there is not enough kindness and respect amongst the human race.Make credible decisions with integrity even if they are hard ones. Don't avoid conflict; be courageous, confront and resolve.Raise your children with old fashioned values and to treat others well. I believe our children, who are our future are becoming more and more shameful.Listen to CNN, Fox News and all other news venues and don't make political statements or choices until you have heard all sides of the story. Be a leader, not a follower.These are just some ideas as I have zero clue how old you are, where you are in life, etc. So, they may or may not assist you.

Do you find that artists are generally crazy?

Well, not really “crazy”, but there's something unusual with artists that i have experienced in the last five years i spent in two art schools. I was 19 and just done with life and people, i could never fit in, it felt like me being here was a mistake. I had this strong feeling that i didnt belong here.Then i joined my first art school. Within two months of staying there, i started to feel like those people and that environment, it was all “mine, my type”. I soon made friends who were like me in different ways. We talked about random stuff and could go on with that for hours. We would set out for a project and do it with such determination. We would go around the streets doing crazy stuff. People often stared at us trying to figure out what we were trying to do (i guess everyone does that as a teenager, but it was different). When for the first time i talked about my “problems”, i saw, they all were like me. They all had come from dysfunctional families, or relationships, we all had come from some or the other kind of problematic background. We knew about each other, and every year, we would welcome newcomers to the “squad”(the asylum). I soon got so attached to the place that it felt like my home, better than my actual house.(i am not exaggerating it). Whenever i wanted to run away, i would go there and sit there for hours alone. I guess most of us shared the same feeling for that home we created.We had two art departments there; fine art and music. And 90% of the people in these two departments were socially awkward, most were suicidal, some were overly emotional, some overly dramatic. These two buildings bought all of us together. So basically i think it's not like artists are crazy, i would rather say crazy people are inclined towards art, and most of them listen to their heart and set out to become artists.