Islamically Can You Put A Dead Body In A Coffin

What does seeing dead bodies in a dream imply?

A dream may have an interpretation that is symbolic or an actual representation of your fears or plans. There are many dream versions where dead bodies take part of the overall story; an example is provided below:What does it mean to dream about being in a room with many dead corpses hanging from the ceiling upside down?Dead bodies are bodies that died, bodies that do not live anymore, bodies that used to speak, listen, feel and smell, but dead bodies don’t do that anymore. Dead bodies have stopped doing that and so did you regarding a certain aspect of your life.Whatever you stopped doing or suppressed, that is something what the remainder of your dream has told you.

Why are bodies specifically buried six feet deep? Why THAT number?

I have been present at some exhumations for my job. One thing I was surprised at was how shallowly the coffins were under the surface of the ground. These were in ‘modern’ cemeteries.6 feet deep is how deep they dig the hole.. the coffin is placed in that hole- the coffin being at around 2 feet- then there was a concrete vault (to keep from collapsing in future- required by some cemeteries). They are actually only about ‘3 feet under’ the surface.Others have answered your question of why- but I wanted to clarify that they are not actually under 6 feet of earth.Edited to add pictures with my mad clip art skills-Also, in the one exhumation I arrived at early, the headstone was facing differently than I expected. I thought you were standing over the body when facing the headstone.The other exhumations I went to, already had the headstone moved by the time I got there, so that may have been a one off.

Is it true that Muslims are simply buried in the ground (not in a coffin) when they die?

yes. But just to make it more clear. The dead are washed thoroughly, just like "wudo" when preparing for prayer. The person washing the dead then places a cotton material covering the genital area and the bottom (this is because in the islamic religion, if you had been a "bad" person and a non-believer of Allah, you will be punished in your grave, and you pretty much **** urself as your grave tightens and becomes very uncomfortable. The dead are then wrapped in I THINK 7 layers of white cloth, very tight and secured. They are then put into a coffin (temporarily) and taken to the mosque so people in the mosque can pray for them. After the mosque, the dead are then taken to the burial ground, taken out of the coffin, and buried in the ground only with the white cloth covering their whole entire body, head to toe.

Can you describe what happens during an islam funeral?

In direct answer to your questions:

--Food is not part of the Islamic funeral observances. Cultural practices vary widely.

--The site below describes the service in detail.

--There is no special style of dress. Mourners follow the usual Islamic rules of modesty.

--Prayer can be offered at any time.

--The service takes only a few minutes.

--The prayer can be offered in any place that is clean and free of idols.

--Male relatives of the deceased always attend the funeral prayer. In some cultures, female relatives do not. Friends, neighbors, and colleagues follow the same pattern.

--The prayer is led by a male Muslim who is considered to be knowledgeable about religion.

--The wider community is seldom involved.

--The funeral should take place as quickly as possible after the death. The body is washed by people of the same gender, ideally (but not always) relatives, perfumed, and wrapped in clean white cloth. A funeral prayer is offered. The body is, ideally, buried in a deep grave, lying on the right side, facing Makkah. The body is not embalmed, and a coffin is not used, unless required by local law. Women seldom attend burials, but are not prohibited from doing so.

--The bereaved receive guests between the maghreb and isha prayers for three days following the burial. This event is called "azza." Visitors read the Holy Qur'an, offer supplications, and comfort the bereaved during their visit.