It Dreamed I Had A School Presentation. What Does It Mean

What does it mean to lose your clothes in a dream?

Clothes relate to social roles and activities, ‘a mask”. Losing clothes can relate to change in social status, losing a habitual role in life. If you end up naked - this is usually about vulnerability, feeling exposed. If you are still wearing clothes - the ones you have left with can show what is important for you at the moment - the main role you play, which is still there even when other things became unimportant or impossible. The type of clothes which were stolen can show what role you lost - for example, if these were the party clothes - you do not go out or party anymore, due to other responsibilities. Losing vacation clothes - it is not the right time to go on vacation etc.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you haven't seen in years?

Dream Analysis cannot yet be termed as an actual science, therefore, the interpretations are very different in every method used to interpret them. Also, one situation in a dream could mean very different things to two different people.Here is my theory about dreams-Dreams are how your brain performs maintenance when you are asleep.They help to reinforce certain feelings by triggering subconscious memories associated with that feeling.Your brain knows what you are to do tomorrow morning; dreams are its way of preparing you for the day by making you experience the things that you may experience during the day.They are also a mechanism to reinforce the importance of certain tasks that you are going to do- for example, you seeing that you have forgotten your boarding pass just one day before your flight; or you not fully clothed going to a very important meeting.If the above 4 points are true, seeing someone you have not seen in years would mean that your brain thought it was important for you to feel the emotion that you had associated with them.The other possibility that I have been exploring with the same situation is that you have been hearing or reading about this person but not consciously (for example, overhearing a background conversation about the person but not paying attention to it, seeing something about them while scrolling facebook but not making a mental note). This information gets registered in your subconscious mind, the brain gets to its task of filtering the information in your subconscious as its regular maintenance activity and sees that some of this information might be important to you. The brain then turns this into a presentation that is played out as your dream.Makes sense? This is just a theory…

High school reunion dream what does it mean?

I've had this dream a few times recently. Once it was more like a formal dance reunion, and last night it was like a random party where I saw people from high school. I don't live in the same state and haven't seen any of these people since high school. Some times people in the dreams are people I was friends with, sometimes just acquaintances or just people I knew their name and didn't know them well. Never the same people. Some I'm friends with on facebook so I guess that could be something, but some I'm definitely not and have not thought of them forever.

What does blurred vision in a dream mean?

I have reoccurring dreams in which the setting and plot differs but I have trouble seeing. I know where I am and what my purpose is, but all that I can see are bright lights and colors and blurry outlines of people.

Last night my dream had something to do with a school like auditorium and presentation and a pool. We all had to dive into a pool and rest at the bottom waiting for a surge of water to splash us to the top and let us jump above the pool. It was about 30 feet deep and I was very concerned because my water surge would not go off and I was stuck at the bottom of the pool! I seemed to be able to breath underwater and I could open my eyes (but not see, even though I cannot open my eyes underwater in real life). Then my friends dove into the water and started to playfully grab me, but I couldn't see them and couldn't tell who they were.

These dreams frighten me and give me headaches because I am truly convinced that I will have to get my eyes checked because I fear I'm blind. The sensation is almost as if you were squinting your eyes and they're on the verge of ring shut, but everything seems bright and stressful.

What could this mean?

If you got rejected from your dream school(s), what would you do?

When I was 9 years old, my older brother got rejected from MIT. I vowed that I would dowhatever it took to get in there, so that I could turn it down and go somewhere else instead (because I wanted to be a lawyer).For 8 years, I did everything I could to get into MIT. I joined the right clubs, I got the right grades, got a 2350 on my SAT, andtook all the AP classes my school offered (plus a few more). I didn't seriously consider the school until I visited it before my junior year of high school, and I realized that it actually could be the place where I got the degree I wanted (Linguistics, because of Noam Chomsky, an MIT professor emeritus).When I was 17, I got rejected from MIT. I had been deferred out of Early Action, and a few days later I learned that my best friend’s boyfriend (who had completely different clubs than mine, but lower GPA, SAT, and AP scores) had gotten in for Computer Science. I felt very disappointed, even cried a little (though especially because I didn't know he applied and nobody told me he got in for 3 days after it happened) but ultimately waited to hear back from my other reach school, Brown. I hadn't been extremely invested in it, though I did love the campus and academics, so it didn't really sting when I got rejected again.That left my two safety options - RPI and UConn. I, after visiting each campus and a few emails with RPI’s financial aid, settled on RPI, because for slightly higher tuition could allow me to pursue a dual major and graduate a year early. I will graduate with about 15,000 in loans, unless I stay for a 4th year to get a master’s degree.Ultimately, I think that getting rejected from my dream schools was the best thing that could have happened. I was so focused on their shiny new campuses, interesting students, and the prestige of beating the odds for admission that I never really considered whether those schools were the best path towards what I actually wanted to do, and who I actually wanted to become. RPI was really the best choice for me from the start, and only through some harsh rejections was I able to see that.Dream schools are wonderful, and the people who get into their dream schools are incredibly lucky. But don't forget that the best place for you to grow and develop might not be the place you expect from the brochures.

Why do I dream that I'm back to my school as a student?

Restate the dream. Often this is the surest road to seeing the meaning of a dream. For example, if I were to restate your dream, I would say that you are in a place of learning (dedicated to training you to fulfill your role in life).Can you see how restating like this would help you see the meaning in your dreams?You are currently in a place ( situation) in your life in which you are learning to play out some role you are being asked to play. And the fact that you had already completed a college education (and that fact was referenced in your dream) would also be important. It would be saying that though you have already learned about playing out some role or another in your life, you are having to undergo learning once again. This could happen when one finds themselves in a new situation in their life, and has a need to learn to play a new role, or a need to learn to play an old role in a new way.So, ask your self; what new role am I learning to play? If you can see that, the other details in your dream may come into focus (after you have taken them through the restatement process. As you restate your dream, look for the essential elements of what you are restating. For example, a college is different than a primary school an a high school. The essential difference in a College is that it is designed to prepare you for a specific kind of job, or field of work. This essential aspect of a college education provides the associations from which the symbolic meaning of a College education is derived.More goes into what constitutes symbolic meaning than that, but restatement of essentials is by far the most important thing to understand. There is a logic to this method, which can be identified and confirmed after you allow yourself to intuit what the restatement of essentials is. Restatement is genuinely an intuited behavior. Yet you can check the essential associations after the intuited phase is done for confirmation that you have not simply imposed some eroneous meaning on some symbol.The idea here is that Symbolic meaning is actually derived from our associations with things, on three levels.Our Personal experience/associations with thingsOur Cultural experience with thingsOur Species-wide experience with thingsAnd there is more to understanding dreams than this, but this is enough for the present occaision.

What does it mean to see dead dogs in your dream?

Your dream suggests that something around you is noxious to your sense of right and wrong.

Dogs generally convey a sense of affection to most people. There are exceptions, but usually when we see one in distress (or dead) it is something that evokes sympathy.

Add to that the putrid nature of the event. This is beyond suffering and both robs the creatures of dignity and produces a rotten environment that you must tolerate.

You've asked the deeper questions about this dream that bring you close to the realization of what the dream relates to and therefore means -

What does seeing them mean? It appears it means whatever it is in your daily existence in that place that you must be - possibly school, or possibly another situation for which school is a proxy - seems to cause harm to innocents. Those who cannot do more for themselves are hurt - and the dream likely exaggerates - 'hurt' in some way, not 'killed'. Exaggerations in dreams bring our focus to them to try to understand.

The horrible smell? The thing that does this harm is at least nearly evil - it has an ill intent or is neglectful - putrid in the intellectual sense, even as the dream makes it more viscerally offensive. This too is an exaggeration most likely that is meant to stress that point - "yes, this is bad - it needs attention".

Whatever the thing or situation is that does this is systemic in your life - it is not easily avoided. Is your school distasteful or unsatisfactory for some reason? Have you had to move to a new school where the situation is strange and perhaps the people and place don't seem to measure up to your esthetic and moral expectations? Do you sense a less than desirable focus on quality academics? Is the place well kept / do you feel safe there?

And this could apply to something else, again the school may simply be proxy to whatever it is. That happens sometimes when we are hesitant to face the real issue due to personal closeness to someone or for some similar reason.

Take a look around at what goes in your life. Perhaps you may find that some of this fits in a way that could explain the dream. If you are able to identify such a situation then you are a step closer to dealing with it, even if that means just coping with something you cannot change.

I hope this helps in your understanding.

All the best to you.

What does this dream of me being a US Marine mean?

I wanted to be a Marine when I was younger but I was disqualified because of the medication I was taking and still am taking. I am 26 years old and I wanted to be a Marine all throughout high school that makes any difference.I dreamt I actually got accepted into the Marine Corps and I forgot the rest except the part where I was in a place where there was a whole bunch of dead marines who were just outta boot camp and got killed in Iraq and I remember thinking to myself "what did I get myself into!? I'm gonna end up as dead as these dead bodies that have to be in their early 20's" I was also a few years younger in the dream. The people were just piling on the dead bodies like it was no big deal. It was like they were handling food getting ready to be packaged if you know what I the carelessness of where they are putting the dead young marines like they are hardened to it and like it's business. I was also thinking of how they just got outta boot camp and most likely went into the marines to change their life and here is the dead bodies of all the young men who died and nobody cares like it's all just business. In the dream I was thinking..not now if you know what I mean. So what does it mean if it means anything?

I had a dream last night about ladybugs what does it mean?

You're right, ladybugs are usually good, but an infestation of them is not good. It's a sign showing that things are out of balance, what's good is now bad because there's too much of it. Things could be out of balance in your life, not through anything you've done but perhaps through some "curse" or some bad influence over your life. In a way you need to get out of the boarding house - which is your life. Or you need to take serious steps to do what you can to clean out the infestation, now, by helping to bring balance and order to the situation.