It Seems Like My Family Doubt Me

Why does my own family doubt me?

I hate when I try to do something and I have my dad or my grandfather telling me "Yeah you probably won't do it" and then it nags me and I start to doubt myself. I hate how everything I attempt to do is always confronted with such a negative attitude and it usually makes me not want to do it either. I don't know why they can't just have a little bit of faith in me and trust me to be able to do something. Why do they always put me down?

My Family doubts me !?

Lately my family has been doubting me . i tell them i wanna go to college and become something and they say things like yeah right . We will see about that. I mean that's family they should support me not doubt me. :/. I just wanna leave.smh. It's sad how the world is

Why does my family doubt me?

whenever i talk about my future my mom rolls her eyes and tells me to stop. i want to go to college in los angeles, california and we like in new york. my family makes decent money but why is it my mom doubts me? my grades weren't great 3/4 of my freshmen year but the last quarter i got straight a's. whenever i talk about my future for college my mom gets so mad. am i being unrealistic about going to school in california?

My family doubts me How should I deal with this?

I'm 17 years old and I attend a secondary school because I'm behind I attend school everyday so I could do better but my Grandmother and Mother always doubts me saying things like I'm not gonna be nothing but a teen mother and a dropout I try to ignore what they say. When my grandmother says it I can kinda shrug it off but when It comes out of my mother mouth it never goes away when she say negative stuff about me It replays in my head the whole time I don't know how to deal with this, Just because I don't go to a real high school at the moment they're doubting me I don't plan on staying in the credit recovery school just until I get enough credits to be considered a senior I plan on graduating and everything I go to school and do my work all the time and then I come home to negativity like your not gonna be **** but a dropout and have lots of kids like really :( they suppose to be motivating me If I didn't have a great boyfriend that supports me and always tell me he loves me and that I'm gonna graduate I seriously think I would of killed myself It hurts so bad to hear it from my family and I feel like nobody really loves me at all but my boyfriend who graduated this year with straight A's and 4.0 GPA ... Then when I try to go out just to get away from this **** my moms would call my grandmother and talk **** about me and then we sometimes have family parties I go and I hear **** like I'm pregnant and I'm doing this and that when I'm really not I don't want to disappoint my mother or family in anyway but when they think like they do I just sometimes think well maybe I should go out and do what they assume I'm doing but I don't because its not me the only way I know of dealing this is moving away from my family but I cant because I'm only 17. I don't wanna be away from my family even though they FAKE, my boyfriend 18 who I try to spend most of my time with because that's the only place I can go and I don't have to worry about anything or anyone saying I'm doing bad stuff and I be happy ... Any ideas on how to deal with this ?

My family has always doubted me in everything I do, would I be wrong if I didn’t share my success with them?

It is acceptance that makes or breaks a family. If the members of the family accept each other with open arms, it makes a happy and close knit family. If the members don't accept each other the way they are, it wont be as close knit as above but still it would be a family.A family is a place where you go when you have nowhere to go.I understand completely when you say your family doubted your credential and it makes perfect sense if you don't wish to share your success with them. But let me tell you that a family with imperfections is still a family.It's good if you share your success with them, not because you should forgive them but because let them realise their mistake.Also I believe success is something that makes you humble and down to earth.You are having certain responsibilities towards your family and you should fulfil them.This makes you successful in truest sense. But don't expect anything in return. Do it as your duty and forget it.Hope it helps.Cheers!!!

My mom doubts me?

My mom and I were talking about colleges(even though it is 4 years away for me) and I was saying how I would like to get into an ivy league. It has always been a dream to get into one, and as I was talking about it, she told me that I wouldn't be able to get in and that I should just go in-state because we are poor and we wouldn't be able to afford out of state. She told me that no matter what I do, my grades and scores will still be mediocre.(even though I have straight A's). It really upset me that my own mom doesn't believe in me, and now I have this burning feeling of wanting to prove her wrong. Why does she doubt me, what should I do, and what are you opinions?

Everyone in my family doubts me?

Hi Adriana,
I hope you get well soon and recover from your accident.
Don't let anyone put you down from all you can be. Be positive and stay strong!
Don't hate your family for their behavior, it'll only make things hard for you.
Instead, take this as an opportunity, a challenge to prove to them your potential as to how much you can do and achieve even after facing many set-backs!

Work hard and become a doctor and prove that you don't need hope because you have the guts to chase after your dreams and achieve them. Do not be discouraged and never give up.

Every time you feel like crying, listen to some motivating songs and keep focused on your goal. Talk to people who believe in you and encourage you. Do not pay attention to the words of a critic.
This will pass away and once you achieve, everyone will learn to give you the respect you deserve.
And who knows, they might even take you as their role model. Until then, keep smiling, keep strong and recover soon. Good luck!

Why do my parents doubt me when I use my phone?

Some parents are like that. They don’t need a reason to NOT trust you. They just don’t want to take a risk. Some parents also think that all teenagers are the same and that all teenagers are gonna fall into some sort of “trap”. Especially when they hear stories of other people’s kids, they make sure to take extra precaution.When something happens to someone else’s kid, the first person that comes to their mind is their own kid. Its like if your parents saw on the news that someone’s child got kidnapped, their mind would suddenly go to a hypothetical situation of “What is that was my son/ daughter?”.Now, this might or might not be true for your own parents.But what you should do, is talk to them about it. CALMLY.Ask them if they doubt what you do on your phone. And if they do, ask them WHY. And talk to them calmly as if you were genuinely trying to understand their perspective. And then explain to them that all you do is talk to your friends, play games, etc etc (whatever you do on your phone).Another thing that helps is if you showed them things on your phone. IM NOT SAYING TO SHOW THEM EVERYTHING ON YOUR PHONE BTW.What I mean is… for example: if your friend sent you something funny that happened at his/her house… WITHOUT your parents asking you “what are you watching?”, go upto them and show them the video/photo and say “Omg mum/dad, look what she/he sent me”.Do this a couple times. This way you’re lowkey training their mind to think of whatever you do on your phone as harmless and positive. It always works with my parents.