It Took Me A 6 Hours To Drink The First 2 Liters Of Gavilyte-c. Is That Okay

I drink 6 Liters (12.7pints) of water a day - is that too much?

No, if you were having a problem you'd be the first to know it. You CAN die from too much water, but 6 liters spaced throughout the day will not likely harm you, at least if you're taking in any salt in your diet. If you chugged 6 liters all in one go, that might be harmful.

The acute problem is when you quickly take in so much water that you dilute electrolytes in your brain, which are needed for brain and nerves to conduct electrical signals. Where I've heard of this happening is in marathons when a runner will sweat away all their salt, while slugging down a few liters of water over a couple of hours. Also, the occasional stupid water-drinking challenge when some idiot tries to belt down gallons of water for a contest or bet.

6 Liters gradually through the day won't do THAT. It might over time overwork your kidneys, but that would take years, and nothing that would be detectable until it's a problem.

The main point is, you certainly don't need to drink 6 liters of water a day. Quite a useless thing to do, so why do it?

Is it safe to drink a liter of water every 2 hours?

8 litres for the day?? yes that's too much ...... and you'll start feeling cold and shivery and your skin will go very pale and you'll get a nasty slapping headache ..... and i don't know any more than that cos i realised and got some coffee into me ..... and caffeine is a natural diuretic ......i've had around 5 litres for the whole day ....... but i do have 2 coffees and you lose around 1/2 a litre for each coffee...... stick at 4 litres if you like ....... but don't go too much past that ........ on top of the water intoxication factor there's the peeshing all the time and if you're drinking too muchwater you'll be up all night going to the loo ........ oh, yes, i do that ...... i have a teaspoon full of celtic sea salt daily too ........ but then i don't get any other salt ..... i don't eat processed foods.

Watch how your body reacts to 5 liters. Depending upon food you eat, overall health, climate and few other parameters - 5 litrs might be just right, not enough or too much.Kidneys take load of removing excess water than needed.As suggested in other answers - spread drinking throughout the day and taper towards the evening so that urination does not disturb the sleep. Drink while sitting and sipp in small quantities as though you are drinking hot beverage. Mix with saliva.Avoid drinking during eating and immediately after eating.Proper drinking helps in good digestion and absorption of nutrients. This will surely helping reducing weight. But, i am doubtful if drinking water alone can do the magic. Our body is way too complex to be controlled by such single cause/effect. Add to that - your mind. If you can assure your mind with you water only you can reduce weight and you very firmly believe - for all you know - it will happen. Science of today, nearly ridicules effect of mind on health as placebo - but mind has power that no current science can fathom.

Can drinking in 4 litres of water in one day kill you?

Hello I am an Anorexic and for some reason I have to drink tons more water or liquid beverage than those who don't suffer from an ED, anyhow I usually drink around 1 gallon (4.5 liters) a day and occasionally up to 7.5 litres a day, I spread it across the day and I am usually okay but if I drink more than 4.5 litres a day for a few days in a row without replenishing my electrolytes with an energy drink then my electrolytes get messed up and I get twitches and headaches and blurry eyesight and all sorts of problems due to being too diluted.

Now as I am only 17 my liver can actually process up to 2 litres of water an hour so in the grand scheme of things I could drink lots more water or liquid beverage but I need to drink a diet red bull or another energy drink to re apply balance before it makes me ill.

I believe it takes 10 litres of water drank in a very short period of time to achieve full on water intoxication but your electrolytes can be messed up at very early stages, it just takes 10 litres in a short period of time to totally throw your electrolyte balance out of the window and wish you a watery grave.

(by liquid beverage I am referring to anything from fruit juice, diet coke to squash or alcoholic drink, whatever is a liquid beverage)

Why would you want to drink such excessive amounts of water, risking Water intoxication due to too low sodium in your blood (biggest risk of which is brain edema which can be deadly) if you only drink water without any salt tablets (or drink electrolyte solutions)? We still see people dying after taking part in those stupid beer drinking contests, beer not containing any worthwhile amount of sodium Beer-Drinking Champ Dies After ContestPeople need at least 700 ml wat water to excrete their waste products in their urine, most people’s water intake including that from food totals 1.5 - 2 liters which is more than enough.People working in very hot surroundings like in the past stokers in front of the furnaces of the ocean steamers had to drink lots and lots of water, guided by their feeling of thirst, but always also taking a few salt tablets to compensate for the enormous loss of sodium in their sweat. From experience they knew they otherwise would become sick.

Is best to drink 2 Litres a day, but at what interval?

I think in terms of 8 ounce glasses and I usually drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day, from 4:00 to 5:30 a.m., at a comfortable pace of any amount from a couple of swallows to a half of a cup at a time. Each of us has a different life schedule and your guide to the intervals of intake should be whatever is easiest for you to fit into your lifestyle. I am 81 years old, not working outside the home, so I have 16-ounce mugs of water poured and ready, accessible. Don't obsess with the idea of drinking water, just do it . On days when I leave the house early, I drink less water in the day, depending on where I am. No damage is done by occasionally missing the daily quota I set for myself due to a suddenly hectic period, but I find that if I omit the usual intake for two or three days in a row, I become listless, without energy to move. The vague depression is my warning and I know when everything I do takes such great effort that I am suffering from "fuel" (water) depletion. In a short time and after a couple of glasses of water , I begin to recover and by noon I am back to my high energy level. I also attribute much of the good health I enjoy to my daily intake of water. It works better than the vitamins I no longer take. Make it a goal that is as effortless as walking and breathing.

Drug Urine Test Tomorrow!?

Okay, so I have a pre-employment drug screening urine test tomorrow afternoon. The last time I smoked weed was on March 30th (ONE bong rip), and it is now April 11th.
Since April 1st, I drink about TWO liters of water everyday, and I run close to three miles about 4 times a week.
I took a First Check Marijuana home drug test this morning with my first morning pee, and if two lines come up the results are negative and if one line comes up your test is positive. Mine came up with two lines, however the second line was VERY faint. In a picture you can see it, but it is still very faint.

Like I said, my drug test is tomorrow and of course I am sketched out. Would the weed be out of my system from two weeks ago? Like I said, I drink a lottt of water and exercise. The last time I smoked before March 30th was the weekend before which would have been the 20th...ish and it was probably equivalent to one bowl.
I am a 5'2 female, and weigh about 145.

What do you guys think?!

Short answer: if you drink more than 1 litre/hour you’d need to take extra sodium e.g. by drinking commercially available electrolyte solutions to prevent potentially fatal hyponatremia (low serum sodium).Long answer:That would depend on how much water you lose during that hour, this can be quite high e.g. doing physically hard work in the heat like on a farm in tropical weather, or in the old times working as a stoker, a person that shovels lots and lots of coal into the hot burning furnaces of a steamship’s boiler to keep the steamship going, doing strenuopus exercise e.g. runnning the marathon, or due to some disease e.g. diabetes insipidus lose much water in the urine, then you need this extra water, but beware, only drinking pure water will induce hyponatremia (low serum sodium), which can induce brain edema, nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures and death, so stokers already knew they needed to take salt tablets along with all the water they drank to prevent this for happening to them, people doing strenuous sports e.g. marathon running usually drink commercially available electrolyte solutions.