It Was My Cheat Day And Had Around 2 700 Calories. And I Want More

How often can I have a cheat day with unlimited calories?

I would never advise someone to save up so that they can “eat with abandon”. Food is not a reward. Foods are not “good” or “bad”. One should always be aware of what they are eating, regardless if it is a “regular” day, or “cheat” day. If you want to share a dessert on a Tuesday because you went to the Cheesecake Factory, then have some. Be aware of it. Work out the next day, and dial in your food a bit. That’s it. There is no need to eat 8,000 calories or more on a “cheat” day, which can completely wreck your stomach and domino over the next few days, when all you wanted was a 300 calorie cupcake.I have never been on a diet, per se. I tried to do 40/30/30 Carbs/protein/fat, for about 3 days just to see if I could do it, but as I sat miserable, shoving a handful of ham into my mouth to meet protein for the day, I realized that I am more a 50/20/30 kind of gal. I have been at the same weight since 1996, and I am 43 now. If I go to the Cheesecake Factory, you are damn sure that I am having half of an entree and half of a piece of their celebration cheesecake. The next day I will work out for, and probably have oatmeal for breakfast instead of a bagel with butter, and skip the glass of wine with dinner.Food is not reward or punishment.

What should I eat for my cheat day? I usually eat 400 calories a day and for my cheat day, I eat 700 calories (only dinner and a small lunch).

You’re consuming way way below the amount of calories you should be . To loose weight , women should have 1200 calories per day , men 1500 . To maintain weight, women should have have 1600 / 2400 , men 2000/3000.I’m not qualified to list the medical problems you will have , or are guess what they are now . You must go and see a Doctor and talk about this , and why you’re doing it .I’m guessing you’ve a woman and you’ve got an image in your head that you need to be super slim to conform to the ideal of beautiful = accepted and admired .If what you say is true you’re in imminent danger of putting your whole health at risk . Please get help.

I had 3000 calories for my cheat day!!?


1) Calorie needs are not the same for everyone. You can't just tell me how many calories you ate and expect to get advice. Your calorie needs depend on a variety of factors, the biggest of which is your level of physical activity. 3,000 calories could be way too much for some people, but it could be too LITTLE for other people. I eat 3,500 - 3,700 calories EVERY DAY, and I am maintaining a healthy weight.

2) Even if 3,000 is over your ideal calorie intake, no, 1 cheat day is not going to make you fat.

It sounds like you need to learn a little more about nutrition before you continue trying to diet.

I eat about 1000 calories a day, burn 700-800~ through cardio, stuck at 5'7 161 lbs for 2 weeks?

Calories in, calories out is a horrible (by horrible I mean incomplete and not completely effective.) way to lose your last 10 lbs. All calories aren't the same. Scrap the fruit, as fructose is the most easily transferred to fat of all the sugars and slows the metabolism. Scrap the bread, as calories from carbs, even in a semi-starvation diet like you're on will hinder your weight loss unless you're taking cissus supplements, which you didn't mention. Your cheat day is actually the reason you've lost so much weight on such a horrible diet. It essentially shocks the system to keep it from going into starvation mode.

It's time to change your diet and your workouts if you want to keep seeing results. Your diet should be high in protein and vegetables (both raw and cooked), with lots of legumes. Calories aren't nearly as important as you think they are, WHAT and WHEN you eat are far more important. Do some research, read the Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss, and revisit your diet. As for your workouts, run sprints instead of jogging 5 miles. You've skinnier up nice, but now it's time to get healthy.

Is 800 calories OK for a cheat meal if I haven’t eaten much that day?

A cheat meal itself doesn’t have any boundaries when it comes to nutrition. You can eat anything you want, however much of it you want, and however “junk” it composes of.You want to eat 800 calories? Go ahead. You want to eat 300? Go ahead. 2500? Go ahead.Just make sure the cheat meal you eat is done one time per week, one meal in one sitting (not a whole pizza eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner), and one cheat meal per 1–2 weeks.Having a cheat meal doesn’t have to be in accordance with what you eat in a day. Ideally, you should have already eaten nutritious food that helps you reach your goals, so not having eaten much in a day is pretty bad already. Probably best not to go for a cheat meal, since your diet has been screwed that day already.Here’s a previous answer I wrote in regards to cheat meals that may help you understand the concept better: Aayush Dubey's answer to When on a diet, how many calories can you spend on a junk food treat that day?.

If I eat 600-700 calories a day, will I lose weight?

I am a 15 1/2 year old girl. I am 5'4" and weigh 124-126lbs. I am trying not to eat for at least a week. (It's been 49 hours since I last ate) How much would I lose if I don't eat for a week or 2? And if I do end up deciding to eat, will I lose weight if I eat about 600-700 calories a day? (I don't eat meat, only fish but barely have fish) I also workout about 3-5 days of the week for an hour. Please help!

I’m on a calorie deficit and had two cheat days in a row? First night was 400 cals over and second night was 600 cals over, how much damage is that? How many weeks worth of exercise and eating good does it ruin?

Hey buddy listen,calm down,relax,you are just a human. The only persons who should be worried this much about their calorie intake are professional bodybuilders.Note: Working out and bodybuilding should be fun. if you are doing it under pressure or because someone else wants,chances are you will eventually quit.If you are still interested in knowing how much effort you have just wasted is given below.A=Calorie intake(current)+1000(400+600)B=Calories burned dailySince you are in calorie deficit diet,B should be greater than A (B>A always) orB-A>0(B minus A should be greater than zero).for ex.1.Suppose you used to eat 2000 calories and burned 3000,daily.Since you had a cheat meal,therefore 2000+1000=3000which means that cheat meal didn’t do any damage,other than your workout of that day was not much appreciated by your body(there’s a reason why i didn’t said that your workout was useless).2. Suppose you used to eat 2000 calories and burn B=2500 calories per day.So you had a cheat meal of 1000 calories.So your total calories are now A=3000.Using the formula,B-A>02500–3000>0-500>0(i am not good at maths,don’t know how to solve it further)Which means that you have gained 500 calories.So to get that off,there are three things you can doa-> Increase no. of calories you burn,for example,if you start burning 100 calories more on a daily basis,you will be back in 5 days.b->Decrease your calorie intake(not recommended,p.s: I would have definitely choose this method along with the first one,if I was you,a few years back,but not now)c-> It will eventually wear off,just don’t keep on focusing it.Now some points i would like to tell you,Fitness is not a destination,its a way of life.(don’t read it as a quote,try to understand what it means,its not just about diet and stuff,it covers for everything related to working out)Rome wasn’t built in a day.There going to be ups and downs.Stress and tension prevents fat loss.Cheat meal once in a while is good/ok but having them too often is not good.