ittle white worms coming out of cats but area

Little white worms coming out of my cats butt!?

Yep... that sounds like tapeworm. The most common way for a cat to get intestinal tape worms is from eating a FLEA (a host) that has eaten a tapeworm egg. The host animal has to be eaten.

The most common way for a cat to (or human) to get tapeworms is to ingest the host (flea that has ingested a tapeworm egg)... not just the egg. The flea eating the egg activates the egg... which then hatches in your cat's intestine after the cat ingests the flea. Tape worm eggs do not activate to become larvae until they are eaten by a host, and then that larvae must again be swallowed to become a tape in the end recipient

You will need a wormer from your vet to kill the tapeworms. I recommend Drontal from your vet or Tradewinds Tape Worm Tabs for Cats from Drs Foster and Smith. You will also need to treat your cat with a flea treatment. I recommend a Capstar pill to kill the fleas instantly and then Frontline Plus spot on to make sure your cat does not get infested again.

Do NOT use OTC wormers. They are not safe and can kill your cat. Not to mention they don't work very well. Wormer is a pesticide, so don’t be cheap when buying it. Do what is safe and buy from your vet or a trusted online pharmacy. Please Do not buy wormers from walmart.

Little white worms coming out of cats but,,area?

Your cat has internal parasites.
Take your cat to the vet.
The vet will do a fecal test to determine what kind of parasites your cat has, then give the proper treatment.
An over the counter medication will not work, and is not safe either.

Do the tiny white worms coming out of my cat's butt go away on their own?

Hello, and no, they do not. These are tapeworms and no, they are not actually worms, they are parasites. Recently I found this out because my kitten had the same unpleasant incident. What you should do is call around to different places in the phone book and ask what it would cost to treat tapeworm. then what they will do is have you take her/him in along with a stool sample. then they will examine the stool, to make sure they dont have other parasites as well, give her a brief check of ears and eyes, check for fleas with a fine tooth comb and give her/him a small white pill. it can be hard to watch, but it needs to be done. then in 24-48 hours your kitty will be good to go and worm free. although it is recommended to go back in a few weeks with another stool sample to make sure. Tape worms are usually contracted through fleas or eating rodents. and they are not "contagious" to other cats unless the said cat has fleas. my kitten didnt have fleas, and i only paid $22 18 for the stool check and 3.50 for the tapeworm pill. and they don't really harm the cats and dont hurt people any, so dont worry, but you should get it taken care of as soon as possible. :) very easy to take care of. good luck!!!

Cat has white worms crawling out of her butt....what is it???

These are probably round worms. Contact your vet to get some medicine for these and they should clear up very quickly.

Here's more information on what they probably are:

Intestinal Worms and Cats

Of all the health topics cat owners consider, intestinal worms rarely make the list, especially if the cat stays in the home exclusively and never has adventures in the great outdoors. Even though you may not see any outward signs of parasitism or hear them discussed very often, internal parasites may be to blame if your cat has intermittent diarrhea, does not seem to gain weight despite a healthy diet, has dull fur or is not as active as you think she should be. As important, humans can become infected with roundworms and hookworms, which is why we need to be diligent in litter box care and not allow our outdoor cats to use the garden and children’s play area as a “potty spot.” Here are the other worm worries to watch out for in cats:

ROUNDWORMS (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina) are the most common type of worm to infect the animal kingdom. These are usually 2 to 4 inches long, tan or white “spaghetti-like” creatures with tapered ends. If a roundworm burden is heavy, a cat may vomit these worms or pass them (whole) in the stool. Witnessing an event like this will often result in a panic call to the veterinarian. In addition to causing vomiting and diarrhea, roundworms can have an effect on a cat’s overall health and appearance. Kittens infected with roundworms will have a potbellied, bloated look to them and may be constantly hungry. Although uncommon, roundworms can actually become so numerous that they create an intestinal blockage so that stool cannot pass. Roundworms are zoonotic (can be transferred to humans) and can cause an infection known as “Visceral Larva Migrans,” that may result in inflammation of muscle tissue and blindness. For this reason, feces should be scooped from the litter box daily and disposed of in the household trash. Anthelmintics (de-wormers) that are frequently used to treat roundworms are pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole and piperazine. Let’s hope your kitties never need them.

My cat has small white worms around his anus what medication should I use?

You can certainly take your cat to the vet but it is going to cost you more and they will tell you pretty much the same thing. If your cat is up to date with all shots then I recommend giving your vet a phone call and ask him or her what she recommends. I work at a vets office and every day we answer phone calls about feline worms and what to give them. At our office we give a pill called Cestex 12.5 and have them just poke it down their throat, hold their mouth shut and wait for them to lick their lips, this means they have swallowed. You then watch closely to make sure they did in fact swallow the pill. At our office the doctors don't recommend a regular worming regimen for cats because it is harsh on their system, so we only recommend worming them when you see the worms or once a year, usually in the spring. Good luck to you and your cat.

A white worm come out of my cats rectum what do i do?

If they're round, thin, and coiled and look like spaghetti they're roundworms. Tapeworms are flatter and thicker I think. First of all, keep the litterbox very clean and take the cat to a vet asap. If they're roundworms, they can't infect humans the way they infect cats and dogs, but they still can cause infection of proper hygiene isn't practiced; basically roundworms can't get past the larval stage in humans, which means humans can't actually get roundworms but if hands aren't washed frequently, especially after handling the cat, you may risk infection from the larva. Roundworms are very common in cats though and the vet will probably give her a pyrantel pamoate suspension after examining a stool sample to confirm that they're roundworms. If they're tapeworms, she'll get a different medication. In any case, it's best to let the vet handle it when you find worms for the first time. DO NOT get OTC dewormer from the petstore or Target or whatever. They don't work and some animals can have an averse reaction to them. Pyrantel Pamoate is safer. Keep the kids away from the cat's litterbox, and clean it daily (no exceptions). After the medication is given you'll probably see worms in the feces, maybe even live ones, which is normal. After three weeks you'll give the cat another dose of dewormer to catch any remaining ones or new ones that have passed into the adult phase (dewormer doesn't kill the larva that are circulating in the cat's system). The vet will probably give you the second dose to take him. If he doesn't, then find out if he's using pyrantel pamoate. If he is you can just order a large bottle online and dose her yourself (just make sure you're giving the right amount). It comes out cheaper than a vet visit just for dewormer. And you should probably change the litter completely after the second dose.

White rice squishy things on my cats butt..worms?

Your cat has tapeworms and needs to see a vet ASAP. If your mom objects to taking the cat to the vet, you need to tell your mom that this IS an emergency! Tapeworms, if left untreated, will eventually kill a cat. They can also be transmitted to humans. (And I'm sure you and your mom don't want worms...)

You need to get a prescription for tapeworm medication from your vet. Do NOT give your cat tapeworm medicine from Walmart or Target -- most brands of de-worming medicine (especially Hartz and Sargeants) commonly sold in retail stores and pet stores are dangerous, and can actually end up poisoning your cat. The only safe and effective tapeworm medication is the kind you get from your vet.

I'm sure that if you explain all of this to your mother, she will definitely bring your cat to the vet to get a tapeworm prescription. It's really the only solution to the problem. If you leave it untreated, the tapeworms will eventually kill your cat and might even get transferred to you and the other human members of your household.

Hope that helped. Best of luck! :)

What are the white, wiggly worms in my cat's poop?

Those are tape worms and unless you eat a flea you cannot get the worms. The life cycle of the tapeworm goes like this: worm infests flea; flea gets on cat; cat eats flea and then the flea eggs hatch inside the intestine--not the stomach or the stomach acid would kill them. Once they are hatched into the intestine the cat poops the fleas and then the cycle starts over. You cannot get worms by eating the poop...not that anyone would eat the poop anyway..the fleas will die inside your stomach because of the acid in your would get very sick from the E. Coli in the cat poop before you got worms.
You really cannot do anything for her other than take her to a vet once the blizzard is over. Over the counter medications do not work for tapeworms and she will need to be weighed to make sure she gets the right amount of medication. Hopefully the freezing weather will kill any remaining fleas in your area but if not the only way to stop the tapeworm cycle is to get rid of the fleas. Ask your vet for Frontline or Advantage or what ever flea repellent he suggests. Once you get that then you can treat the house and where the cat sleeps. You may have to get flea bombs if the fleas in the house are really bad but the that means you and kitty have to leave the home for many hours. The most effective way I found to combat fleas is to pay an exterminator to come out and spray the house and yard. The upside to this is that there will be no other bugs in your house either.

My cats got very sick and small white holes appered in his head?

Two of my cats got really sick and then we looked at their heads and found small but deep holes.we didnt have any money at the time to take them to the vetrianarien but i was studieing cats at the time(i plan to become a vetrinarian you see)and so i examined the holes and in one cat they appered to be healing after about a week of using a tripple antibiotic on the wounds.well after 2 weeks the one cat was almost healed but the other showed no signs of i used a steral wash cloth and cleaned the surrounding area around the wound to get a better look.when i had the wash cloth over he wound(and this still scares the heck out of me) i saw was a little white head of a ittle white worm like creature and it was atracted to the moisture of the wash cloth so i gentally used a pair of steral twesers to pinch the nose of the worm and gentally pulled it out it was a small white worm no bigger then an inch.the cats are totally healed but what are they is what i wana know?

What should I do if I see maggots in my cat's stool?

This sounds like worms, rather than maggots. They can be white and very active in an animal’s stools. Your cat needs worming and the best answer is to get a vet to prescribe the right medicine for the right parasite.

Cats can be treated for worms via drops on the back of the neck, like Stronghold, or from tablets, like Drontal. The best treatments may be prescription only.

Its important to treat these worms because they can make your cat very unwell.