Java Reverse Hangman Game

Java reverse hangman?

Hello everyone!

I'm writing a reverse Hangman game in which the user thinks of a word and the computer tries to guess the letters in that word. The user tells how many letters the word contains.

I'm not sure how to do this without doing 100 if statements, there has to be an easier way.

Thank you for any help

Java easy game help!?

If you want the computer to be smart, you will have to program AI with a cost algorithm.. That's hard.

You could just do (pseudocode):
for each word to guess,
have vector of 26 chars (a - z), have won variable started at false
while size of vector > 0 and !won:
randomInt = random number between 1 and vector.size()
guess: vector.get(randomInt).value
if(word is finished) won = true
end while

Java reverse guessing game help?

if (gameDecision == 1) {
System.out.println ("Please think of a number between " + gameMin1 + " and " + gameMax1);
System.out.println ("Press any number when ready");
guessContinue = console.nextInt();

compGuess = (gameMax1 / gameMin1) / 2;
play = true;
while (play) {
System.out.println ("Is your number " + compGuess
+ "\npress -1 if too low. \npress 1 if too high. \npress 0 if correct");
input = console.nextInt();
if (input == -1) {
gameMin1 = compGuess;
compGuess = ((gameMax1 - gameMin1) / 2) + gameMin1;
}//outer if input == -1
else if (input == 1) {
gameMin1 = compGuess;
newMin1 = gameMax1 - gameMin1;
compGuess = gameMin1 - (newMin1 / 2);
System.out.println ("Is your number " + compGuess
+ "\npress -1 if too low. \npress 1 if too high. \npress 0 if correct");
input = console.nextInt();
if (input == -1) {
gameMax1 = gameMin1;
gameMin1 = compGuess;
compGuess = ((gameMax1 - gameMin1) / 2) + gameMin1;
}//inner if input == -1
else if (input == 1) {
gameMin1 = compGuess;
newMin1 = gameMax1 - gameMin1;
compGuess = gameMin1 - (newMin1 / 2);
}//inner else if input == 1
}//outer else if input 1

How do I write a simple Hangman game in C# without using a string builder?

For the graphics:Make an array where you “draw" out each *frame of the hangman line by line, like ASCII art. Put all of those frames in a list so you can access them sequentially later. You could use another array if you like. For each wrong answer, you'd delete from one end of the list of frames and display the next frame (the frame with fewer body parts of course). Use a for-loop to iterate over each line of text in the frame array, and use Console.WriteLine to print each line and automatically insert a carriage return. Then display their current guess to show how much of the word they still need to figure out.For the word-guessing logic:Fill one array/list with the letters of the current word, and use another array/list for the (currently empty) guessed word. When the user enters a letter, use a loop to iterate over the real word and check if the letter is present. If it is, insert the letter in that position, and continue checking until the end of the word (remember that some words have duplicate letters). Whenever that check fails, insert a space/underscore/etc. to signify that space in the word has not been solved.Depending on how detailed you want the game to be (accommodating larger or smaller words), you can devise a scale. For every letter incorrect you'll delete 2 frames, or for every 2 letters delete a frame. You can vary the scale to suit your needs.

As a beginner what cool programs can I make with java?

From the given list of numbers in the form of a java String:“1,45,2,3,1,42,5,18,6,22,13,15,75,42,12,18,24,88,112,12,412,31,532,96,15,11,75,23,53”Convert it into any type of collection (ArrayList, HashSet, etc)Remove the duplicatesOrder them with ascending orderOrder them with descending orderCount the numbers smaller than 100Count the number bigger than 100 (inclusive)Get the sum of all numbersGet the average numberCount the even/odd numbersSplit the collection into two smaller collections, one with the odd numbers and the other with the even ones.Print all numbers in table formatMake a method/function that accepts a number as parameter and returns a character. That character should be the equivalent character of the abecedary. (For example return character “a” if you execute the function with the parameter “1″)(If the number is greater that the last character of the abecedary (z) assume that it start again indefinitely )Using the function from the last exercise, transform the collection from the exercise 1 into a character collection.Create a collection of length 50 filled with random numbersCreate a new collection in which every element is the result of adding the two next elements of the original collection.

What are good programming projects for beginners in mainstream languages like C, C++, Java, or Python?

Much of the initial material we provide to our Web Development Education students surrounds Pine's "Learn to Program" and RubyMonk - Interactive ruby tutorials to learn Ruby. We have found these to be the best resources on getting started with programming, taking into account and having researched resources for languages other than Ruby.We then recommend code katas as a great way to accrue development skill as a matter of daily practice. I've recently become a huge fan of Codewars. It's an amazing, social platform for completing code katas. I definitely recommend checking that out.With enough practice, you'll want to start to build something of consequence. The Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example is a pretty great resource that can walk you through the development of a full-scale web application. At Launch Academy (, we coach our students to create a breakable toy - something that they're passionate about or solves a problem they've always wanted to solve. This can be your sandbox to try new things out and to identify the practices that work best for you. The passion you have for solving the problem will help you to persevere through the tribulations of learning what it is to be a web developer.

What are some cool projects you can build with Java?

My job during my first internship was very repetitive and boring, so I created a tool to semi-automate my day.repeats/Repeat allows me to assign a predefined compiled program to a set of hotkeys or mouse gestures. This completely changed the way I program and work on computer as my efficiency improved significantly thanks to the readily available hotkey. This is similar to being able to transform thoughts into immediate action by just pressing few buttons.The challenge back then was to write a Java programs that uses the internal Java compiler to compile another Java program (think about something like IDE). I managed to not only do that for Java but also extend it to Python, C# and Scala.I am currently having around 40 - 50 hotkeys on my computer which I use frequently, and the good thing is that since I use them so frequently, I did not have to remember any of those hotkeys. As I use them frequently, my brain automatically develops muscle memory to associate the action with the hotkey. This is very similar to playing a musical instrument, except that I didn’t have to go through the practicing process since I have to use the hotkeys frequently.Here are some uses that I’ve had:Creating a clipboard with memoryTask activation by mouse gesture recognitionPlaying Plants vs Zombie