John Lennon Once Said He Believes The World Is Run By Maniacs. Has That Changed

Do you believe the Beatles will ever be forgotten?

We still remember Mozart after 250 some odd years, so why not the Beatles?

What the Beatles did for music 50 years ago, is so ingrained in almost every musical genre that it's impossible to take away.
Their name might fade, but the impact and the way they changed music never will.

Can anyone explain to me how George Orwell can be a socialist and write a book like 1984?

Had to study the man on this question. First, the second paragraph in the Wiki entry said Orwell was "famous for two novels critical of totalitarianism in general (Animal Farm) and Stalinism in particular (Nineteen Eighty-Four), which he wrote and published towards the end of his life."

Lots of little bits written... he was in the Imperial Police Force (at his father's bidding) for a while in Burma, but on leave he quit, hating imperialism, and wanting to become a writer.

Research... some by "tramping," (going a bit 'underground' as poverty stricken-- unless he actually was poverty stricken, which did happen-- )

In 1936 he fought on the Republican side of the Spanish Civil War against Franco, got wounded there...

Another Wiki quote: "To Orwell, liberty and democracy went together"...."he termed his beliefs 'Democratic Socialism,' socialism with free debate and free elections."

In WW2, was in the Home Guard...
In 1948, he gave a friend who worked for "a Foreign Office unit, the Information Research Department, a list of 37 writers and artists he considered unsuitable IRD authors because of their communist leanings."

"Motive unclear" for that action, except that his friend was "also in cause for anti-Stalinism."

There you have it. It's difficult to pigeon-hole people, isn't it?