Juicing Detox Question

Can I detox with out juicing my vegetables?

Can you detox? Sure! Just eat a normal, healthy, balanced diet, every day.

Your body has organs that are more than capable of removing any toxins you may ingest.

General question about diet/detox with juicing and cabbage soup diet?

Goal here is to lose weight. I want to do the Cabbage Soup Diet along with instead of eating the food it says you can eat, juicing it. do the cabbage soup for a week, then just pure juicing for a week and alternate with exercise and no supplements, until I've reached my goal of 120 (I'm 155) right now. I did the juicing for a few days with a tad bit of cheating and I did lose weight, I went from 170 to 155 in a couple weeks, so What do you all think about trying this? Also, no meats (as the cabbage soup diet says) I'm also going vegan, I know crazy after 25 years of meat eating. Time to reboot and be healthy! Opinions as to if you think this would work efficiently and also keep my body guessing so it doesn't adjust and then weight loss goes to a halt.

Juicing Detox Question?

I tried to start a juice detox today and I made a combination this morning that tasted odd and ultimately made my stomach hurt. It was extremely painful, but I did not vomit or anything else. So I looked up a recipe for stomach aches and went home to make it for lunch (celery, cucumber, and ginger). My first two sips made my stomach turn.
I think I may have an aversion to celery but all the recipes out there for detox include celery somewhere in your day.
My question is, is there a substitute for celery? I'm pretty sure that's what is making me feel like crap. I got solid food and figured I could start again tomorrow if I had a little guidance.
Thank you.

Can I do a Detox with out juicing my vegetables?

Um you do realize that isn't possible. Detoxes are a hoax. They don't work. Why do you think we piss and ****?

Juice fasting and detox question: Am I doing something wrong, or was I just not very toxic to begin with?

So I have been on a juice fast/detox for 4 days now, consuming only about 300 calories of juice per day, and lots of water. I haven't had any of the nasty detox symptoms people have described...No headaches, no nausea, nothing at all. I've actually felt really good and not even been that hungry.
Juice fasting and detox question: Am I doing something wrong, or was I just not very toxic?

I've also been drinking cayenne pepper tea with lemon twice a day throughout the fast, and tonight I did a salt water flush, and it worked well, but was entirely liquid. I'm not sure if that's normal.

Everyone else I know who's done a juice fast like this felt really ill and tired after the first day, and experienced at least some detox symptoms, and also passed a lot of ungodly things after the salt water flush. (Haha, sorry)

I'm 20 years old, vegan, healthy weight, I exercide moderately, I rarely eat junkfood, no drugs, I don't drink often, so there's really no major source of toxins I guess, but I was expecting to get some noticable results from the detox at least.

So based on this information, would you say I'm doing something wrong, or should I just be satisfied with how easy my fast has been so far?

P.S., if you are going to preach about how 'horrible and unhealthy' fasting is, please don't waste your time. I've done my homework on the subject.

Does juicing really detox the body?

I hope this discription is more clear...
(1). Does juicing really detox the body?
I'm considering juicing for the nutrients to be more quickly absorbed into the body. It sounds reasonable to me.

(2). But, does it actually do most of what is being professed by many people? ... "Reduce colesterol, kill and shrink tumors, detox the entire body, to name a few benefits."

(3). I recently discovered that nodules have returned to the back of my tongue after being gone for about 25 years! I was not very good at observation of my health until recently, so I can't even tell you what the doctors told me about the nodules more than 25 years ago. The cause nor what was prescribed. I want to rid myself of all toxins, and get healthy as I have also discvovered that my muscles have Atrophied! I prefer to take a non MD assisted recovery of my health...

A sincere thanks for all answers in advance...

You already guessed the main function of juice “detox” - it makes you go to the bathroom.Currently you can find a huge variety of detox products and procedures The main idea behind them is that your health and emotional issues stem from toxins you consume. So according to detox logic - you need to get rid of these toxins.What are toxins? Good question. It can be everything. Depends on who you ask. According to “detox specialists” even your body itself produces toxins due to stress.Detox promoters forget one crucial thing. Your body is already working on getting rid of toxins. Every day, every second and even while you sleep your body is breaking down everything you consumed. Some things it absorbs and it expels things it doesn’t need.That’s why you go to toilet every day. Sweating is also part of the mechanism how your body gets rid of stuff it doesn’t want.Of course, some things are harder for your body to get rid of but detox is not going to help you with that. If you want to get that G.I.Joe blaster you swallowed when you were 5 back, you’ll need to contact your doctor.The only detox that I would personally recommend is sports and sauna.If you made your mind please at least consult your doctor. Remember, “detox specialists” are usually people without any medical background.Detox does sound like something that should work. And that’s why it is so popular. The logic behind it does make sense but only if you ignore that your body is already constantly working on getting rid of toxins. Detox might cost you not only money but it can damage your health for the rest of your life.I can’t find it now, but recently there was a story in local media. One woman went for a detox cleanse. She had procedure done few times. After everything was done she had a sparking clean colon. Unfortunately as it turns out colon was never supposed to be clean.Her stomach bacteria was cleansed and now she is experiencing serious stomach issues and has to take stomach bacteria transplant…which is a very nice way to say that she eats someone else’s frozen poop.So be very careful.I personally think that the best cleanse is to sweat it out. Drink water and do sports - this will have a tremendous effect on how you feel both physically and emotionally.Eliminate Nicotine Addiction From Your Life

My First Juice Detox Help?

provide it time. whilst i'm juicing, I make greater accepted journeys to the bathing room. And no, enemas and colonics are actually not required. only verify you're eating adequate. while you're only eating a cup of juice each and every now and then, of course there is no longer plenty to expel.

Any detox juicing recipes that are really good?

Squeeze 2 Organic lemon, put some grade b maple syrup, put cayenne pepper, and filtered water. I know... weird right? But according to a lot of people who tried it... the stuff works! Beyonce lost 20 lbs using this Lemon juice protocol. Good luck!