Just Agreed To Hang Out With Someone I Swore I Never Would

I swear i'm the shyest person in the world. Help me please?

There is this girl I have liked for 7 and a half months. I have never talked to her once face to face. A few weeks ago I sent her a message over fb telling her how i felt. She said it was the sweetest thing any guy has ever said to her and she thinks we should hangout. So i text her the next friday telling her that we should meet up at the mall the next day and she said that she agreed and that she would let me know what time she was coming and then we texted for 3 more hours after that, and it got flirty. So i waited the next day and she didn't text me back telling me what time she was going so i didn't go. So I haven't texted her since and I just decided that I would try to talk to her face to face. So on monday(this was two weeks ago, last week was spring break) and throughout the whole week I still couldn't talk to her face to face. Then we had spring break and on saturday i decided to text her saying hey, she didn't respond when I did. And now just last week I heard that she thinks I'm weird, and that she doesn't like texting me. I don't even know what I did wrong to make her think that. And in the message on fb she said she doesn't judge guys right away and likes to get to know them, but we haven't even talked once and now she thinks that? How can I stop being so shy and just talk to her? What did I do wrong? Please help me:(

Really Horny Girl :-( cant handle it...?

Okay, I've been really horny lately, like ever since my fiance and I decided that we would both have sex for the first time when we get back from our honeymoon (dont ask)
So yea, I swore that I wouldnt have sex till marriage...never would a masturbate , and Im not allowed to do that either...
So what can I do?! Our wedding is in a month so what can I do until after the honeymn? What do u do went ur horny...and what should I do?

He said he was falling for me, and then dropped me out of nowhere for another girl. What should I do?

What a pr*ck!
You're right... he obviously used you and two-timed you. And if he two-timed you, then he was obviously two-timing someone else, too, right?
This kind of person deserves nothing else from you... not even in words. What will you resolve by confronting him? He did what he did.
Unfortunately, people will do what they want to do, and nobody can change anybody.
I'm so sorry he did this to you, but in reality and for your own sanity, you need to move on. Move on knowing you were the better person in this relationship :)
***And if you REALLY want to try something to make you feel better and get over it fast, try praying for him. I don't know why, but this really works.***
Good luck!

I swore at my girlfriend and now she's very upset with me?

We were arguing because I don't get along with her friend, and she went an invited her to have dinner with us. I don't force her to get along with any of my friends even though she does get along with my friends, but if she did have a problem I wouldn't force her to sit with my friend and have dinner with them. She knows I think her friend is manipulative witch who has nothing better to do than to talk down to everyone. Her friend think she's the most perfect human being in the world and I can't stand her. Well, we argued and I said that her and her friend are the same, dumb arrogant whores, and i'd be better off without you c_ _ ts. we then fell quiet and she asked me if I called her what she thinks I just called her. I said no she then went on a rage about me lying and how I don't deserve to ever be with anyone. She raised her hand like she was going to slap me but just left my house. I don't think i've ever seen her that mad before. I have tried to apologise but she keep saying that I don't realise what I said to her and how much I hurt her. I don't know what to do, do you think she's breaking up with me?