Just Click I Have A Question

Quora: How do you post a question on Quora?

To add a question, click “Ask Question” at the top right of the page. You will be shown questions that are similar to your question. If you don’t see your question, click “Ask Question” to add it to Quora. Once you’ve asked your question, we will distribute your question to writers and notify you about new answers.For more details, including information on what a good question looks like, take a look at these answers:Quora's answer to What are the main policies and guidelines for questions on Quora?Quora's answer to What are some guidelines and policies for editing a question on Quora?Quora's answer to How should questions on Quora be phrased?

Please click this question!!!!!!!!!!?

I don't know what you need here, either, but here's my guess: In order to study and compare the behaviors, preferences, etc. of groups of people in vastly different parts of the world, scientists need certain control standards to ensure that they are isolating the particular variable they want to study. For example, if you are studying how different cultures view the education of girls, you may want to know the overall literacy rate of the societies you are comparing and then isolate communities with similar literacy rates to make that comparison (since a group of people whose literacy rate is 25% are going to view education generally much differently than a group whose literacy rate is 90%). It also helps economists, anthropologists, sociologists, etc. (and industries) to know the overall literacy rate, Gross Domestic Product and/or Gross National Product within a country to help predict economic growth, market behaviors, etc.
Do you think this is what you're being asked for?

I have club penguin questions?

1) I am a non-member too and wish I could get a membership but I don't see that happening any time soon. So you just deal with it and accept the free stuff Club Penguin gives out to you. Duck floats, necklaces, etc.
2) Just buy the puffle and it will be in your igloo. You don't really buy food for it anywhere. You click the puffle and select feed on the Puffle Card (when you click the puffle).
I'm not sure exactly but it costs 5-10 coins to feed it.

Beauty questions? pleease click (: i just need answers.?

okay im in tennis, and i usually wear short shorts and tank tops for exercising [aerodynamics, hahahaa.] so it gives me terrible tan line, and i have incredibly dry& ashy skin. i lotion after i get out of the shower and everything, but my skin never seems to feel dewy the way i want it.

on my face; i have uneven skin tones. so how do i get one skin tone throughout my face and whole body?
- i'm starting to break out as well, and my concealer doesn't cover up it just makes my skin uneven to my neck, which looks horrible! any suggestions?

and a female question;
a few days before knowing im about to start my period, my discharge has been smelling quite odd, which has NEVER happened. it's quite pungent, and excuse me for this but it smells as though it's popcorn butter[ i know yuck!], is it a yeast infection?

and how do i get voluminous hair, because all the volume hair products, shampoos and conditioners never work, any home remedies?

long, i know thaanks if you answer (:

Why are some of my Quora questions just disappearing?

Well I kinda faced the same problem and I have found out why it happens and how can you solve it.When you ask a question in Quora there is a “follow” button just below your question which is by default clicked blue that is you have followed it . You will receive notifications when somebody will follow your question, the question will also appear in your profile and you can also request the answer.But problem occurs when you actually Unfollow your question. You then won't receive notifications for the answers and the question disappears from your Quora profile. You might think that you will just follow it again and you will have your question back in your profile but unfortunately that's not how it works.Maybe it's a glitch or bug so even if you follow it back you won't have your question back in your profile under the questions tab.You will still receive notifications for answers if you follow it again. You can find your question in “your content” easily and you can still request answers for your questions.SOLUTIONAll you gotta do is Ask another question With a similar title and make use of merge questions feature.Ask a new question and after you have successfully written the question and you can see the new question in your profile(it takes some time for the question to appear in profile),just open your new asked Question and click on merge tab which is under the options section(●●● dots) to merge your question with your lost one. After clicking the merge option search your old(lost) question, merge and choose the title of the merged question as the title of your Old Lost Question.Ta-Da You Have Your Old question with its answers back under your Questions tab in Your profile!Upvote if it helps And have a Great day!✌️

How do I delete all past questions that I have asked?

You can only delete them if they have no answers. Click on Edit beside your question and then delete it.