Just Curious Why Would You Stare At Me Do I Look Intriguing Or Something

Why do you think children and kids stare (subconsciously)?

I have noticed that for some reason children and kids like between maybe 6-10 years old like to stare at me a lot when i'm outside . Ex today i was at the mall and i was paying for my stuff when i was in line there were a bunch of people and kids and the kids kept staring at me.I was reading something so i pretended i was too busy to notice and so i didn't stare at them back and then out of nowhere my bf is like people stare at you a lot so he even picked up on it lol. I dress casual and good and wear natural makeup so there is nothing shocking to look at. Other times babies look at me and smile a lot the mothers always say awww u like her to their babies it's weird it's happened many times. It's so cute but i wonder why these little ones spot me out out the whole crowds it makes me feel shy i guess. Well i know we all stare at each other its only natural but
why do you find kids/babies stare at someone so long?
if you have kids , do you find your kids do this if so what types of people do you find catches their attention? i am just curious


What does it mean when someone stares at you?

When someone stares at you, it is usually just because of 5 things.1) They're not even staring at you.This happens almost 50, scratch that, 70 percent of the time. Look around you.Is there a beautiful flower?Or a pretty lady?Are you wearing bright red clothes? If not, well, maybe they're just deep in thought and staring into space... which happens to be right beside your head.At the most, they probably have some weird neck fetish and are staring at your neck.You never know.Nope, not the pretty lady. It's the mean teacher standing behind her.2) There's something on you.Check again.Is there leftovers of food in your mouth?Did your annoying sibling draw on your face with a marker?Is there blood on your ass? No shame, it happens every month.If you suspect something's wrong, then know two things. Firstly, there is something called a camera function in your phone. Secondly, you can always flag the nearest person down to check your backside.3) They are trying to make you uncomfortable.I have to admit. I am very guilty of this one. There are times when I just stare into a stranger's eyes and see how long I can hold their eye contact. Usually, many quickly shift their sight to somewhere else once they realize I'm not going to move my eyeballs. And they usually get mildly uncomfortable or severely creeped out by it. Hey, it's fun seeing their reactions.4) They find you repulsive.Check:Is there any rumors going on about you?Are they staring at you and whispering?If they are...then Oh My God, something's wrong! Quickly walk towards that person, show them your middle finger, and give them a piece of your mind. Or you can walk off like the boss you are.5) They like you and/or find you attractive.This one is the rarest, but ironically we all think that this is the most common reason. It's not. And anyways, I don't think I need to explain why someone would stare at you if they like you. They you. Their brain makes some fuzzy connections between their heart and mind. So the eyeballs are instructed by the brain to follow your every movement. The sensors in your eye then translate the information to the brain which then relays it to the heart...which then builds up some weird fantasies of its own.So here it is. The most probable reason why that person is staring at you is because, well, they aren't even staring at you at all.

Why do cats stare at you?

Who knows why he's staring at you. Don't stare back though! In the animal kingdom direct eye contact is often seen as a challenge. You're way bigger than he is so if you staring at him like he's a piece of meat creeps him out it'll trigger his fight or flight response. Which could mean claws out kitty all up in your face!
(that's what happened with my brother's cat Daisy when I was three. She was lookin' at me so I stared back real hard. She jumped up off the ground an' took a swipe at my knees. I didn't bleed very much, but I became terribly afraid of all cats until I was about eight. ...and I may cried. Totally freaked me

In contrast if you make casual short eye contact that's fine. Especially if you look sleepy, have one eye closed, or blink real slow like. It's very non-threatening behavior. Shows how relaxed and comfortable you are. He'll likely blink back, gaze around the room, or join you for a nap.

Why does my dog stare at me when i change clothes?

Probably just wondering how the heck you can change your fur like that and she can't.

Why do people STARE at me so much?

I'm not being paranoid. People literally watch me all the time. I once even asked this girl why she stares at me so much and she was like "oh don't worry I just tend to stare at people a lot"

People tell me I'm pretty...okay but I still don't understand. I'm not drop dead where near. I'm very quiet, hardly ever talk lately...because I'm really insecure about my face (my teeth/mouth). My teeth buck out which pushes my lips out in a pouty way, but too mouth looks like it belongs on a monkey. And I've been told I look stuck up and like I'm frowning all the time (but its just my mouth, I can hardly even close my lips over my teeth...and I also have braces).

Anyways in class sometimes I'll just be sitting there doing my work and I'll look up and so many people will be staring at me. And like I said my mouth makes me look kinda mean/ some people frown, turn up their lips...look confused...

When I get up to turn in my work, people watch me walk to my seat and back. So I walk kinda awkwardly and insecure...ew. But I can't help it, knowing people are WATCHING me! There's this one girl who's so conceited and loud...she's always staring at me sometimes frowns at me. I've never even spoken to her in my life...

When people walk into class, a lot of people look directly at me. Today I was in the restrooms and when I walked out some random girl stared at me, then turn back around to look at me again...o.O

I have this friend...she's one of those extremely gorgeous girls everyones obsessed with but she's not conceited. She's very quiet and reserved, aloof. But ever since we first met in class 2 years ago she would always stare at me. And she was very friendly and nice, smiled at me sometimes but mostly just stared blatantly.

She seemed very curious about me, always turned around to listen when listen when I talked. Sometimes when we worked together, sitting side by side...she'd just look at me, my hair, my face, watch me write, etc. She liked to be really close to me also btw we aren't lesbians lmao). One time we were on this field trip out of state, on a long bus ride...she kept turning around to stare at me, then she'd smile...?

And still to this day, she stares at me a lot. In class, she sits on the other side of the room but she looks at me whenever I'm talking to someone or when someone says my name...and we aren't really close btw.