Just What Exactly Is

Just what exactly is the "Holy Grail"?

the grail was the cup that Jesus used at the last supper, and according to some that was also used to catch Jesus blood at the cruxifiction. then if any one drank from had eternal life. (Indianan Jones third movie) in the bible there is no importance set on this cup. the most important part is the blood of Jesus has been applied to your heart.

Just what exactly is a chode?

A chode is a male reproductive organ that is short and fat (wider than it is long). Generally, it's an insult about a man's size.

Just what exactly IS a smithereen?

it is this bloody mass of bones and flesh and stuff like that.

I mean, how would it sound if someone said, "I'm going to blow you to a bloody mass of bones and flesh?"

Smithreen says it all. A very nice eumphenism.

Just what exactly is a WALK OFF home run?

In baseball, a walk-off home run is a home run which ends the game. It must be a home run that gives the home team the lead in the bottom of the final inning of the game — either the ninth inning, any extra inning, or any other regularly scheduled final inning. It is called a "walk-off" home run because the teams walk off the field immediately afterward. Sportscasters also use the term "walk-off double" or other such terms if such a hit drives in the winning run to end the game. The terms walk-off hit by pitch or walk-off balk have been applied, and the latter has been dubbed a balk-off (these types of questionable walk-offs are seen by some fans as cheapening the concept). Although the concept is as old as baseball, the term itself has come into wide use only since the 1990s.

Just what exactly is fornication?

Actually,the answer to this one may suprise you.The dictionary's definition and the biblical definition are not exactly the same.While it is considered by most to be sex out of wedlock,the bible doesn't actually translate it that way.Remember,many of the early prophets,the Patriarchs,and the kings of Israel/Judah had many wives and concubines.Fornication was the having of sex with someone you didn't intend to procreate with and didn't intend on staying with,but was just the use of another human for the purpose of sexual pleasure.This was forbidden and should have been.The bible clearly states that the Lord prefers that every man has his own wife,and every woman her own husband.God clearly does not approve of having more than one mate,as marriage is actually an example on earth as to how Jesus loves the Church.It is supposed to be a more covenant-type relationship.That is why divorce is so highly disfavored,because Christ would never abandon or get rid of His bride,the Church.
I would have to say,in summation,that "casual sex" is fornication.Do you agree?

Just where exactly are the mountains of Bether?

The phrase “mountains of Bether” is a subtle phrase containing many layers of meaning. Bether means a cutting or a cleavage. So in one sense she is referring the cleavage of her breasts (her mountains), and she is expressing a desire for the physical delights of sex. But the same word is used in reference to cutting animal sacrifices in half. It is not mention often in the Bible, but when God made a covenant with Abraham, Abraham cut various animals in half and the presence of God in Abraham’s vision moved between the two halves sealing the covenant (Genesis 15:10). Later God talks about other covenants that were made when people moved between the two halves of a calf (Jeremiah 34:18-19). So this idea of moving between two halves invokes the image of a covenant that cannot be lightly broken. The marriage of two people is the establishment of a covenant (Malachi 2:14). Hence she is also expressing her longing for the sealing of their covenant in marriage for which she has kept herself pure in expectation of that day.

Just what Exactly is the GOAL / PURPOSE of all these "Radical Jihadists" in the West?

The same goal as is of any & every religious fanatic - irrespective of what religion (mine, yours, even atheism for that matter) or even dearly-to-the-point-of-unhealthy held notions! The crux is - chauvinistic thought amounting to a strong desire of imposition of one's held creed (not specifically of religion, though since the question aims at that, you might want to wear the shoe if it fits) over others, and to the performance of humanly unforgivable deeds as a result with the same end in mine!(Wrote a cryptic, not-so-easy-to-comprehend answer for a reason.)Thanks for the A2A!

Just What exactly is the Vulva and how does it relate to a girl's belly button?

I'm 23 years old and I seem to have like a mild case of belly button fetish. See I'm just starting to get really interested into girls as well as their bellies and belly buttons. I read some where on information about navel fetishes that alot of people seem to be attracted to a girl's navel because it like resembles the vulva (Now I don't know what the Vulva is or exactly where it's located) but I just don't even understand as to how I can be attracted to a girl's belly and belly button when I don't even know what the vulva is... I mean I'll admit it I'm starting to get a little bit sexually excited by the presence of a girl's belly and belly button, but I just adore them for being just that (Just bellies and belly buttons).

Alot of people seem to be telling me that I have a problem and I just don't want to be misunderstood just because I have a fetish for girl's bellies and belly buttons. I mean for crying out loud I don't even know what the vulva is or what it looks like or as to how it's described to look like a female belly button shape or size.

I just want to know has anybody else felt this way or can't really describe it as to what their feeling as to how I'm feeling right now (which by the way I'm trying my very best and hardest try here).......?