Kids Change Everything Right What Has Changed Since You Had Kids

How much has life changed since high school?

Sounds to me that you enjoyed high school more than you have enjoyed being married. You don't say you are happy in your life now, thinking of the past and the good times have made you depressed.
For me to answer your question, I would say my life has changed since high school, like everyone or most everyone you grow up and you grow apart from that part of your life. You are a lucky one who still sees old high school friends and that don't happen for everyone. I am happy in the life I am leading now with the exception of financial problems. I wouldn't change anything from my past, BUT I treasure my present and future more. My family I have right now are more important to me than to sit and dwell on the past and miss the past.
Everyones life must change at some point, whether it is good or bad, things always change. You just don't seem happy in the life you have now. Your family and or marriage must not be satisfying to you if you want to come on here and say you have made your self depressed. Your own answer to your question was not an answer whether these changes were good. Is it fair to your spouse, that you talk this way, what if the person see's it and thinks they do not make you happy?

Once you get married..what if anything changes about your relationship in your opinion?

maybe a guy feels neglected once the kids start coming along..u know how kids require a lot of attention.

How has your life changed after having kids? Is your outlook to life the same? Have your long-term goals changed? Do you regret having to change?

Life before kids was a like a different era. I call the period before my pregnancy (I have included pregnancy also as it affected my lifestyle a lot) as BC(before children) and period after children as AC(after children).I have a son and a daughter(twins) who are almost 1.5 years old.My life changed completely after having kids. Earlier in BC, I was a very career oriented person and would extra hours or bring work home to meet my goals. Now in AC, I had to give up my job become a stay at home mom and hardly think about my career as I have my hands full with my two kids and don't regret also as I find this the best job.I was not a fashion crazy person but would dress with care and would love going out. Now in AC, I don’t care what I wear as long as I am dressed.Once we were out of diapers, it was an emergency and I had to dress up quickly and rush to the shop nearby.When I was in the shop looking for diapers,one lady came to me and told that i was wearing my leggings inside out.The BC Divya would freak out and feel embarrassed, but AC Divya did not realize it and the worst part I did not care about it.All I was worried about was diapers and kids.Going out with kids need a lot of planning.Initially going out to a mall with kids was more complicated than an international trip.Now let it be shopping,going out,eating out everything is decided based on kids.Shopping is done mainly for kids. Now we usually go to parks,play areas or zoos where the kids would be entertained.Before deciding on where to eat, we would inquire whether the restaurant is kid friendly and has baby seats .Every small thing has to be thought from kids perspective.I have become more responsible and I am not taking things for granted now.As of now my long term goals are to provide a good environment for my children and be a good parent.I know I would be thinking about my career but as of now it is not part of my goals.I do not regret the change but feel it as an important lovely phase in life.There will be time in future once the kids grow up where I can think more about myself,my career,but now I feel nothing is more important than my kids and love spending time with them.There are times when I become frustrated due to their naughtiness but their smiles and hugs make me feel there is no better feeling than this in world.

How did having kids change your (family) life?

I went through several stages of change, as a father. A disclaimer: at every stage, I of course loved my kids! :) Stage 1. The feeling of both wonder and invasion. It’s a complex one but I felt both elated at having my first son, and resentful at the need to change my entire life so I could support his needs. Stage 2. The daunting realization that my life has changed forever. I can’t even take a vacation whenever I want, let along do with my life what I want.Stage 3. Real understanding of what accountability means. Everything (!) I do influences my kids in one way or another. I’ve watched myself influence them negatively and positively. It breaks my heart when I see that some negative character traits that they display come from me. It also fills my heart will pride when I see some positive influences from me take hold. Stage 4. Understanding that their lives are theirs to live. This is the biggest one. One example: last summer my son teased me that he was gay in a way that I believed him. I spent several months thinking how should I react... what to think... and so on. I accept now that his life is his and I have no right to demand that he lives it the way I’d want to live it. Turns out he’s dating girls, but he’s made his point!Stage 5. Acceptance. Now, many years later, I have finally accepted the change :)The next challenge will be when my daughters start dating. I’m already looking for some menacing-looking shotguns to stand on the front porch with, when the so called boyfriends start showing up... I kid, I kid.On practical level: - More planning - Better management of savings - Weekends spent driving them around various parties and events - Going through school curriculum again - Doing things I’d never have done before to keep up with them.

Why do kids drastically change when they get into high school? Is there some science behind this change?

High school is just like ugh. It's when people are finally growing into the adult that they never wanted to be. The time when your peers start drinking and having parties(adult stuff). When it was middle school grades didn't matter, girls didn't matter and you could still dick around without real repercussions, but in high school it's all about grades, women, and fun with repercussions.This is literally my answer summed up in a picture.It says I want to die on the high school side.

How has the world changed since you were a child?

oh yeah... woman are allowed to vote and wear pants.

How has life changed since a child was brought into your life?

Oh, wow I think it might be easier to answer how it hasn’t changed my perspective on life. I will list the major ways it has changed how I view life and myself.That none of us will raise our children as perfectly as we want to or think we are.Our children will show us who we really are and sometimes what they see will make us sad and sometimes gladSeeing through the eyes of your child is critical to being a good parentWe should have to take a maturity and competency test before being a parent.Accept that your children will often see things differently then you do and that is okay.Living life without children would be the saddest thing I can think ofRaising children will be the hardest job you will ever have and will require of you more than you thought you could ever give.Raising children is a gift of God and should be handled with great careNothing is more precious then to hear a child laughNo matter how much your child at times may think or say they hate you they really don’t, they need you more at those times than any other to show them nothing they say will ever stop your loving them.Raising children using prayer and God’s wisdom is the best way to keep you both going in the right directionSeeing your children grow up and fulfill the purpose for which they are here is the greatest joy of being a parent.I was not always the best mother and made mistakes, however, raising my children while at times heartbreaking and challenging has shown me that to love a child is the greatest expression of God’s love for us and to love our children at all times is how God loves and wants us to love them, to do this at times will be hurtful and costly, but never the price God paid for us when Jesus died on that cross to forgive us. So raising my children has shown me how selfishness and lack of Godly wisdom can be costly in so many ways, and He has used my children to grow me toward HIM in ways nothing else could have. So I am thankful that despite the struggles He gave me the blessing of being a mother.

Are you amazed at how life has changed since you were a kid?

I am not so certain that ”amazed” is the term I would use for my life. I grew up in a Navy family, and so considered moving every 2 years normal. As I have progressed through life, I have simply accepted the changes as a normal part of life. I am old enough to remember before TV, and our first round screened black and white TV. It was interesting and fun to watch cartoons on. Cars changed every year, so I got used to their “new” shapes as a matter of course. I had a Sinclair computer with a 16 k memory that I expanded to 32K! Then I installed it in a monitor with a real keyboard! WOW! I guess I accepted everything the way Captain Sully did when he landed in the Hudson River. You just do what you have to do and accept things the way they are.The word “amazed” is one I have only rarely used. I guess the only time I can truthfully say I was amazed was when my shoulder was operated on and it was completely pain free. That was amazing. The physical therapy afterwards definitely was NOT pain free, but the operation and recovery were.But I have grown up, and old, in a world that changed and is changing all the time. I guess I am amazed at the willingness for “modern” people to accept drugs as a normal part of life. I am amazed that our schools no longer teach what made this country great, but want to change it to something that only exists in their minds. A dream (or nightmare), if you will. I am amazed at the inability of people today to do critical thinking and to readily accept emotion as reality. I am amazed that no one knows what sex they are, and find it perfectly acceptable for a 16 year old boy to go into a girls restroom. I must admit that I was amazed to be told that I was a “cis male lesbian,” though.So change has been a part of my life since I was born, and I have just accepted change as a matter of course. A few things have amazed me, but, alas, saddened me many times, too.