Knot On The Back Of My Neck

Knot on my neck? w/bad headaches?

Sorry to hear about your headaches and the growth behind your ear, my personal opinion on this matter is it may be that your muscle is knotting up and the extra stress on the back of your neck is causing your headaches. My advice is try massaging it for a hour or so, if it still presists then go to our local physician seeing as it may be something more serious.

Hope this helps,
James Lichtenstien

What would cause a knot in the back of my neck?

I often have the same sort of pain in the back of my neck - it actually is on the left side, right where my skull meets my neck. I asked my doctor about it, because it seems whenever I have a bad headache, it hurts like crazy.

She said that we have sinus cavities back there that can get inflamed and that if you have a lot of sinus problems like I do, it can make it hurt there. Having my husband massage my neck always makes it feel so much better. He'll ask if I'm okay, and I can say, "oh you know - it hurts in the same old spot" and he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

You might mention it to your doctor and see what he/she says. Could be something as simple as being on a maintenance allergy medicine to keep flare-ups from happening.

Good luck!

What causes knots on your neck and back?

Hello. The causes for muscle knots can range from mineral deficiencies to overstretching your muscles. When the knots are in your back and neck there is a good chance that those muscles are responding to poor posture.

When your head is "forward" because you slouch that pulls on your upper back and neck muscles. In turn, those muscles develop a type of tightness or contraction so they don't tear. They are trying to hold up your heavy head but that's not their job. That job belongs to your skeleton.

The contractions are the "knots" you feel. You can correct your posture by developing a strong back side and stretching and relaxing the muscles in the front of your body.

I hope this helps!

Ok i found this lump or knot on the back of neck ??

go to your doctor it could be a hernia or breast cancer
let me know what happend and what your doctor

Small lump on the back of my neck?

Recently i've noticed i have this small lump on the back of my neck. It's right on the muscle on the left-side back of my neck. Does anyone know what it might be or maybe it's nothing to worry about? Thanks.

I slept wrong and nows there is a knot on the back of neck?

i had that yesterday, hurt all plus i was skating all day so it made it worse, i went to bed and slept on the other side of my neck and it went away

My back and neck have been knotted up continuously for over 6 months. Is this normal?

Stress and bad posture can be causes. I would say visit your GP to rule out any medical reason first. If there is no medical reason, find a good massage therapist and start a regular massage schedule. It will probably hurt at first but a good therapist will start to loosen the muscles and will not go past your pain threshold as long as you communcate honestly with them.The key to a great massage is communication with your therapist. Where are your worst spots? What do you do for a living? How much pressure you are looking for? A good therapist will ask these things and will communicate with you during the massage checking the pressure level. They may also recommend some stretching exercises that will help to loosen the muscles. Regular massage can make a big difference in your quality of life and is great for stress relief as well.If your stress levels are high, try to find something to help relieve the stress. Some people use meditation. Some use a favorite hobby or game. I like yoga. Also try to do a little streching every day to help loosen up the muscles. If your posture is not so great, try to correct it when you notice you are slouching. Picture a string pulling up from the crown of your head all the way down to your pelvis. Good posture keeps everything aligned.(image from Peninsula Rehab & Sports Medicine)It matters while standing and sitting.(image from

Bony bump on back of neck?

The bony bump on the back of your neck is likely a "spinous process" from one of the 26 bones in your spine. The 7th cervical vertebrae (at the nape of your neck) is the most pronounced in about 80% of the population. Head forward posture, or flexion will definitely make this bump more pronounced. You're not going to be able to "fix" the bone, but what you can do is focus on the muscles in your neck to eliminate or reduce your head forward posture. Your head forward posture could be from a couple of things so I could give suggestions for exercise, but until you're evaluated by a chiropractor familiar with functional screening it might make the problem worse. One thing you can do is to focus on extending your head back slightly and extending your arms back while they are at your side. Hold this posture for 3-5 seconds and relax slightly to a "normal" posture. Repeat this 3x per day for 10 times. These are called "Bruegger's exercises" or "Bruegger's posture" Other than this you could have overactivity of some muscles, or inhibition of some muscles, or both which could be causing your head to be forward and making your vertebra more prominent in that area. Good luck, and get checked, you can never know how good you will feel when your body is restored to proper neurological and biomechanical function through chiropractic.

How to relieve knots in my neck?

Have you tried putting pressure on the spot for 30 seconds to release the muscles and then stretching the muscles out? If not it is the way to go for without releasing the muscles you cannot get rid of the pain they are in or the problems they are having. Here is how to release your neck muscles to get rid of the knots:
Invert your hands and put them next to your head placing your thumbs in under your ears and you lower your head until your neck is fully extended, release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds.
With your neck in the bent position, replace your thumbs in under the ears and your fingers behind your neck but right next to your skull this time. Press your fingers and thumbs together again and hold. Relax your body while waiting. When the muscles have all released, slowly lift your head until it’s level again, release the pressure but hold your head like that for another 30 seconds.
Once is good and twice can be better.