Know Any Famous Actors/characters Who Walk With A Cane

World Famous Leaders : Mahatma Gandhi. May I know some special details which so far never heard?


Mahatma Gandhi was then fighting against British , to make them Quit India .(it was not Quit India movement I am referring).
At the early stages before Babu Rajendra Prasad , the would be first President Of Independent India, has not yet joined Mahatma Gandhi.

Rajendra Prasad ji approached Mahatma and said '' I am interested to join in the freedom movement, and join hands with you.Please accept my services and allow me to take part .''

Mahatma Gandhi was not that a simple man to accept any one readily .

So he asked Rajendra Prasad ji,'' So you sincerely want to join in freeing India from the Shackles of British?''

''YES'' was an affirmative answer from Rajendra Prasad ji.

Mahatma replied '' Then you will have to do a thing I say you to do , for six months, whatever the work I allot,''

(this happened in the Gandhi ji`s aasram.)

"" Yes, I will do , with whole heart.'' was the reply.
Then Mahatma Gandhi said to Rajendra Prasad ji , '' From tomorrow onwards for SIX MONTHS you remove the night soil from the leprosy people ward in the ashram .Will you do it?''

'' With pleasure , I serve"" was the reply.( I feel, probably a test whether he loves all humans equally who ever they are and whatever condition they are in )

Rajendra Prasad ji did whole heartedly this work of removing the night soil from Leprosy patient ward , and dumped it out manually , for SIX MONTHS .Mahatma was observing , and he made no comments.

After six months Mahatma got the confidence in the WILL POWER and CHARACTER of Rajendra Prasad ji and his commitment.He was convinced.

So then he called him then and , from then on they were busy in the freedom struggle.

( This tells us the Commitment and determination and personality of Rajendra Prasad ji and his love for all humans and country, and Mahatma testing Six months before accepting him as a close member in the freedom Struggle against the British.)

This I read very long time back, and can not remember the exact name of reference. My Guru too narrated it about a year back.Perhaps we may find in Auto biography of Gandhiji, I hope.

Or a YA member who read it may kindly give exact reference , for the benefit of all and I will be highly thankful.

I think many have not heard this.

Know any famous actors/characters who walk with a cane?

I'm writing a story, and I have this character who's supposed to be really funny, he's got a good sense of humor and likes pranks. At some point in the story he injures his leg and has to walk with a cane. It's one of those old-time looking wooden canes with a curved handle(you know, shaped like a candy cane?), and I thought it wood be funny if he used it to impersonate someone famous who walks with a cane. Please give me as many suggestions as you can, it can be someone who walks with a cane like that or a different kind of cane.

Some famous horror characters?

for my school assignment, i have to research a famous horror character. i can't think of any! i dont want them to be what everyone else is going to do like dracula or frankenstien, but i dont want it to be a small character that im not going to be able to find much info on, like the grudge.

Do you think it matters if the actor or actress that plays one of your favorite characters on a TV or movie are jerks? Does this stop you from liking the character?

Many years ago, I meet a famous female vocalist who was staying at a hotel I was working at. I won’t say the name to protect the guilty party, but let's just say after that encounter I stopped listening to any of her music and if I hear one of her songs come on the radio I will change the station. I couldn’t believe the level of downright disrespect she had for all of those who worked for her and those of us who were trying to make her stay more enjoyable. After 3 days I was glad to see her and her entourage leave. To be honest I felt sorry for those who had to travel with her.On a 2nd note we had a famous actor come to stay with us that was recuperating from a minor injury. He was forced to walk with a cane for a little while. I had seen several of his movies and one of his characters really creeped me out. So much so it was difficult for me to see him in any other role. However once I got to meet him in person and had a few brief but very pleasant conversations with him, he turned me around. I realized just how talented this man was. After that when I see those movies where he played that particular character I no longer see the character but rather the delightful person he is in real life.

Do you personally know someone who has taken on the persona of their favorite TV or movie character in their everyday life?

Yes, I know him very well. It is me!There was a time I was single and I use to date TV series and movies. And one of them where I fell in love with as persona of Dr.House.I was so crazy of his attitude and sarcasm that I tried to be same. I think most of Dr.House fans were like me. But I went one step ahead. I went and got cane, yes! I went and got Damn Cane!And I started walking with it. To work, to marketplace, every damn place. It was part of my body for a month or something till people started looking at me weirdly and slowly it went into my store room.Some months/ year after the TV show finished, and my then girlfriend (now wife) was helping to move in together and saw this cane asked - what’s this? And when I told her the story, she had an expression something like( I know she is Cuddy from Dr.House)Image Source : Google

Who is the actor that plays callie's dad on grey's anatomy?

You've probably seen him in Monk as Dr. Bell, Monks new therapist

Here is his filmography and you can see everything he's been in:
