La Dispute - Rooms Of The House

How do hotels know if you smoked or vaped in the room?

We know by the smell and we may even see smoke coming out from under your door or from your window.While someone who smokes consistently outside may have some lingering aroma to their clothing and luggage, there’s a huge increase in odor when someone actually does it in the room. In most hotels staff can smell it in the halls outside your room and we may very well receive complaints from neighboring rooms or balconies.It’s a dead giveaway when we try to put your morning receipt under your door and you’ve blocked the bottom of the door with luggage or a towel.We also have to deal with folks in states where marijuana is legal thinking they can legally smoke marijuana in the rooms. Not so! Smoking is smoking and getting a contact high in the hall outside your room is going to going to lead to the night staff getting some calls that result in them coming a’knocking on your door.Which leads to the last point. Most of the time, we can’t tell if you’re vaping in the room, nor do we really care unless you are into some kind of heavily-flavored stuff with a strong scent or if the sprinkler system is really hair-triggered. Just please don’t make our jobs harder by being a jerk about it and vaping in public areas. The last thing we want to do is to have to confront you about it.

Would you rather get a roommate or a second job?

In my case, I would take a second job, because I have learned not to depend on people all the time. I have trusted in the past and they let me down, and something important like having money to pay the bills, I would rather do it myself than worry a room mate wouldn't meet their end of them and have us both out on the street.

What happens if I smoke in a non-smoking room in a hotel?

First of all there is no way of hiding the fact you smoked in the room.If you happen to smoke a cigarette and check out you will be charged on your card. The cleaning crew has to use harsh chemicals to treat the floors and bedding just to get the awful smell out. The smell then has to be aired out using windows and air freshner. All you do is create a problem for the staff and you lose money. Just go outside and smoke.Don't even get me started on smoking, so stupid.

Did the Weasley's house really get destroyed?

no the weasley house was not destroyed in harry potter and the half blood prince. the movie did not follow the book 100 so their were some different events such as the burning of the weasleys house and luna finding harry on the train and not tonks for example. The movie had this scene probably to convey what dark times these were that even the the weasleys fine home was destroyed. The movie also left out the big battle so its best to reread the books after the movies to to set things straight


Whats the legal size limit for boxroom to be then classed as a bedroom?

In the UK, there's no legal standard or minimum size for a room to be classed as a bedroom - only an IIRC recommended (not stipulated) size of 8 sqm and a minimum width of 2.5m. Unless your home has been assessed for a 'fair rent' as a two bedroom property with a boxroom, your landlord is able to call it a three bedroom property if he wants to. It's really then up to you as a tenant when you make an initial viewing of a property to judge whether a bedroom is going to be too small for your needs and your responsibilty to decide whether the size of the property is worth the rent being asked compared to other three-bedroom properties you've seen. It's no good not doing this and then complaining you're paying 'too much' after.

You can ask the landlord if they'll consider adjusting the rent, but they have no legal obligation to do so and it may well cause friction between the two of you. The best idea would be to wait until your current tenancy agreement expires and then make it clear to your landlord that you intend to move out unless they lower your rent. If you've been a good tenant and they aren't too sure of being able to find another good tenant quickly, they may well be willing to reach some agreement.

Is a scam?

I know the answer is all over the web, but some people say it is, some people say its real and safe. I just want a straight answer please (some proof would be good too!) Thanks!