Large Hair Pores On Upper Arms

Why does hair grow on the top of people's arms but not on the bottom?

You can learn a lot about humanity by thinking about something obvious like that.The bottoms of our arms aren’t entirely hairless. The only places in our bodies that are entirely lacking hair are the palms, soles of the feet, lips, navel, and nipples. The rest of our bodies is covered with tiny hairs called vellus hairs. Those hairs provide a tiny bit of insulation and hold on to sweat, making it easier for us to cool ourselves.You can get a clue about the function of arm hair by looking at when it appears and who has it. It usually becomes thicker and more noticeable after puberty. Men have more arm hair than women. In fact, adult men have more body hair overall than women.This diagram shows common body hair patterns for men and women.This pattern is common but lots of people don’t follow it exactly. Many men don’t have much chest hair. Men of some ethnic groups have little or no beards. Some women have more body hair than they would like.If you look at this diagram, an interesting pattern appears. Men have the most hair on parts of the body that show the most and less hair on the sides, hands, and feet.It’s got to be a signal. And it’s an effective one. Many women like men with lots of body hair. Here’s a scientific article documenting that (The Role of Facial and Body Hair Distribution in Women’s Judgments of Men’s Sexual Attractiveness). But you don’t have to pay $39.95 to read that article because you know that already. On the other hand, most people think that women lacking hair are more attractive.So, the answer to the question is that hair on the upper part of the arm is more showy than hair on the bottom of the arm.But there’s another possible answer.Some scientists think that our ancestors lost their hair which made it harder for fleas, lice, and ticks to hide out. This concept may be partly true but doesn’t fully explain the differences between men and women or the difference between children and adults.Further readingI discuss the evolution of pubic hair here:Israel Ramirez's answer to What is the evolutionary reason for the growth of so much hair around our pubic area?Here’s a couple of articles discussing both the sexual and parasite theories:Why do women have less body hair than men?Why Humans and Their Fur Parted WaysThis Wikipedia article is unusually well done:Body hair - Wikipedia

Thick, dense and one inch long black hair or arms and upper arms?

Some people have a lot of hair and some have very little. To have a lot of hair on your upper arms or even your back at age 28 is normal for a lot of men. My fiance is 30 and covered in hair (I think it's sexy! So do a lot of women!)

On the other hand, long, dark body hair growth in women can be a symptom of hormonal problems.

Should I shave my arm hair?

It's really long, like at some parts, it can be up to 1 inch long. Its black, but i have tan skin. It grows like everywhere, and turns light halfway up my upper arm.

Should i use Nair on my lower arm?

Are there any bad side effects of using nair?

Does stubble grow from using nair, like it does when you shave?

How often will I need to use nair to keep arm hair from growing drastically long and thick?

If I decided to stop using Nair one day, would my hair grow prickly and grow thicker/longer?

I have used nair on my legs, and i don't have any allergic reactions.

How do i get perfect hairless skin?

How the heck do other people always have such perfect skin? How do i do that? I'm not extremely hairy, but i would like to remove all my hair. I also have big pores, so even when i remove my hair the pores are there, on my arms, thighs, upper lip, it's a hassle, simply not cute, my back and stomach. It's normal to have hair everywhere but i want to be hairless.

Bad acne on arms???????????????????

witch hazel is supposed to be a good astringent. Maybe try changing detergents since your upper arms rub against the material when you move. If you have long har, keep it off your shoulders, the oil from it may be leaving residue that is blocking your pores... here I found this article

Upper arm acne is just as common as facial acne. Many individuals have upper arm acne but do not initially notice it. The major difference between face and arm acne is that the latter is easily concealed relatively more easily with your sleeves or jumpers.

Arm acne occurs at the same time as facial acne and affects adolescents or some times it can affect individuals much in later life. In general, more men than women have arm acne

The treatment of arm acne is no different from the treatment of facial acne. Like the facial acne, the same non prescription and prescription medications can be used to treat the acne. Initially one may want to try over the counter drugs to treat the arm acne if the acne fails to respond or appears to be getting worse, one may then try the prescription medications.

The arm acne is usually worsened by wearing tight constrictive clothing, excessive sweating and wearing damp clothes after exercise.

The treatment of arm acne should start off with good skin hygiene. One should shower frequently and wash off the sweat. Wearing loose fitting clothes is essential. The good thing about arm acne is that unlike the face, it can be concealed by clothing.

As the acne is on your arms, then you need to change your clothing frequently after heavy exercise. One should try and keep the arms clean and change clothes more often.

Excessive scrubbing off the skin is not recommended as this only worsens the skin rash.

For those with long hair which fall on the shoulders or upper arm, one should try and keep the hair short and tidy. Clean and short hair is an essential component in the treatment of arm and neck acne.

For the mild arm acne, one has multiple choices ranging from topical ointments and antibiotics. For those who seek alternative treatment, there are various types of Chinese and herbal products- most of which are unproven at treating acne.

If the acne is severe, a visit to the dermatologist is highly recommended who may prescribe a vitamin a derived products

Does hair grow thicker or more in quantity after using Veet Hair Removal Cream?

Very interesting question!I will answer this question based on my personal experience.I have used Veet Hair Removal Cream in the past for the hair on my legs, underarms, and bikini line. Once removed, I did find the hair regrowth thicker at all. The hair just regrew and that was it - no thicker, no less - business as usual!!You did not alter the hair follicles in any way to produce any growth changes so I honestly do not think that the growth results should be any different after using Veet than it was before using Veet.I hope you found this answer useful.

Small bumps on arms?

You might have Keratosis Pilaris - it's from an abundance of keratin in the hair follicles - usually on the upper arms and thighs. It's not contagious or harmful. I've used a prescription cream from the dermatoligist in the past, but it smelled bad. It has gotten better with age for me.

Only a doctor can tell you for sure what it is.

How do i get rid of ingrown hair?

i have ingrown hair on my arms mostly. but also at times on my upper lip, my legs, my eyebrows- but that isnt usually problematic. its my arms that makes them look not smooth and bumpy and spotty.
not very pleasant..
i used to shave them regularly. but now i've switched to waxing. that hasnt helped though..