Last Night I Woke Myself Up Screaming And Panting For Breathe But I Was Not Having A Nightmare .

How to fake having a nightmare?

I m sleeping over my friend s house soon and I want to know how to fake having a nightmare to prank her. Any tips on how to fake sleep and then to fake a nightmare?

Have you ever had a nightmare so intense that when you woke up you kept your eyes closed?

Yes, twice I've had a nightmare this bad. The first time I saw myself dead, at which point my dead body came after me (I woke up while running away in the dream). I didn't sleep for the rest of the night after that one, but sat at my computer constantly looking behind me to make sure nothing was there.

The second time I dreamed I was being posessed. Things going on in my house made it worse. In the dream I lost the ability to scream or speak, and the girl inside me starting making these horrible noises in my head (I couldn't describe it if I had to, except maybe to say it was a gnawing sound, and I've never heard anything scarier). When I finally woke up, not only could I not move, but there was actually noises coming from the utility room. I had the same dream a few nights later, and at this point I was starting to think it was real, with the noises in the apartment. I had to force myself to jump out of bed and flip the light on.

I forced myself to make my way to the utility room, and when I was about halfway in the room I heard scratching behind the wall. I almost had a heart attack. Finally I figured out there was a cat underneath my apartment, and was somehow climbing into the walls in the utility room. And was also making really disturbing noises I've never heard a cat make (though finally it made one that helped me determine what it was).

There's actually a boarded up hole in that room, and while I hate to admit this... I was so scared I was wrong about it being a cat, when I removed the board I made my own cat investigate first. I was sure an arm would come out and grab whatever was there. Apparently, while I love my pets, I am willing to sacrifice them to save myself.

Why is it that while dreaming, I sometimes start panting, and when I wake up, I remember the dream? It’s like I couldn't move at all.

We are psychosomatic meaning body and mind are not separated, they are very much attached though at times they appear different but they are not. Having said that we also know that dreams are working of mind, the whole mind but in process if the dreams are vivid and intense it will also manifest on the physical body too. Like if you are running in your dream and running very hard, the symptoms would also been seen on the physical body though you are fast asleep. Since the dreams are not constant and they migrate or merge in other dreams too, the duration of running may not be long otherwise you would have benefir of running while being asleep.In Tibet, there are certain monasteries where the disciple monks are asked to sit in a place and sweat which is very hard, they need to meditate so hard and remain so focus that though they are sitting, they sweat. Yes they have mastered the art of psychosomatic thing.But coming to you question, as the mind workings are reflected on your body similarly the workings of your body also reflects in your dream. Suppose you have your hand placed on your chest or your neck is being tighten by some external force you will immediately see ramification of this in your dream as if you are out of breath or some thing very heavy has been placed at your chest.If you are feeling out of breath then in your dreams you must be doing some work or being subjected to some conditions which takes away your breath and leaves you out of breath. After the dream in your awakened situation you still gasping is nothing but after effect of the dream which has not been subsided as yet. Similarly you are being subjected to certain dreams which makes you paralyzed which might occur due to excessive fear and the effect are there even after the dream.Just relax, it will be gone in a very small time and try to face the fear when you are awake, make it a habit that in a situation which causes fear, stand up and face it, challenge it, don’t give an inch. Slowly your behavior will be reflected in your dream and the situation will be controlled.I, myself, had been in these situations and after practicing of facing my fear head on I now have same tendency to face my fear in my dreams. Same thing will happen to you too. Good luck.

What's the scariest dream you have ever had, and did it reveal anything particular to you?

I dreamed that my husband and I had bought a house to fix up.  It was in ruins.  You could look from the upstairs bedroom straight into the basement because the floors were caved in.   In this dream we'd worked on the house all day and I'd gone up to take a bath.  For some reason, in the dream, I'd told my husband to stand outside the door while I was in there bathing. After my bath I got out of the tub and was drying off.  I was standing behind the door bent over when the door started opening.  My foot stopped it from opening more than an inch or two and, since I'd told my husband to stand out there, I'd assumed it was him.   "HOLD ON A SECOND!" I was pissed.  Not because I care if my husband saw me naked but because it kinda hurt my foot when it opened. The door rammed open harder, though, and caught my foot again. "GOD DAMN IT!  HOLD ON!" I'd been drying my feet and stood up, flinging the door open. But it wasn't Charlie.  It was my dad.  My dad had died years ago and I even knew this in the dream.  He FLOATED into the bathroom, his feet an inch or two from the floor.  In the dream I knew that it wasn't really my dad but some evil being that'd used the comforting image of my dad to trick me.  My dad had a very droopy face with no emotion and his skin color was grey.  I woke up before the dream ended.  Scared the shit out of me. What did it reveal?  I guess it revealed that I'd taken what my father had told me once to heart.  Dad told me that he'd dreamed of his own father (that'd died) and his dad was motioning for him to come to him.  My dad told me that he wouldn't and it kinda made me sad that he'd not.  I asked him why he wouldn't go to his own father in his dreams and he said, "My dad is dead.  NEVER go to people you know are dead when you're dreaming."  My dad wasn't a weirdo.  He didn't really buy into ghosts/hauntings/etc.  It'd puzzled me why he'd said that and I never questioned him further. My dream just showed me that when I encounter my dad in a dream to stay the fuck away from him because it's creepy as hell.

Why do we wake up right after dying in a dream?

Inception isn't?You don't actually die in a dream, close enough is when you’re about to die (probably as a result of a danger).No one can actually say I died this second in my dream, few seconds to the death are always not knownWhen you're close to being dead in a dream, your heart either beats so fast you wake feeling your chest pounding or the pain about to cause your death (in the dream) wakes you.There is a science behind this;When you dream you're in REM sleep (rapid eye movement). REM sleep is only slightly deeper than stage 1 of non-REM which means it's not hard to wake up in the first place.Dying in a dream is a stressful event, which causes your brain to release adrenaline. You can't sleep and have an adrenaline rush at the same time so you wake up.These dreams where you die and wake up are usually more memorable due to the fact that you wake up whereas most people don't remember 95% of their dreams.Being particularly scary or threatening, nightmares can provoke ‘fight and flight’ responses, and the release of adrenalin whilst we are still asleep.

My biggest fears appear upon my dreams?

Your sub-conscious fears are coming out in your dreams. Stop and analyze them. You mentioned your GF father telling you to stop seeing her. Talk to him. Put your mind at ease that he is not intending to do that. (Then again that is many a young mans fear when dating a girl still living with parents)
If you are just dreaming of spiders crawling all over you .... I could say get some raid and bomb your room so there are no insects there. It might be a sub-conscious note to yourself that they made a nest in the corner and you should really clear it out.
Anything else I would say again to stop and analyze them. understand the basic topic it was about and see if there is anything in your life that may tie into that dream. And maybe take a vacation - sounds like a lot of stress!