Late Night Snack Ideas - Craving Something Sweet

Is having a bagel with a load of cream cheese a bad late night snack?

Everyone mentioned the carbs, but golly, how much fat's in that cream cheese? Definitely not a good late night snack. If you MUST snack late, drink some water then eat something light if you're still hungry.

What foods are safe to eat after brushing your teeth at night?

It's good that you maintain oral hygiene by brushing twice daily. After brushing at night, you should not eat or drink anything (except water). For this reason, it is said " Brushing before you go to bed. If you want to have something, you can have it before brushing.Anything you eat/ drink would have the sugary content, carbohydrates. Remnants of any of the food or sugary products in the oral cavity, would lead to their decomposition by bacteria, bacterial growth and as a result may cause plaque and dental caries.Why to nullify your efforts to maintain oral hygiene by eating something after brushing.Hope this helps.

What is a healthy midnight snack?

fruits are rich is vitamins but it is advisable not to take a lot during the night not even after dinner. But may be a plankton would help. DRINK A GLASS OF WATER OR WARM MILK WITH SOME SLEEP INDUCING mix. better avoid any oily food like fries, chips or food rich in salt or sugar content.

Do you gain weight eating raisin bran late at nite?

eating anything late at night can cause you to gain weight.

Why do I always crave food late at night?

Everyone's metabolism is different. What time do you eat dinner and are you eating a balanced dinner of protein and veggies?

What time do you normally go to bed? And wake up? Do you get vigorous exercise at least 3x's a week?.. or have you just stared a fitness/resistance program that is causing your body to crave more?

Without knowing the details.. it's hard to identify a solution. Try eating 5 small meals a day... 3 balanced meals and 2 snacks. Have your last snack around a handful of Walnuts and drink two 8oz glasses of water.

That should make you full... then head off to bed around 1030. If you get "hungry" after you've had 5 small meals then it's mental... drink water to satisfy you. *Add lemon if you don't like the taste... if not it could be a medical issue then you'd want to see a doctor.

Is eating at night bad ?

An occasional late night snack is fine as long as you choose healthy foods and you are at a healthy weight. People who work in the afternoons or evenings eat late at night much of the time without any problems. The problem occurs for some people who keep to their healthy diets during the day, but at night they begin to snack and then end up consuming too many calories and their weight goes up. This might just be a habit to eat while watching television or maybe due to sugar or other food cravings.

While an occasional night of over-eating may not be too much of a problem for most of us, there is a disorder called night-eating syndrome. People with night-eating syndrome consume at least 25 to 50% of their daily calories after their regular dinnertime, almost every night. Night-eating syndrome patients also tend to also suffer from depression, low self-esteem and obesity. If you find that you eat most of your calories at night and you have diabetes or weight related problems, you need to speak to your doctor.