Learn structure easily in c programming

How do i learn cfm programming?

I am a Certified ColdFusion Developer. The developer version of the server is free to download. The only difference between the developer version and the regular version is the developer version has a limit of 2 concurrent IP while the regular version has no limit. To run your code, you can use developer version to test your ColdFusion applications and then deploy them to some web hosting companies.

cfm is a very easy to learn language especially if you are familiar with HTML. CFM is all tag-based (it also can be written in scripts too; the CF scripts are like javascripts in structure).

If you want to learn ColdFusion, you can go to Barnes and Noble and look for books written by Ben Forta. ColdFusion documentation is also available online for free at

Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions.

How to learn graph data structure in Java ?

See the guide here:

What is the best way to learn data structures in C easily?

Well, it's so much fun working with data structures in any language.Learn what data structures are, either from books or from websites.Then, try doing sample programs which implement these data structures. (Till here, it's basic. If you want to master then..)Relate these data structures with your day to day life.(This is most important step in learning anything in computer science).Practice problems on data structures from sites like hackerrank, codechef, codingame etc. There are plenty of them.for(;;){Compete with others.Check the solutions of your competitors. This gives you different perspective of solving the problem. Compare your way of solving the problem and the others and accept the better one. i.e. keep improving yourself.}Well, the above loop never ends, because the learning never stops and you got to keep working to get good at it.All the best :)| रेणु |

Can you learn data structures and algorithms before C programming?

Yes, You can learn programming concepts without coding in a specific language.But It’s better to learn a programming language and implement the ideas using a computer instead of paper and pencil.Why?(1) Because real software require changes and this is more easy using code editors instead of papers(2) Because you need to do a lot of training to really understand the concepts.

Need help in Java Programming (Loop Structures and Strings) plz?

* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
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import java.util.Scanner;

* @author
public class Main {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Please enter 1 if you want to find out if only " +
"one number is prime number \nor\n0 if you want to find a range of prime numbers");
Scanner getnumber1=new Scanner(;
Scanner getnumber2=new Scanner(;
Scanner get_choice=new Scanner(;

int choice=get_choice.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter the first number");
int number=getnumber1.nextInt();
if(number>0 && number%2!=0 && number%3!=0 && number%5!=0 && number%7!=0)
System.out.println(number + " is a prime number.");

System.out.println(number + " is not prime number.");
System.out.println("Please enter the first number");
int number=getnumber1.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter the second number");
int number2=getnumber2.nextInt();
for(; number {
if(number>0 && number%2!=0 && number%3!=0 && number%5!=0 && number%7!=0)
System.out.println(number + " is a prime number.");


// TODO code application logic here


What is the best way to learn Data Structure in C?

Data structures is one among the interesting subjects I've come across.To start with :Learn all the important concepts of C.Develop interest in coding by solving simple ones first.Try and code on ur own. Understand the logic and u can manipulate the code as per ur convenience. As long as the logic is same, there should be no issues.Follow GeeksforGeeks | A computer science portal for geeks. They provide easy way to learn programming languages, data structures or any of CS stuff.Go through the book by Systematic approach to data structures - Padma reddy for simple and easy way to learn data structures.Finally when Ure thorough with the above, u can approach Data structures made easy - Narasimha karumanchi. Trust me, it's not as simple to understand and solve this book as the name suggests. So I'd suggest to keep it at the end.

Which is the best book to learn about data structures using C?

Below I am listing two popular book for Data Structures. I use these two book as a reference in grads very frequently.Data Structures Using C - Aaron M. TenenbaumDiscusses data structures from scratch. Takes one from basics to really advance level. It's a very good book for having deeper understanding of this subject. It would be better if one have some idea of C programming.Introduction to Algorithms - CLRSIt's more of a algorithms book than data structures book. However, this book discusses  many important data structures which are used in various algorithms, which makes it a self sufficient book.HTH

Where can I learn Array, structure & pointers from basic to advance level (C language) ? I

The C Programming LanguageThese are some of the some of the books you should go throughThe C Programming Language is written by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. This book is considered to be the best C programming book because it is written by inventors of C language. The book explains the concept of C language in an easy manner and covers every concept in detail. This book will be really helpful for people looking to study computer concepts and C programming.C: The Complete ReferenceC: The Complete Reference is written by Herbert Schildt. It is a popular book among all other books written by Herbert Schildt. By reading it you’ll get in-depth coverage of the C language as well as all new features of C. The book also includes hundreds of examples and sample applications. Some other popular programming books written by Herbert Schildt are Java – The Complete Reference and Java – A Beginners Guide.Programming in ANSI CProgramming in ANSI C is written by E Balagurusamy. I personally recommend you to start learning from this book because I learned all basic concepts of C using it. This book is one of the best and most popular C programming book in India. The author has given simple examples after every concept that will help you to learn C language in an easy way.Let Us CLet Us C is written by Yashavant Kanetkar. He is a well know and popular author in India. This is another book that helped me to clear my C programming concepts. The best part of the book is, there are so many examples at the end of each chapter that really helps in improving C skills. Let Us C is another best selling and popular C programming book in India.Head First CHead First C is written by David Griffiths. Head First C provides a complete learning experience for C language and structured imperative programming. The book helps you understand how to be a great programmer. You will learn basics as well as advanced topics in easy manner with good programming examples.

C Programming, help?? l14n6?

No one with any sense is going to write your homework for you.
The Idea of Homework is that YOU do it, it reinforces a concept or idea studied in class. If you just leech of others you will never learn to think for yourself. The task being set is trivial, its actually harder to write the pseudo code than it would be to write the C code; you should be able to do it without help. If you cannot then tell your instructor.

DEFINE FUNCTION Area ( Input : struct rectangle r) returns integer
..declare result as integer value 0
..result = ( Width of r mutiplied by Height of r)
.. return result

DEFINE FUNCTION Center ( Input : struct rectangle r) returns struct point
..declare result as struct point value (0,0)
..result.x = r.upper_left.x + (Height of r/ 2)
..result.x = r.upper_left.y + (Widtht of r/ 2)
..return result

DEFINE FUNCTION Move ( Input : struct rectangle r, Input : integer x, Input : integer y) returns struct rectangle
..declare result as struct rectangle value (0, 0, 0, 0)
..result = r
..result.upper_left.x = result.upper_left.x + x
..result.upper_left.y = result.upper_left.y + y
..result.lower_right.x = result.lower_right.x + x
..result.lower_right.y = result.lower_right.y + y
..return result

DEFINE FUNCTION PointInRectangle( Input : struct rectangle r, Input : struct point p)
..declare result as boolean value False
..IF ( ( p.x is between r.upper_left.x and r.lower_right.x ) AND
........(p.y is between r.upper_left.y and r.lower_right.y ) ) THEN
....result =True
..return result

Should I learn algorithm and data structure just after learning C and without having knowledge of any other language?

Data structure is a concept of organising your data in the most efficient way. Algorithm is a step by step instruction for solving a problem. You do not need to learn specific languages for learning DS and Algo, both are concepts.You learn and understand them, after that you can implement them using any programming language like C, C++, Python, Java, etc.