Left Arm Goes Numb When Lying Down On Right Arm

Arm goes numb when sitting down?

How does it feel and where does your arm feel numb? More description please. Your ulnar nerve runs from the base of your neck through your shoulder, down through the elbow, and the first sign of problems is that your inner arm and/or ring and pinky finger will go numb.

Go see your doctor. You could have a pinched/inflamed nerve. Because it happens when you sit, it is probably something in the back/neck rather than the arm itself.

When I sleep on my left side, my right arm goes numb?

Lyndsey, happens to me too. Just trapped nerves or blood vessels. Try two possilbe solutions
1. Turn a bit more onto your face
2. get a longish cylindrical pillow, mine is 20" long by 17" circumference. Lie with this under your neck (on one normal pillow) and rest your upper hand and wrist on it.
Experiment a bit ... it really works for me

My right arm is kind of numb and tingly...?

This is really strange and has never happened to me before. I'm in Ireland right now, in my apartment, and it's about 3:45 in the morning. I wasn't able to get to sleep, I kept tossing and turning, then my right arm felt like it fell asleep. I switched positions, but the tingling wouldn't stop. I got up and moved around, and it still wouldn't stop!

I've been sitting at my desk for a half hour now, at the computer, and it's still tingly and kind of numb! Nothing like this has ever happened before...I'm 22 years old and in good health but this is scaring me! Might I be having an anxiety attack because I'm living abroad in a foreign country or could it be something worse?

I'm really afraid because I have no family or anything out here; I'm basically by myself other than my apartment suitemates.

For the record, nothing else is numb or out-of-whack on my body except my right arm, which is numb/tingly from my fingers to my upper arm. What's happening?!

When I lay or sit down my arms go numb subsequently I'm having to move my arms about to try and get rid of

See your doctor. May be circulation is impaired. Or a nerve is pinched.