Let Me Know This Sentence^^

What is the meaning of this sentence, "I will let you know"?

It means that I will tell you once I get to know about it. Or it could mean that I will tell you what I think once I’ve made a decision.Example 1:A: When is Spiderman: Homecoming getting released in India?B: I’m not sure. I’ll let you know.Example 2:A: Will you join me on that trek coming Sunday?B: Um.. I may be busy this Sunday. Anyway, I’ll let you know.

Could you let me know correct sentences?

a. Mary is a pleasure to teach.

b. Mary is a tragedy to work with.

c. The news is a surpise to hear.

d. The man is a problem to deal with.

e. Mary is an honor to meet.

I heard there are three correct sentences and two incorrect sentences.

Could you let me know correct ones and the reason ?

Please let me know which sentence is correct and why?

Which sentence is correct?
a.Did Lisa knowingly lie on the witness stand?
b. They think the judge will have noticed something strange in her behavior
c. The lawyers had decided to keep her testimony a secret.

Which one is proper parallel sentence construction?
a. Robin failed when he tried to open the lock with a key, but succeeded when he tried to open it with a hammer.
b. We painted the class room blue, hung a poster on the wall, and are rearranging the chairs
c. No one in the room knew that the doors had been locked and the policeman will be running up the stairs.
d. Ruhi is incapable of walking and to talk in the same time.

Which one is correct?

a. I would eat an apple every day if I could, nor the doctors tell me I couldn't.
b. Although she is angry at them, neither her son and her father will be at the party.
c. Jessy lives on Arthur street;however, she works on Nokia store.

Which is the correct pronoun use?
a.Which of these glasses is half full- this one or that one?
b. Whose book is that- his or our?

Correct this sentence " let me know about interview time? "?

Please can you remind me what time my interview is?