Let Three Week Old Baby Cry Or No

Can my 7 week old baby be spoiled?

My baby is 7 weeks old and she seems to be spoiled already. She wants to be held all of the time. She has started this thing were she fights her sleep really bad so she will only go to sleep being held. Once she is asleep we try to put her down but she just wakes up crying. She does this during the day and night, she only cry's when she is tired! I don't want her to get to the point of always wanting to be held all of the time so should i let her cry or should i pick her up? I feel bad when she gets so worked up but sometimes it doesnt even help when you hold her because she fights her sleep so bad!

Letting a 3 week old "cry it out"?

my son is 3 weeks old & he does not like to sleep in his crib or bassinet. he sleeps in bed with me & my husband but that means that we both hardly get any sleep. don't get me wrong, i love sleeping with him & cuddling with him but in the past 3 weeks, i've managed to get MAYBE 4 hours of sleep a night. my husband put him in his bassinet & shut the baby room door. he cried for 3 hours off & on & i felt so guilty that i hardly slept during that time. is the crying it out method too much too soon? i asked his doctor about it & she only replied with "you do what you gotta do. sometimes you just need a little shut eye." but that didn't really answer my question. am i doing him harm by leaving him to cry?

How do I get my 3 week old baby to shut up?

Easy, by listening.Is the baby hungry? Put a breast in its mouth, feed him. Or bottle.Is the baby wet? Change him.Is the baby I'll? Go to the doctor and get educated on what to do.Are YOU overwhelmed? Seek help, many of us had to.Are you over your head? It is ok, many of us were too. If immediate family is available, seek help with the new born.Are you married? Speak to your husband, your body is going through a lot of changes. You two… three need to revisit your doctor to make sure your body is balancing out with the changes. Some of us needed medical attention because the changes of birth was too much. We were drained of needed minerals that affected us.In summary, you and your hubby and baby need to visit your doctor to make sure your body has been readjusting ok and the baby is adjusting ok.You are not alone.Congratulations!!!

2 week old baby cries when not being held?

Aww this is hard. My baby would cry all the time when I put her down also. He needs you. I held my daughter for the first 8 weeks of her life. I would have either my mom or my mother in law come over to give me a break. I swear I rocked her constantly for the first 8 weeks of her life. She ended up being colicky though too. She is now 12 weeks old and for about 2 weeks now she has been falling asleep on her own, on the couch and in her crib. She no longer wants to be rocked. My daughter was very gassy too. Maybe that is whats going on with your son. I say hold him, but do take breaks when you can. It never spoiled my little girl at all. Its alot for a baby to suddenly be in this world they have never seen before.. it takes time for them to get used to everything!!!

What harm can be done by letting my 2 week old cry himself to sleep?

There is nothing wrong with taking a "break" when things get overwhelming...but your child is ONLY 2 weeks old. a 2 week old's ONLY method of communication is by crying, it's cruel to let them scream. the only reason at that age, that they calm down is not because they are 'self soothing' it's because they have given up all hope of being sad!

this blog/post gives great examples of why i do not agree with the CIO method.

if your child (at that age) is that upset, even after a bottle, a diaper, and cuddling doesn't calm him down, he might have colic. it's VERY common, and there ARE methods of helping him without letting him scream his head off till he loses faith that you'll be there to comfort him:

gripe water:

this makes baby feel safe and secure since it mimics the warm, snug uterus.

placing baby on left side or holding baby across your lap with them on their tummy:
it helps digestion and may help with gas pressure (also gas drops might help- ESP if your child is formula fed)

white noise:
things like the dishwasher, dryer, hair dryer, vacuum etc can calm a colicky baby.

Offer a pacifier:
pacifiers can relax a baby....and help calm the fussiness

like i said, there is nothing wrong with taking a 5 min break from the screaming to calm your nerves or your headache....but a 2 week old has NO concept of "this is bed time not play time", and shouldn't be expected to.

Is it healthy for a 3 week old baby to sleep in a swing that vibrates?

NO NO NO ALL THE TIME10 Best Baby Swings (Reviews March 2019) 19 Products Tested!

How do I help my 3-week-old baby who's crying all the time?

My son was colicky from almost day 1. I nursed, so the first thing I did was eliminate iron supplements, then dairy from my diet to see it there was a relationship. I tried different formulas, feeding schedules and techniques to ease abdominal distress. Nothing helped. The only relief I found was in homeopathic gas drops prior to feeding. He finally outgrew it around age 7 months. It can be extremely stressful, so be sure you have support and communicate with the pediatrician regularly.

Should I let me 3 week newborn cry it out?

A baby has little available to her in the way of communication. Crying is her way of telling you that something is not right. She is much too little to let her "cry it out". At this tender age it produces a sense of abandonment and a loss of security when she cries and her needs are not met. If she is breast fed, she may be hungry more often than you think. A breast fed newborn can eat as often as 1-2 hours around the clock. Often a nursing session can take 30-45 minutes so it may seem like you are nursing her continuously. This will get better as she gets bigger and older. Try offering her the breast more often. If she is formula fed she may need more formula or a change in formula. She also may need more frequent burping. Keep in mind that just 3 short weeks ago she was in an environment where her every need was met before she knew she needed it. She was never hungry, never hot or cold, and always comfy in her mommy. Speak quietly to her, sing to her, rock with her. She's used to hearing your voice as well as is familiar with your body movements. Consider wearing her in a sling since she cries when she is laid down. Read the reviews of various front carriers and choose one that is approved for use with newborns only. She may also like a swing (or she may not). If you have not introduced a pacifier to her, you may want to try one. Some babies just need additional sucking than feeding allows. Some parents are worried about baby becoming too attached, but if you use it sparingly and only when needed it is easier to wean a baby from it. Some babies just sleep better with a pacifier plus studies are showing that having an infant use a pacifier while sleeping contributes to a reduced risk of SIDS. If your baby is crying than there is a reason for it. Sometimes you just can't figure out what is wrong, but the fact you are close by to her will give your daughter a sense of security and comfort. It is an old and outdated viewpoint to let infants "cry it out". When she is much older it may have a place, but right now it does not contribute to her well-being.

3 week old won't stop crying?

First, you're trying to put him down when he's so young, and that's never a good thing. Try putting him in a carrier and carrying him. That should also help with him sleeping, as he can feel relaxed and safe while he's snuggled up in a carrier next to your body. A baby rooting can either mean they're hungry, but if they root in jerky, hyperactive movements that means they're tired. So yeah, a carrier can help a lot with that.

He shouldn't be excessively gassy if you're breastfeeding. Using gas drops can be very painful, as they push all gas into one single, giant bubble, and simply holding a baby so they're not fully horizontal is usually enough for a young baby to either burp or fart out after they've been burped after the feed.

Try putting some music on. Silence absolutely terrifies babies. So having some music on and being carried usually does a lot to comfort babies.

But you are right, next to being carried and held, a full tummy and not being hungry is vital for babies not to be crying, and they really do hate wet and/or dirty diapers. Hang in there.