Liberals If Your So Smart And Awesome Refute All Of This

Why do so many assume that you're a rabid liberal if you're a conservative who prefers the intellectual side?

I mean, I get people puzzled b/c I do not like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. I find them beneath me: they make up facts, have a wide population of uneducated people who listen to them and accept them unconditionally, so why would I want that when I can enrich my mind through other conservative media: the late William F. Buckley, Jr., Russell Kirk; publications such as The National Review, The American Spectator, The American Conservative, The Weekly Standard and The Economist. I don't want to waste my time on junk when I have high-quality conservative reading material -------why read a trashy novel when you can read a good one?

Why do so many fellow conservatives here not understand that some of us like to have our minds enriched and why do so many of them upon finding out that we exist assume that we are all liberals? Why are so many dumb people now in the movement I once easily called home?

pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, anti-political correctness, anti-big government, anti-affirmative action, anti-illegal immigration and anti stupid populism that makes us all look dumb and gives the far left ammunition on a daily basis.

Liberals...why are they so obtuse and stupid?

Why do liberal run colleges turn out more and more of the world's most inept students?And why do these same students like to call conservatives "stupid"?Isn't there a disparity here?The average liberal student has no idea what to do with a typical differential equation,does not know the difference between a profit margin or a markup.Yet they will call the next guy ''dumb''.Why?

How can I defeat the common "Liberals are smarter!" argument?

Well, really, your response to anything along those lines should be “And?”.You’re having a debate with him, right? So, what possible use is referencing other people? If I’m discussing the death penalty with a woman and she says, “Well, men are idiots,” I’m not going to fumble to disprove that statement…it has nothing to do with the topic!Now, if you do get into the specific argument of which side is smarter, then you have a long road to hoe. You can both fling all sorts of info at each other:The IQ one is just stupid. IQ measures a specific type of intelligence; it has nothing to do with wisdom or the specialized knowledge for specific job fields.Liberals dominate the sciences, literature, and art…but conservatives dominate business and finance. All areas require a considerable intellect.In college, I wouldn’t say there’s that much higher of a percentage of liberals. I know a lot of conservatives want to believe that, but that’s just a way of painting colleges as being evil.Both sides have their fair share of idiots.So, my advice? Don’t even get into the discussion…it’s really a stupid argument to have.

Why are there so many liberal snobs on Quora?

so many on there like to give long answers and are very condescending in their views. You can't even argue with them in the comments section because other liberal snobs are there to "prove you wrong"

Why do most intellectuals tend to lean towards liberalism?

If by "intellectuals," you mean "very intelligent people," then yes, they orient toward political liberalism (U.S. sense) very strongly, and the smarter they are, the stronger they orient toward liberalism.  I wrote a related paper recently (Shortened ScienceDirect URL Redirection).  The main reasons are that very intelligent people 1) possess an external control ideology, 2) are more empathetic toward people they do not know, and 3) are more trusting toward people they do not know.  Several more comments relating to some of the other answers in this thread (I say more about each in the paper):  1)  It's true that very intelligent people are also more likely to be irreligious, but the relationship between liberalism and irreligiosity is largely correlative, rather than causal (both are effects of higher intelligence).  2)  Very smart people in general orient toward liberalism, regardless of whether or not they are in academia.  For example, Pulitzer Prize winners, Putnam winners, Intel Science Search winners, and Scripps National Spelling Bee winners are all unlikely to be affiliated with academia but all overwhelmingly liberal.  3)  Libertarians tend to have the highest average IQ, not because libertarianism is most attractive to the most intelligent people, but because libertarianism basically has much fewer adherents of low intelligence to bring down the average.  This is true for any ideology or party that is non-mainstream.  People of low intelligence don't follow politics closely enough to be Libertarians.

How should I refute the argument "Conservatives come from less smarter places, and liberals come from smarter places, so you should trust liberals."?

The claim is completely irrelevant. It is true that some parts of the US have poorer education systems than others. But you should not trust anyone based on where they are from, conservative or liberal. You should evaluate their claims and policies based on evidence.I'm a liberal because I find their claims and policies, in general, to be based on scientific evidence of what actually works in real life. And when something isn't working, liberals are open to correcting it so that it does work as intended.But I would never blindly trust any politician, regardless of their background. I always consider their claims with skepticism. You should too.

Why do liberals glorify villains like Mao, Che, and Stalin?

Your premise is very false and ill conceived.