Liberals Why Do You Love Fema Dhs The Cia Nsa And Big Government Soooo Much

Which government organisation has the most power: CIA, FBI or the US Secret Service?

Image: A custodial employee sweeps the main lobby floor at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, making sure that the part with the Agency’s seal is nice and shiny. His security clearance is probably higher than that of an average US Army Colonel.This is a very difficult question to answer—it’s not like asking which of three weight lifters is strongest. It’s more like asking who, among Simone Biles, Peyton Manning, and Usain Bolt, is the best athlete. One is a gymnast, one is a football quarterback, and one is a sprinter, so their abilities aren’t comparable.So it is with the CIA, the FBI, and the Secret Service. Each is powerful in its own way in its own field with its own expertise. The CIA is an intelligence agency, devoted mainly to the acquisition and analysis of information, and then the making of predictions and estimates based on that information. Very little of its attention and resources are devoted to “covert operations” of the kind that make their way into movies and TV. The FBI and Secret Service are law enforcement agencies. They exist to investigate crimes (general federal crimes and assisting local law enforcement when asked is the FBI’s area while the Secret Service primarily works on hunting down counterfeiters, with only a tiny fraction of its resources devoted to protecting government officials).If power is, however, measured by budgets, the CIA would win hands down. According to the Edward Snowden-leaked information, in FY 2013 the CIA budget was about $14.7 billion. Size of CIA’s budget slice revealed in Edward Snowden leak - FT.comIn FY 2015, the FBI budget request was for about $8.3 billion. FBI Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2015 The amount actually appropriated will be in that ballpark.The Secret Service budget in this period is staying about $2.2 billion.

What's the difference between CIA, NSA, FBI, and Homeland security?

The FBI investigates crimes, and prepares cases for prosecution. It is part of the Department of Justice. The CIA is an independent agency which cooperates with agencies such as the NSA, the DIA, and other intelligence agencies.The main similarity between the two rather different agencies is that both play a part in the struggle against terrorism.The FBI takes the lead in forensic science and offers training, and sometimes, logistical support for local law enforcement agencies, especially in are areas such as fingerprints or DNA analysis, where the capital investment required is too much for small police departments. The FBI also collects, analyzes, and publishes crime statistics .The CIA uses open sources, human intelligence, and electronic intelligence to form pictures of potential or actual adversaries in the international realm.The CIA has no internal police powers to arrest, subpoena, or bring evidence into a courtroom or before any administrative body. To a large extent the CIA’s charter forbids operations within the country. The CIA has a Directorate of Intelligence and, I think, a Directorate of Analysis. It has some paramilitary operations, or it did in Afghanistan. The FBI has legal attaches based in American embassies and sometimes offers technical assistance to foreign police agencies of friendly foreign powers, but the FBI has no authority in any other country to subpoena, arrest, or to compel testimony.

Do you trust the FBI, CIA, and NSA to be working in the best interest of the USA?

Oh hell no , if there is a government program , agency, tax , service etc. , out there you best believe they're not having your best interest at heart .The CIA alone has committed more terrorist attacks , than all terror groups combined in the history of terrorism . I say that in the most literal way possible . They have ruined nations , countries , cities , towns , families , people , their own kind , just go down the list naturally . They have sadly funded terrorist groups globally since their conception . Plus they've also sold trillions of dollars worth of drugs to the U.S , to fund more of their pathetic regime overthrows . There hasn't been 1 positive thing , that I can think of that the CIA has done for the American people . They aren't even part of the federal government , lot of people dont even know that . They're a private entity all in their self . That's how they can openly do such vile things , with zero repercussions and with a UNLIMITED bank roll , all in the name of “freedom”.The NSA was exposed by Snowden and that's just the tip of the iceberg . They have now mastered a level of spying on us citizens , that they could easily have a highly detailed profile on every citizen in the U.S . , and I mean so so so so so detailed . Being able to listen in on your “smart” anything , at anytime with zero warrants what so ever . They're not as disgusting as the CIA , but they are a very nasty organization as well.The FBI , does have a few decent divisions left . Like child abduction units , sex trafficking , serial rapist/killers , and few others . Yet they still are bad , cause they turn a blind eye to lots of stuff , if its other members of the government , that's doing the shady stuff .There is alphabet groups out there , that their entire existence is classified and we the people who they're supposed to WORK for , arent even allowed to know the name of their agency , much less their agenda . This should be extremely alarming if you're a citizen of the U.S. , yet tragically , the average citizen dont give a shit . They're only concerned with themselves and their small little bubbles , but that's what everything around us , builds us up to . To never question official stories or reports , to act as if , these treacherous groups actually have our best interest in mind 24/7 , or hell even for an hour of a month .