Liberals Would You Agree To Follow This Constitutional Mandate

Should we amend the Constitution to repeal ObamaCare?

Even some of the attorneys general that are suing say that it is probably constitutional and that the lawsuits are more symbolic then legally compelling.

The health care law is clearly constitutional. Also, if you have the support to amend the constitution simply elect members of Congress that will vote to repeal it and to override the Presidential veto. If you don't have the votes for that you probably won't have the votes for the much more complicated process of a constitutional amendment.

Besides, the democratically elected members of the Congress voted for this lost. Since when in this country does the minority start throwing a hissy fit when they loose. You are a bunch of cry babies, win a few elections and you can repeal the bill, until then stop whining.

Why do conservatives cling to the outdated American Constitution?

The left sees the Constitution as an evil document that was written by white men for white men and you know what they think of white men. The left sees it as written for people who believe in God above government and the dignity of the common man rather than the collective welfare. The left sees people as having evolved from apes who are now destroying the planet, especially the white man. They see the white men as greedy, bigoted, racist, and ignorant because they believe people should have the freedom to control their own destiny, but the left sees them as keeping the non whites and females poor while they are the wealthy land owners.

They see the idea of expecting people to lead responsible, moral lives as returning them to slavery. Freedom to them is "anything goes" and they don't want anyone around making them feel bullied out of their narcissism or expecting them to earn a living. Funny thing is they will have to earn a living anyway but they just won't realize much from their efforts above the bare necessities. This is what happens when the future is devoid of hope and the disenfranchised form a mob. Human dignity becomes an entirely different matter.

Conservatives want to retain the dignity of man to choose their own destiny rather than be controlled by the nanny state.

Will candidates the Gavel, Kucinich and Ron Paul "naderize" or "perotize" the election?

I am against MIC and party lines as much as the next liberal but I hardly think that this is the time to go dividing the democratic and republican parties into oblivion...

This always seems to work to the benefit of those you really Don't like...


Some people in America today believe that the United States Government has gained too much power?

some people in America today believe that the United States Government has gained too much power over the states, effectively making them subservient to Washington. do you agree or disagree and why

Question for people about state, or federal government?

The limits of the federal government are detailed in Article 1 of the Constitution, but, as you know, we do not follow our own laws.

Presidents have established new and unconstitutional departments like the Department of Education and the EPA. Yes, I know that someone will tell you that these are OK because of the General Welfare clause, but I contend that they are not.

One day a governor of some state, maybe Texas, will expel the EPA or the BLM from his state or he will cause his legislature to vote to nullify some federal regulation or mandate or a Supreme Court decision and the whole thing will begin to crumple.

The states own the federal government not the other way around. But sadly our state leaders have let the feds run all over them.

One example is: When are the western states going to have the guts to tell the feds that the states own the land within the borders of their states not the feds. Just look at Article 1 section 3 of the Constitution. It couldn't be clearer. But as I said, we don't follow our own laws.

The feds know that if they push Cliven Bundy too far his case might bubble up to the Supreme Court and if if does the feds run the risk that an honest Supreme Court will find for him per Article 1 of the Constitution. So far, the same nutty district judge has ruled in favor of the feds because he does not know the law.