Libs Do You Honestly See This Culture Of Entitlements As Sustainable

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

Is there such a thing as a purely altruistic act?

Yep.Let's first look at the definition of "altruistic":unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others further clarification, we can refer to the definition of "selfish", as "unselfish" is simply defined as the opposite of that:1. devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. 2. characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself if these hold, then yes, there is such a thing as a purely altruistic act, as by definition, the act only has to care about another in a manner not primarily concerned with oneself.Example: I bought an emaciated homeless dude some Chipotle last night when I was grabbing a late dinner. He was sitting outside shivering in the cold, and asked me if I could spare some change so he might be able to grab a bite to eat. I handed him all the change I had in my pocket at the time--not a whole lot, if I'm honest. A few dimes, pennies, and I think one or two quarters. Clearly not enough to buy squat, you couldn't even buy a soda with it. He started counting it immediately, and you could just see the sinking look in his eyes as he realized he'd be going hungry again.Hold up, I was about to pay for my own food with a debit card anyways...So I invited the man to come into Chipotle with me and told him to get whatever he wanted. Why? Because I mean, come on, he looked like he could really use a good meal, and regardless of the obscene rate at which I'm going into debt paying for my education, I'm still better off than this guy. I am not the type of human being to just walk on by when something as simple as this will alleviate another's pain. Do I do this every day? No, but every once in a while, I don't see the problem with being nice.He couldn't believe it. I held the door for him and ushered him in, and bought him 3 tacos. He dug into those like it was the last thing he'd ever eat before leaving this planet.Can this man do anything to actually repay me? No. Will I ever see him again? Probably not. Will buying him food do me any good? No. Do I care? Nope.I told him that if he was ever in a position to be generous in the future, he should pass it on. I wished him luck, and then we parted ways. I hope I put a little shine in his day.

Is business only about making money; or is it also about being socially responsible and providing important benefits to society?

Research show that companies should operate as a responsible corporate citizen.According to the stakeholder theory, companies should satisfy demands of a variety of stakeholders.These stakeholders include customers, governments, communities, grassroots organizations, and other civic organizations.They increasingly expect companies to improve the community and look after the environment.If a company fails to do so, the stakeholders can withdraw their support and create negative publicity about the company.The resulting outcomes may affect the company's sustainability and growth.As part of the business eco-system, companies should contribute to the betterment of society.By doing so, it can strengthen branding equity and help companies to expand its market and create a more sustainable operation.At the basic level, a business should be managed lawfully and ethically. It should not only be doing so but it should also be seen to be doing so in the eyes of the public.It includes selling of value-added goods and services in a responsible and fair way and promoting equitable creation and sharing of wealth and respect for the rights of its stakeholders and their communities.There is also an increasing obligation for the business to contribute to sustainable development, a process which is defined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development to include "the integration of social, environmental, and economic considerations to make balanced judgments for the long term."Companies should not be a burden to the community but a nett contributor to its well-being.They can use their knowledge, competence, and other resources to help resolve a social problem or contribute to the bridging and bonding of communities and building of positive relationships.In doing so, Professor Michael Porter and Mark Kramer argue that it will improve their competitive advantage because it will create more social values than what an individual, an organization, or the government may be able to deliver to society.The social capital generated will also strengthen the company's standing in the community and stakeholders' support for its business.As the world increasingly becomes a global interconnected and interdependent village, companies should become more mindful of the shared responsibility for contributing to healthy communities and the environment.By contributing to the social bottom line, companies can improve their financial bottom line.

What can one do to help enrich, contribute, and improve the Philippines and the Filipino culture?

The first thing that we should do as Filipinos is to educate ourselves about our history in order to understand how and why our country is in this present state. Also, it is important that you study our history adopting a Filipino POV and not the colonizer's POV (e.g. Magellan came to the Philippines vs. Magellan discovered the Philippines). I've learned so much during my Philippine History class under Dr. Antonio Hila and has really helped me appreciate and develop love for the Philippines. Because, really, you can think of ways to help our country but it would all be useless if there is no sense of nationalism.

Whats your opinion of the economy? ?

tell me what you think of it, what you think caused it to be like this, and how you would fix it if you had the power to. or just give me your opinion. i will give best answer to who ever has the most thumbs ups on his or her answer.