Life Everything About Adulthood Is Scary.

Scared of adulthood?

Last 2 years were the best because I got new really close friends who I can share my life with. But this is my last year in secondary school and then I'm afraid that my friends will go different paths and I am left alone.

I can't even be a week alone because of my past.

What's the scariest thing about adulthood?

The scariest thing that I can tell you is that you yourself are solely responsible for many things that you once never were.The time of staying with your parents is going to be limited. They will be there in the beginning for you and help you once you are out of college (hopefully). With living under their roof, eating their food, using their electricity, their running water and additional resources (bed, clothes, car, etc.)All these things that I have mentioned above you will be paying for yourself. It is hard to imagine that some of those resources cost money but they do, and it can get very expensive. And fees for paying for these late can add up to astronomical amounts and ruin your credit, which these days is necessary to maintain a good financial lifestyle.Living on your own can get lonely as well if you do not have a significant other or a roommate. Some nights depending where you now reside can be a little unsettled or noisy. Especially if you live in an apartment complex with terrible down the hall neighbors. Also apartments don't come cheap either. If you want a nice one that is not a dump or in a very unsettled area be prepared to dish out a couple thousand each month for your rent. Landlords can evict you from the property if you are late with payments so it is crucial to keep up with that.There are also the little things, say goodbye to all the home cooked meals that Mom or Dad used to make. You will need to be completely independent in your diet and be able to shop for yourself. You will find that it is tough work to keep track of all your purchases let alone sustain yourself with those resources. You will find yourself more and more buying out of necessity to live rather than spend for enjoyment.Lastly, do not expect anybody to hold your hand and help you through any crisis you may have. As I said up top, being an adult means being SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF. Do not expect Mom or Dad to help you through every financial crisis or any of your friends, cause God knows what they have to spend money on once they are adults. You need to be sure that you have a good job with a steady income that can support you as well as buy things necessary for healthy living.Nowadays it is extremely difficult to be a responsible adult and financially independent, it really all comes down to money, because everywhere you look there will always be someone there to take money from you.

What is adulthood like? Is it boring?

Been an adult is REALLY boring. 8 hours job, 8 hours sleep, 1 hr. cleaning, 3 hours eating; that leaves you with a maximum of 4 hours to have fun… unless you have children… then fun is over and you start using sleep hours to do other stuff (none of them fun).Now that I got you depressed, there are ways to not end up killing yourself, here are some ideas make everything fun (some of them work for me):You spend hours going to work? Listen to your favorite music on the way, don’t listen to the news or other boring stuff, read a book (if you are not driving) or learn something on the way. You may also be able to listen to music on your job, or talk with a friend.Look forward to fun stuff; it doesn’t have to be a concert or a vacation, maybe a movie on Netflix, or a videogame, or that ice-cream you saved for today. Stop looking how miserable you are, we all are, if you spend your free time thinking about that then you are just making yourself more miserable. It is better to spend your boring time thinking on the (small) fun you are going to have.Don’t accumulate boring stuff for when you have free time. e.g.: don’t leave the dishes or the laundry for the weekend. If you only have 1 hour free on the week, do some of the boring stuff then, save all the weekend to yourself (even if that means sleeping late and watching YouTube videos).Similar to that, be sure to make room for fun stuff, even if that means sleeping 30 minutes late, or not doing the dishes today and doing them all tomorrow, if you don’t have fun then there is no reason for all the work and responsibilities.If you don’t like what you are doing try to change it, be smart, don’t quit your job without having another. Don’t break up with your significant other just because you spend lots of time doing nothing. You will miss both if you do that.And last, don’t spend too much time doing the same thing. Even if it is something you like, you will burn out and then you will end up not liking anything.In few words, yes, been an adult is boring, but you can still have fun and add meaning to your life.

Why do people say so many negative things about adulthood? Do adults really hate their lives?

Adulthood is hard, but you can choose to be happy, stuck, or have a bad attitude at any age. It is difficult at times to be grown up, handling things on your own, working, paying bills, being unhealthy or sick, having no one to depend on because as adults we are expected to handle our own lives and solve our own problems. It’s hard when relationships don’t work out, it’s hard to be a parent, and there’s so many ups and downs in life. When bad things happen, and they will to all of us no matter what we do, some people don’t have the skills to look past it, let go, and keep trying. It’s easy to feel like a victim or that the world is messed up or people suck, but you create your own misery with all of that. Being an adult can be a crazy but wonderful adventure but we all have the choice to make the most of it or not. I’ve been through lots of really rough stuff but it took all that to realize how grateful for what I do have and who I am. It’s all the way you look at it. Avoid the negative things you hear, it’s not the whole truth.

Everyone tells me that adulthood is horrible, is this true?

I’m going to give you a brutally honest answer that many people will disapprove of.It depends, but often, yes, adulthood is far worse than childhood.The best way to mitigate that is to prepare for a higher paying career. Get good grades in school, get into college, and then the chances of your adult life being unbearable are reduced.There are plenty of happy people in this world, but there’s not as many as Quora might make you think.The optimists and fulfilled people tend to gravitate here to Quora so they can share their happiness and optimism with others, but because so many of them do that, you’re not getting an accurate picture of the real world.Be very careful in what mistakes you make. A criminal record of any kind, terrible grades, trying the wrong drug, these can all totally destroy your life.Some mistakes are extremely difficult if not impossible to correct later in life.The sad truth is, while adults can indeed eat ice cream whenever they want, they often can’t afford it.Most people in the US don’t make enough to live comfortably anymore. People work two jobs and still barely get by.

How hard has adulthood hit you?

Adulthood had taken a toil on me. When I was a teenager, I was carefree. I had secret crushes and my crush became my best friend. It took years for me to confess. Then came engineeting days. Again secret crushes but I had close friend to share it about. Never confessed that crush. Then came job. Life all of a sudden became serious and I felt others lives are more colorful. My life was just work and occasional hangouts with few close friends and family time. I decided I ll financially help my parents build a house. I did support. Then came the age of marriage. Guess what no marriage proposals anywhere. I was almost mentally broke. I started questioning my way of living and choices and about myself. I underwent transformation from reserved person to outgoing playful and daring. I attracted more direct interest from guys mostly sexual. I went from one extreme to another. Now I have found a middle ground where I am doing fine but not great. So I worked very hard on my transformation. From looks to dressing up developing social skills to interpersonal relationships. It has taken a toil on me. Phew!!! But it was worth the change!!! I am more content and happy.

Do you like childhood or adulthood better?

My adulthood has been the more enjoyable of the two. School was hell on Earth as far as I was concerned. It would be interesting to relive those years with the knowledge that I have now though. I think things might go a lot more smoothly.

Hope you find adulthood to be more enjoyable! I think you'll be fine for two reasons. First, you're joining the Army. I know quite a few people who joined the military right out of high school and now they're among the happiest and most successful people I know personally. Kinda makes me regret my decision to go to college! Second, once you've lived in hell, things can only improve, right?

Good luck!

Is it scary to grow up and become an adult?

Yes, and no.There are moments when you just don't know how in the hell you're going to do...any of it. Responsibilities can weigh you down, and you can feel like you might never breathe again. But at the same time, you do the things you have to do, and get through them, and then...voila...reward!A nice weekend. A trip to the beach. A picnic. Time with your bestie...and you didn't need anyone's permission to just get in your car and go for a drive.If you can remember that some of those scary moments are followed by some really effing cool moments, then you'll be okay.If you keep a playful attitude and have fun even when you're working your rear end off, then you'll be okay.You may find it's not so scary, after all. It might even be pretty cool.Good luck.