Life Expectancy For My 78 Year Old Mother With Renal Failure An Many Other Complications

For doctors out there, I have a Cystic Fibrosis question. . . .?

Cystic Fibrosis affects many systems, but most severely the lungs. A good pulmonologist is essential. Also, you'll probably want to consult with an endocrinologist as well as a gastroenterologist for other management aspects. There is an AGONIZINGLY long answer about CF already posted, so I won't go into a lot of other detail.

Good luck.

How long will an unconscious 80-year-old person typically survive in bed (hospice) without food or water?

Jennifer and “Quora User” have, in my opinion given you very sound advice. I will add only this.In hospice we use three terms:Declining- an individual is beginning to withdraw from their usual activities such as getting out of bed, participating in daily activities such as showering and walking independently.Transitioning- which means the person is showing changes in their level of consciousness which demonstrate indicate death is drawing nearer. Usually this person is no longer eating and drinking, and if they are it's minimal.Imminent- which means that death is expected at any time from this point on. Symptoms may include noisy or labored breathing, fast developing skin breakdown (called Kennedy Ulcers) and skin color changes called “mottling”.As the body prepares to stop working, the ability to filter out natural waste products is impaired. Dehydration will of course hasten this process. The kidneys and liver will shut down and toxins in the bloodstream will then create a fatal condition within it called “acidosis”. Literally the bloods ph is dropping and becoming more acidic. This in turn harms the internal organs, which will all shut down.There may be involuntary muscle twitches know as “myoclonus” noted in the face, hands or other areas such as the lower extremities. Ativan is a good medication to use as it helps the body not respond to these events. And you may hear the “death rattle” noise coming from their throat. Sometime this noise is simply fluid trapped at the back of the throat and simply turning the person on the side completely will alleviate not only the noise, but also the anxiety related to the feeling of trapped fluid in your throat. Other times its the profound weakening of the trachea and it is now collapsing against itself.I will stop here. If you have more questions about this specific topic let me know.

Is dialysis a death sentence if you don't get a kidney transplant within the next couple a years?

Having been personally involved with afamily member who was on dialysis and later underwent a kidney transplant recipient, I can tell you that there is no comparison between the quality of life on dialysis vs. kidney transplant.Dialysis is the first treatmeant option for a person diagnosed with renal failure and thank God for that because the numbers of patients with kidney failure far, far exceeds the numbers of organs available and transplants performed.However, being on hemodialysis means putting aside 6 hours of time every alternate day for the rest of their lives. This severely restricts travel and work plans. As time goes by other complications such as fluid retention making it difficult to breathe and tiredness develop in the pre-dialysis period. The average life span of a patient on dialysis is quoted to be around 5–10 years. In India, you also have to be careful to choose a good, reliable center as there are risks of cardiopulmonary complications as well as transmission of viral hepatitis with hemodialysis.

How long can a patient survive with liver damage?

Survival depends on the degree and cause of liver damage. For a mildly damaged liver 20-30% damage a person can survive for years and in some case the liver can repair it self once the source of damge is removed. Cirrhosis from chronic liver damage of more than 80% in most cases is irreversible. This can be determined at a hospital not by yourself.At the hospital a scoring or fading system is used by doctors to determine chances of survival within 1 and 2 years after cirrhosis onset. This is known as the Child-Pugh score which measures Total bilirubin (μmol/L), Serum albumin (g/L), PT(prothrombine time) INR (international normalized ratio), whether or not you have Ascites (fluid in the abdominal space), whether patient has Hepatic encephalopathy and if patient needs dialysis or not.Based on the values of the above mentioned, doctors categorize the score in to 3 classes A, B,and C. With chances of survival by percentage chance as: …1 year survival rateClass A —100% (lower Child score)Class B — 80%Class C— 45% (higher Child score)2 year survival rateClass A — 85% (lower Child score)Class B — 57%Class C — 35% (higher Child score)

My dad is 78 years old and had a heart attack 2 years ago. How much longer will he live?

I am heart attack survivor and had many complications , kidney failure, 3 days on ventilator etc.Today after 6 years I am fine and taking sessions on Happy Heart http://Mantra.No body can say or predict how long person will survive after 1 st heart attack.Assuming your father is Ok now , Pl Ensure following so he leads Happy life , May Be 15 years ensure he is Happy and really at home when with family , friends.2.Very regular in Medication.3 Balanced Diet Daily is faithfully followed.5 Times fruit , Veg Diet , very limited food at dinner4 Pranayaam or deep breathing.5 Yoga and zyogic life style is Great 6.Good time in Meditation, Prayers7 Walk or Exercise in morning before breakfast , preferably in sun.8 Smile and Sleep well.8.Spend time in activity which he loves, like Music , Sports , play cards etc.I think you and your Bros , sis should check regularly for Heart Disease and I hope my upcoming book will help you.Vasekar mail me on.

How long can a person live with only one kidney?

Humans can very well survive for an average lifespan with one healthy kidney provided other organs/organ systems are in good health.As long as this kidney and the rest of the body remains unaffected by disease in the other kidney, a person's lifespan would remain unaffected. The presence of 2 kidneys simply follows evolutionary patterns of maintaining symmetry in body organs.In fact, some people are even born with just one kidney due to birth defects and continue to live normally without even realising their organ deficit unless they get an abdominal scan.Similarly, when a person gets a kidney transplant after both the kidneys of the patient fail, the person basically survives afterwards with one kidney. Such transplant recipients will live normally provided their new kidney remains healthy and other organs function normally.Hope this helps.