Life Inside Belur Math

Who is Belur Srinivas Iyengar?

Belur Srinivas Iyengar was a lawyer who was murdered maybe
Or he hanged somebody
Something like that
I don't remember

Math Help! Please help inside!?

I'll just ask a bunch of questions, and please TEACH/TELL me HOW you got that answer! As many a possible please

1) 12x-4y=8

Which of these statements describes the graph of this system of equasions?

F- Same line
G- Two parallel lines
H- two lines that intersect only at (1,1)
I- Two lines that intersect only at (0, -2)

2) 2 girls start a lawn mowing company. They have to buy a lawn mower for $250. They will charge $15 per lawn. Which inequality represents the number of lawns (L) they need to mow to earn at least $800 after they pay for the lawn mower?

F- L is less than or equal to 54
G- L is greater tahn or eqqual to 54
H- L is less than or queal to 70
J- L is greater than or equal to 70

Can a muslim go to Belur math?

Ramakrishna Math teaches that all religions lead to the same god.Ramakrishna's Islamic practiceToward the end of 1866 he began to practise the disciplines of Islām. Under the direction of his Mussalman guru he abandoned himself to his new sādhana. He dressed as a Mussalman and repeated the name of Allah.His prayers took the form of the Islamic devotions. He forgot the Hindu gods and goddesses - even Kāli - and gave up visiting the temples. He took up his residence outside the temple precincts. After three days he saw the vision of a radiant figure, perhaps Mohammed. This figure gently approached him and finally lost himself in Sri Ramakrishna. Thus he realized the Mussalman God. Thence he passed into communion with Brahman. The mighty river of Islam also led him back to the Ocean of the Absolute.The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by Mahendranath Gupta, INTRODUCTION ::..He practiced Christianity and Islam and many branches of Hinduism and attained the same god. He preached that all paths lead to the same god.Belur Math is built combining Hindu, Muslim, Christian architectures to show unity of religions as preached by Sri Ramakrishna.Swami Vivekananda, to pay tribute to the multifaceted, all-embracing divine personality of Sri Ramakrishna, he envisioned a great edifice combining various architectural features of monuments in various parts of the world. It was Swami Vivekananda's desire that the new temple should embody the salient features of major temple architecture of different religious beliefs so that every one who comes to the Ramakrishna Temple would feel at home and realise the underlying principle of the universal brotherhood and religion propounded by the Great Master.In his discussion with Mj. Herald Brown, the architect at Martin Burn Co., Swami Vijnanananda stressed upon the following three features that Swami Vivekananda wanted to incorporate in this temple monument :1. Nat Mandira (Congregational Hall) and Garbha Mandira (Sanctum Sanctorum) should not be detached as in a Hindu temple but should be connected in a continuous space like that in a Christian Church.2. Garbha Mandira should have a domical roof as introduced in Mosques through Islamic Architecture.3. Other rendering & detailing should conform with traditional Hindu temple architecture.Two plans were submitted by the architect from which the one with more Indian tone was selected.A Symphony in Architecture

Is it possible to stay for 1 or 2 nights at the Ramkrishna Math in Belur?

NamaskarCertainly,there is provision for devotees to stay in Belur Math during any part of the year.But during festivals there is huge inrush of devotees for staying in Belur Math ,so it is advisable to contact Math authority before 1–2 months of tentative staying.For accommodation in guest house you have to mail to Manager Maharaj of Belur Math -manager@belurmath.orgThey will provide you a format ,which you have to fill and wait for confirmation.Hope you get the golden and the most coveted opportunity to stay in Belur Math.

Hindus : If an Steller Black Hole will Eat the Earth and our Solar System,where all Souls will go ?

hindus belive in law of karma that if i will do bad deeds ,i will reborn as an punishment of our bad deeds.

if an black hole will eat the earth, Where all your SOULS WILL GO ?

How there reincarnation is possible than ?

Nothing can escape a black hole not even Light