Life Is Not Like What I Read About

If you were given a book with story of your life, would you read the end? Why?

NO...I wouldn't read the end but i will read till the present to just refresh my memory.The problem with the current generation is not being patient. We think about the future so much that we don't live the present. We do things today to enjoy tomorrow. If we know the end, that will only make it worse. We will work towards changing the end and won't live the present to the fullest.Also, it will instill negative feelings within us. Most of the victories are achieved because we believe we can win. If we know the end, we will stop believing ourselves which in my view is the end.So I wouldn't read the future of my life, but I will read the past to just see how I have carried out myself and refresh small , happy, cute memories. We all want to live our childhood again and this will give a real opportunity to do that.

If you couldn't read or write..How would your life be different?

My husband is illiterate. Life is very hard some times for him. He is very intelligent, but has a learning disorder. There are a lot of illiterate people out there and you would never know it. It is well hidden, and very sad that our school systems do no better than this.

Im 13 and not allowed a on?

i had a bf last year and wen my mum found out she went nuts!! she says i can't have a boyfriend until im at least 18. it's not like im gona be doing dirty stuff if i had a boyfriend. guys ask me out and even the ones i like, i have to reject bcause im not allowed and i don't want to get into trouble. all my friend's mums don't care cause they no its nothing like BIG..but my mum is sooo over-protective, it drives me so insane n sorta i rili 2 young even just 4 puppy love?

Stephen King said "Life is too short to reread books" Agree or disagree?

Greetings Kelly


Regrettably I do not have an eidetic memory and have often re-read books, even those by Stephen King. I preferred the Stand to the Shinning, and It to the Stand. I will kiss the toe of my second grade teacher who first put a book in my hand, and opened whole worlds to me.

In my youth I was always working or reading sometimes both at the same time. My favorite SK book would have to be The Shawshank Redemption & Stand by me.

Books I have read more than 2x,

The Horatio Hornblower series, by CSS Forester,
The Three Investigator Series
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Mark Twain's - Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, A Connecticut Yankee,
The Man in the Iron Mask.
The Count of Monte Crisco
Sarum: The Novel of England by Edward Rutherfurd
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era James M. McPherson
A Christmas Carol
The Iliad And The Odyssey
The Complete works of Shakespeare
A Princes Bride
A Catcher in the Rye - still do not understand the hype about this book. but will not read it again.

Well I guess I can stop there because the list goes on.
Perhaps it is age telling on me but I have found greater comfort in some of the Classics or books on History, than much of what has been written lately.

Someone answered that they wondered in SK listened to Mozart only once. I view book in somewhat the same light. Perhaps I will gain a new impression on the book or revisit the spark or enthusiasm I had years ago. Nothing like, a roaring fire, and a good book, on a cold winters eve.
Play it again, Sam.


Am I stupid because I don't like to read?

I only read books when I have to for school, My parents don't like this and they say it makes me seem stupid. I get pretty good grades and I have interests they just don't involve reading. So, does not liking to read make me stupid? Or ignorant?

Help! I am nothing like my family! Please read!:(?

well when you do turn 18 your legal to do a lot of things but may still have to be 21 to do other legal things but anyways look when you get to that age anything is possible just be careful on your lifes journey...remember just because your dad isnt doing anything or anybody for that matter doesnt mean that you shouldnt something people neeed to remember why your here or why do they need you...and if they dont know then when someone or something just stops when they realize the mistake they done...some times when its gone its give your self sometime get your together cause when its time for you to move on with your life just make sure that your go all the way im saying burn your bridge but just stay focus

What should a person do if it feels like life is not worth living anymore?

I was 18 when my life came crumbling down. The first blow came when my parents didn't let me pursue a degree in Literature. They wanted me to be a doctor. I didn't want to be a doctor! I refused to study further.Then, my face began looking like a pizza with pimples and spots. Aunties would stop me to tell I looked ugly. I felt embarrassed.I lacked confidence. There were days when I didn't want to get out of my room, and I was slowly slipping into drugs. Bad stuff.I wanted to look for a job, but had no professional or higher education qualifications. I didn't know if anyone would even hire me.I was constantly surrounded by taunts, sarcastic remarks and derogatory remarks. I just didn't know what to do with my life - seemed like it had no direction or purpose. I know somewhere secretly even my parents felt ashamed of me because at least I was ashamed of myself. Deep down I didn't want to be around. I wanted to vanish from earth.One night I broke down terribly. I sobbed and sobbed. I was direction-less, clueless and purpose-less.Sobbing, I went on knees and spoke to HIM. This was my last resort. It was time I took my problems to HIM because no mortal being could possibly help me. So I spoke to HIM. Told HIM my problems and prayed I get courage and motivation to find the purpose of my life.It worked (not immediately, but gradually. That's how HE works!) I began feeling much better and stronger. Over the span of few days, I kept mustering courage and strength. My mind started working along productive lines.I sought a teaching job in a nearby coaching centre.I found a good dermatologist. He's my family dermatologist now.Over the course of upcoming years, the aunties who taunted me got their answers, not verbally, but via my life, success and progress.Today, I'm married to an amazing man, have my own roof over my head and earn a decent living.Hence, go down on your knees and try talking to HIM. HE will help you find your life's purpose. Soon, you'll find answers within you! :)Credits: image from google images.

"Life of Pi", what are your thoughts?

The background is that Pi was brought up in Pondicherry, and encountered both Christianity and Islam. He decided to embrace them both while remaining a Hindu. This disturbed his rationalist father. Pi sincerely wanted to love God, and this is given as the reason why he was sustained throughout his ordeal.

The book and the film deal with story-telling, and hope, the nature of truth, and religion. It explores these themes in a way that encourages people to grapple with the questions, rather than lecturing them. Your thoughts are perfectly valid and understandable. But you surely will admit that many people in history have managed to survive horrific personal difficulties by using their imaginations to rise above adversity?

As a Christian, I am not happy with "Life of Pi" for different reasons. Pi's attitude is just 'pick-and-mix' - select whatever suits you, for whatever purpose. Truth, however, is constant and we cannot accommodate it to fit with our circumstances! God either is real, or not real. Jesus of Nazareth either lived, died and was resurrected, or He didn't. I base my belief on God in the reality of this man, Jesus of Nazareth. If you wanted to stop me being a Christian, all you would have to do would be to show me the grave of this man, with his rotted body/bones inside. Does that sound reasonable to you?