Life Is So Boring To Me What Should I Do

My life is so boring?

The highlight of my life is going to school and seeing my friends. I HATE SCHOOL. I hate weekends, because my brother goes and has fun with my dad while I stay home, with my mom, who watches tv and doesn't take me anywhere. My life is so boring sometimes that I have to cry. And if I ask my mom to take me somewhere, she always says that she doesn't feel like it. My friends are always busy after school so I can't hang out with them. My life has been incredibly boring since I spent an entire month with my aunt and did nothing at all. I guess I kinda went into a depression and never got out of it. What should I do?

My life is so boring, what do i do?

It is an illusion that people live exciting lives all the time. For most people, their lives are filled with repetitive drudgery like getting up, washing yourself, making your bed, having the same breakfast, talking to the same people every morning at home, getting into transport and going to work or school. Every day the same process. Then school, or work, is also largely the same repetition every day. Coming home, it is the same old TV programs, the same boring jokes. The same news on the tv about crime or politics or sport.

When you read about the lives of movie stars, they say the same thing. They do one scene over and over until they get it right. The same people in their face all the time, the cameras, extras, the shouting and stop start over and over.

The movies give us the wrong idea. Action all the time. Fun and laughter all the time, is Hollywood. Not the real world. Human beings cannot live on a continuous high. People who take drugs try to do this, but as you know, drugs will eventually destroy everything, especially if you are desperate for that continuous feeling of excitement.

Instead, you should accept that life is mostly dull routine. However, you can take control of the little bit of leisure time you have. That you can make more exciting, to compensate for the rest of the more routine time.

You can start by asking yourself what specifically did you enjoy at your sister's place ? Think carefully about what made you feel good or what was so enjoyable. Was it what they were doing eg playing games or talking about things, or joking or just listening to you ? You see, once you can establish what exactly it is that you enjoy, then you can start doing similar things with your friends or family or other relatives.

So you have two tasks to get this monkey off your back. Firstly accept that life is routine and often boring for most people on this planet. Then take control of your life by learning what you enjoy doing and go out and do those things in your personal and recreation time.

Why is life so boring?

Among aforementioned "repetitions" is the repeated activity involving breathing, eating... So there are reiterations of the same-ol throughout generations. Albeit, long ago if an individual wanted to say hello to a distant family member or a friend, that would likely involve an arduous journey, even lasting years if crossing oceans were involved at some point - now, we just grab our cell and call that friend half a world away when we stand in line at the grocery checkout, or, watch a favorite movie on such mobile device.... Yeah, some things are repetitive, but, and most importantly, one repetition which waned was the attitude of gratitude. One time people gave thanks for the stale bread amid famine, gratitude for having reached a bomb shelter in time once the carpet bombing began, being so ecstatic they could take one final family vacation despite that terminal illness.... We live in a world of repetitions because some basics haven't been improved upon - such as the need to eat, albeit we improved at least by making the meals enjoyable... - and, we reached such breathtaking levels of convenience which give us greater opportunity to explore our authentic path, yet, at the same time we are increasingly being taught to fixate upon the negatives, to complain and lament...

Right down to us poor people (whatever poverty means), we live in the most fantastic times - we even have the opportunity to enjoy the proverbial "leisurely stroll through the early morning park marvelling at the birds chirping". Yes there is repetition, but, we are increasingly loosing the sense of the actual depth life offers. IMHO. -Pat

Why is life so boring?

Put yourself out there and make your life interesting and exciting. You can't just sit back and wait for life to come to you. Ending your life should never be an option. It's not worth it.

Why is life so boring? What should I do?

If you are bored, that is because you are restless. Try calming yourself down - focus on this moment instead of looking at it all as a continuum. Don't compare today to yesterday or tomorrow, just look at it like it is and there wont be anything lacking. It's only when you look at yesterday, and think "man, today is just like what I did then" that things get unpleasant for you. Be amazed by how the shadows flicker across the floor and how the sun shines on the leaves, how the whisps of cloud float by. What more can you want? ^_^