Life Is Unfair. So Why Should We Help Those Less Fortunate

Why is life so complicated and unfair?

Honestly I think you're one of the lucky ones. People who are satisfied with life in my opinion threw away their ambition a long time ago or just ignore the glaring abnormalities with the world. In *my opinion* I think that people like you that are intelligent enough to notice the discordant nature of our society have the best chance at true happiness in the long run because you will never be satisfied with the saying 'that's just the way it is' which has become all to popular in this day and age. Go check this out and tell me what ya think

FYI I don't necessarily advocate anarcho-primitivism but it's a good starting point and an interesting perspective that might get you closer to an understanding of the reason behind your discord.

And thank you sillyshadow for proving my point about that saying lol

Why is life and everything about this world so very unfair? Is there a way to fix it? If so, how?

There Ian nothing called fair or unfair. It’s all different packages we get. For many things we are responsible. For many we are not. For e.g.: born to a well off family/educated family/loving parents/ caring parents/ in advanced societies without having any defects during birth : these all are not in our hands . We call it luck, people who believe in God says “ its God’s Grace” . These are the things we have no control.Bit, our education, our career, our qualifications, achievements all don’t just happen. Lot of dedication, hard work, talents, efforts , sacrifice require to achieve here we gofirst things in life, don’t worry or think about it, just forget themsecond things you won’t forget.Where re is unfair coming here ? Be positiveshow gratitude, show compassion this can change our lives. Love and respect others. Don’t just live for yourself. Don’t ignore less fortunate people than you. Don’t worry about people who seems to be happy or achieved every thing in life. What you from outside is not life . Every one got their dreams, problems, stories.So so move on with positive things about life. When your old torn shoe is making you feel sad, think about the one doesn’t have legs. When you envy luxury sunglasses rich people uses , think about those who don’t have eyesight.Choice is yoursto complain ? Or to be content and move forward. IF you are not satisfied from inside nothing can make you satisfied. No materialistic things can ever do it.When you feel feel life has been unfair to you, think about those who dream a life what you have. Think about those billions who can’t afford 3 times meal in their life. Think about those who walk kilometers and kilometres to search for finding drinking water. Think about those who can’t read and write or never been fortunate to go to school.If you start thinking in this direction, life is more beautiful. Cheer up and we have no time to cry. Laugh and make others laugh. Live and let live. This is Life . You particularly don’t be unfair with any one. Life is beautiful as good as it gets out of imitation game :)

Why is life so unfair to some people and over abundant to others?

"Life" as you use it must be divided into two parts: Nature, and the nature of being human.

Nature knows nothing. It is not sentient. It does not know you or your friend exists, let alone knowing that it exists itself. In this sense, it is neither fair, or unfair. And such abundance as nature may heap upon some is strictly by chance.

As for the nature of being human, there are a variety of reasons, but you don't say what happened to your friend, so a short list is in order:
1. Some people work harder than others at what they get.
2. Sometimes other people get in the way of success, or become the cause of catastrophic unfairness, and not always by their own choice.
3. Some people have abundance heaped on them such as an inheritance. Others are prettier or smarter and get more attention.

There are so many reasons they can't all be listed. I'm sorry to hear your friend got the short end of the stick. But since you fail to say what it was, no sure answer is available.

Why is life so unfair for some people and so fair for others?

Arjuna and Krishna were taking a stroll in a village. Getting thirsty, they both decided to ask someone for water. They reached the house of a rich and selfish merchant who was counting his money at that time and asked him for water, but that merchant ignoring both of them, kept on counting his money. They left the house and Krishna blessed him saying “ may your earnings get ten times more “, Arjuna was confused as to why Krishna said that. But since he was very thirsty and focused on getting water, he didn't ask anything. They reached the house of a poor farmer next and they asked him for water. But at that moment, the farmer was milking the only cow he had, and with a smile told them he will give them fresh milk itself in a few minutes and asked them to wait. After having the milk and quenching their thirst, both thanked the farmer and left his house. Krishna spoke the words “ may the cow die soon“. On hearing those words, Arjuna was furious, he enquired Krishna and asked him to give him an explanation for his inhuman actions. For that Krishna said, “ the merchant was so engrossed and happy with his money that he didn't see or care about me or the welfare of his society. Whereas the farmer has none but the cow, now as I have decided that the cow must die, the farmer after the loss of his cow, he will have no one and he will start thinking about me, and I can take him.”So fairness or cruelty is not decided by us, but god. Whatever may come your way, be bold enough to accept the truth and work harder !!!Jai Shri Krishna !!!

Life is unfair...??

Why live with something if it makes you unhappy? If you can fix it with as little reprcussions as possible, then do so. I believe you should fight for what is important to you and for what you believe in, but not to the point where you destroy your life or anyone elses.

Why is someone's life so hard, pathetic, and unfair compared to others?

Yesterday I spent most of my time crying. My boyfriend is a cheat. I simply can't get over that fact. He keeps on pampering me and I really can't have the thought of losing him. He says he doesn't cheat anymore, but I know he does.I no longer have a family and I wish to have someone in my life. And I chose this terrible person to be with.I see my life very pathetic and hard. Being alone is not so easy. Having no shoulder to cry on is never easy.But if I think if its unfair, no. I know people who never had a family. People who were left alone with nothing. Prople who do not have food to eat. People who cannot function properly.Everytime when I spend my day crying yesterday, the only thought that kept me moving is that there is someone else somewhere in the world smiling and finding happiness in oneself having nothing.I do not wish everyone should suffer. And also not everyone reacts to similar situations in the same way.A day without food is much easier for me than the thought of being alone.

People talk about how unfair life is these days. But was life ever fair? Didn't life always favor those who were powerful, privileged or endowed in whatever form?

Life in America is becoming less and less fair than it has been in the prior century:While incomes for middle class have been flat, or growing less than inflation, meanwhile the incomes of the top 1% have skyrocketed. Furthermore, the erosion of social compact due to SCOTUS rulings like Citizens United[1] means that the top 1% can use their influence on corporate boards to spend money on investors’ behalfs to further their agendas. This has lead to sharp increases in lobbying money for special interests that strongly favor access to law makers by the elite few.[2]Meanswhile, the cost of being an American has increased despite wages staying flat:However, this answer has so far been stated in terms of recent relative fairness in USA. If we zoom out and consider the whole time of human civilization, relative fairness has steadily improved greatly for the average person.So yes, life is more fair now. But what is “fairness” anyway and who gets to decide what is fair in life?Economists consider fairness in terms of Equity. Fairness is a perception and a feeling, it is totally subjective. Respecting fairness means declaring a greater good: an “ideal fairness.” Sometimes the implementation of the greater good can be relatively unfair to some. This is a consideration of “relative fairness.” Compromise is often required to reach increasing fairness.Footnotes[1] Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia[2] The Relationship Market: How Modern Lobbying Gets Done