Linear Equation With Fraction Question

Fraction, Solve Linear Equations HELP!?

19. x - 0.06x = 50,000
1x - .06x = .94x
.94x = 50,000
divide by .94
x = 53191.4893....
round to the nearest hundredth
x = 53191.49

now go do your own homework....

How do you graph a linear equation when the y-intercept is a fraction?

It would be similar to how you would graph a line with a whole-number y-intercept. The intercept in this case would be 1/2. So half-way between the (0,0) and (0, 1).....basically at the (0, 1/2) point or (0, 0.5)

the other two points either side of the y-intercept are: (1, 3.5) and (-1, -2.5)

Can standard form of a linear equation contain fraction?

Standard form: Ax+By = C, where A, B and C must be integers.

Need Help with Math Question (linear) Fraction question?

On March 8, 2003 the worlds largest taco was made in the city of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. The taco contained approximately 1 kg of onion for every 6.6 kg of grilled steak. The total weight of these two ingredients was 617.6 kg. To the nearest tenth of a kilogram, how many kilograms of onion and how many kilograms of grilled beef were used to make the taco? Cant seem to understand the formula in my Math Book can you guys please show me how the formula is done? Thanks Guys!

What are the steps for solving equations with fractions?

When dealing with fractions, you need to be able to find the LCM - lowest common multiple of the denominator.e.g t+1/3 = 11/12how many 1/12s is 1/3?1/3 = 4/12so rewrite the equation:t + 4/12 = 11/12t= 11/12 - 4/12with common denominator:t= (11-4)/12t=7/12Next:2/5y = 1/8multiply both sides by 5yi.e. 5y*2/5y = 5y/85y*2/5y = 5y/8 ::::> 5y on the left cancelled2=5y/8multiply by 816=5yy=5/1618x-3(4 +6x)=-12 This actually does have no solution for x.look only at this chunk3(4 +6x)this is 3*4 + 3*6xi.e. 12+18xso the equation is 18x-(12+18x)=-12i.e. 18x -12 -18x = -12where 18x-18x=0x, there's no solution for x.

Explain how to solve a linear equation conytaining fractions?

1)change it into decimals
2) or find multiply the whole thing by the same number as the denominator to get rid of the factor
for eg. if it's y=2/3x+5 then times everrything by 3 which is 3y=2+15 and then solve it...

Solve linear equations involving fractional constants and muplications?

1.) When you mulitply by 12, you need to do that for BOTH sides of the equation.
So, 12 * (3/4) (2x-1) -12 * (1/3) (5-2x) = 12 * (-55/22)
Then, 9*(2x-1) - 4*(5-2x) = -30 (Simplify)
Then, 18x - 9 - 20 + 8x = -30 (Simplify)
Then, 26x - 29 = -30 (Simplify)
Then, 26x = -1 (+29 on BOTH sides)
Finally, x = -1/26 (divide 26 on BOTH sides)

2.) 3/4x +4 = 113/24 -2/3 x
3x + 4*(4) = 4*(113/24) - 4*(2/3)x (multiply by 4 on both sides)
3x + 16 = 113/6 - 8/3x (simplify)
3x + 8/3x = 113/6 - 16 (+8/3x on both sides, and then -16 on both sides)
(17/3)x = 17/6 (simplify)
x = (17/6) * (3/17) (multiply by 3/17 on both sides)
x = 1/2

Again, the idea is to isolate x so you will get x = something.
Whenever you try to cancel terms, you need to do it to BOTH sides of the equation, otherwise it would be like putting weigh on only one side of a balanced scale.

Solving multi-step linear equations involving fractions?


You need to isolate the x on one side in order to find its value, so first subtract 5/6x from each side, which leaves you with:
(Note: explanation on how to add/subtract fractions at the end)

3 = -1/3x

Now to get rid of the fraction multiply by -3 on both sides and you get x = -9. Now to check substitute the -9 for x and both sides of the equation should be the same value.

5/6*(-9/1)+3 = 1/2*(-9/1)

-45/6 + 3 = -9/2 Change the fraction to decimal form,

-7.5 + 3 = -4.5

-4.5 = -4.5

There you have it. Hope this helps and good luck! =)

To subtract 2 fractions, say 1/2 - 5/6 find the least common denominator, which here is 6 (the least number that can divide both 2 and 6).

Now write it as a denominator of a new fraction, as follows and divide it by the denominator of the first fraction, then multiply it by the numerator of the same fraction and write the number on top of the line with 6 as denominator. Do the same for the other fraction, keeping the subtraction sign. This is what you get:

1/2 - 5/6 =

3 - 5
_____ =


-2 / 6 = -1 / 3 is you answer.