List And Describe The Stages In The Life Cycle Of A Typical Star

List the stages in the life cycle of a typical medium-sized star like the sun.?

Something like this:
Protostar about 100,000 years
Main sequence star: 10 billion years
Yellow subgiant: 600 million years
First Red Giant stage: 600 million years
Helium Burning stage: 100 million years
2nd Red Giant stage: 100 million years
Planetary Nebula: 50 million years
White Dwarf: > 20 billion years

List the stages of the life cycle of a star similar to the sun.?

1) Birth
2) Gradual Warming
3) Red Giant
4) Nebula
5) White Dwarf

Which stage comes first in the life cycle of a high-mass star?

C. protostar

Stars life cycle:A. Name and describe two major forces that act on a star? ?

Though the star formation theory is well developed and very much understood, scientists found that there are some unexplained issues in it. It cannot explain a key element in the final stage of a star's birth, the link between its angular momentum or spin as it is known, and the centrifugal forces that act on its entire mass.

form clouds mostly composed of molecular hydrogen, helium, dust and small amounts of other heavy elements, remnants of supernovas. The gravitational force acting on the entire mass of gas, causes it to spin faster and faster, until the gravity at its center is powerful enough to draw even more gas. This process is called gravitational collapse, in which the cloud falls on itself under its own weight.

As more and more gas is drawn into the ever growing sphere of gas, the extreme pressures at its core stirs a heating process which will trigger a thermonuclear reaction called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a process in which extreme pressure and temperature causes hydrogen atoms to smash into each other to form heavier atom nuclei, and thus new chemical elements.

Calculations and observations show that typical molecular clouds, rotating ever faster as they collapse, would never allow it to compress into a small enough volume to form a star due to the centrifugal forces acting on its mass that would overcome the gravitational pull, and thus triggering the disintegration of the protostar. It would need to lose some of its angular momentum to allow the star's birth.

A new theory, proposed by Antonio Chrysostomou and his colleagues at the University of Hertfordshire in Britain, says that excess matter and energy is shed away from the protostar along magnetic fields surrounding it, to permit the final collapse stage. The new theory has produced so far at least one verifiable prediction in the star formation system HH 135-136, in which magnetic fields that extend 50,000 astronomical units around the structure, throw matter away from the protostar at a speed of 100 kilometers per second.

Chrysostomou also predicts that as the star forming process enters its final stage, the magnetic fields around will straighten out to become like the general magnetic fields of the galaxy, but observation of our own sun shows that the field line situated close to the star will curve a little, and some would curve on its surface to create the famous solar spots.

Does The Matrix (movie) imply the typical life cycle of the modern men today?

life= "'ones'own story" so it depends on what kind of story the "narrator" likes and patterns he uses to tell his life-story.for the Matrix - check out Monomyth (The Hero's Journey)

What is the life cycle of a blue giant star?

Hot, massive blue giant stars spend far less time on the main sequence compared to small yellow stars like our sun - approximately 10 million years as opposed to 10 billion.Paradoxically the more mass a star possesses during its formation, the shorter its life cycle will be. When blue giant stars use up their core hydrogen, they do not expand into red giant stars (the fate of our sun in 5 billion years). Instead, temperatures in the core become hot enough to fuse 3 helium nuclei into carbon, carbon + helium into an oxygen nucleus and so on.This process cannot continue indefinitely, however. When enough of the star’s core fuses into iron, the star’s surface collapses, triggering a violent explosion called a supernova. This titanic explosion rips the star apart leaving behind a rapidly spinning neutron core called a pulsar. Pulsars are tiny relative to stars and planets - only 20 miles or so in diameter. During a supernova, all the naturally occurring elements up to uranium form in the unimaginably hot explosion.Even larger stars (blue super giants) collapse through the pulsar stage. Their gravity is so intense that the star’s core is crushed down to an infinitely tiny point - a singularity. The escape velocity from this singularity exceeds the speed of light; this region of infinitely warped space-time is called a black hole.

What's the difference between life stage and life cycle?

In biological entities the “life cycle” eclipses the entity's time on earth from birth to death.That biological Life Cycle is broken into identifiable stages by most social scientists and many adherents to other philosophies as well. Across these disciplines the stages seem to line up well, lending more credibility to what already seems likely true.My personal viewpoint at this late stage of my life, however, is that not every human moves through all the stages to full maturity.How many people have you run across who still play “school” games (i.e. adolescent attitudes in relationships or clique or bully behaviors)? And so many bright stars living life on the edge flame out in spectacular ways at 27, just before the first “adult” stage, (about 28-32 years). Or how many others become overly serious “stick-in-the-muds” at middle age and never loosen up again?Learning the lessons of all the stages within one's life cycle seems to be as good a way to live a fulfilled life as any.Beverly