Little Bit Of Weight Loss Advice

How much weight loss is too much for one week?

I’ve been dieting for a few years and slowly, steadily losing weight. I changed my diet about a month ago, and my weight loss accelerated. I also added more excercise.

I know 1-2 pounds per week is considered healthy. Some people may lose more due to water weight, but I read that’s just week one.

So what’s considered unhealthy? .2.00001 pounds per week? Or something considerably over? I’ve lost about 2.7 this week, and the week is not even over. I’m wondering if I should eat more today to make sure it doesn’t go over.

I’ve been counting calories. I’m having at least 1200 per day. Usually more. I’m also on the high end of overweight according to my BMI, but not obese.

Is brown rice good for weight loss?

I am currently living in university residence, and so, i eat in a university dining hall. there is alot of fattning food available, and i put on a bit of weight. Insted of having fries, or other forms of potatoes, i'm trying to eat more brown rice. i'm wondering how good this would be to help me lose weight, or that the carbs in brown rice wouldn't do me any good.

i'm not a fan of salads or sandwhichs, so i figure this is the best way to go. i'm also eating more stir fry and eating whole wheat bread insted of bagels.

What is the best weight loss advice (nutrition, diet plan, and workout)?

In my opinion the best diet for everyone is one without processed foods. Our bodies do so much better when we do a whole foods diet. Unfortunately, most don’t want that fuss of taking back the responsibility of the foods they eat. I actually get that.Any advice I give comes from my background of working with obese women. Most have PCOS and are insulin resistant which slows weight loss. Others are post menopausal and borderline diabetic.Our low fat, low sugar, low sodium diets work great for us. We experience fast weight loss where many had not been able to lose at all. Of course, even our most lenient diet is 50% fruit. We call it the Wholy Rawker diet and it is the one that we use to transition to maintenance for life.You will have to find the right diet for you. What you should look for is sustainability. Getting to goal on any diet requires patience and perseverance. If you feel like you are constantly losing out on life because of your diet, you probably won’t take it all the way.At camp this is something we work on all the time. Embrace what you have chosen as you go after your goals. It makes it easier to stick to it long term.On the exercise, again, I work with obese women looking for fast weight loss because the amount of weight they have to lose feels overwhelming. We walk. It has proven to burn fat better than any other exercises we have tried.It’s the duration and heart rate of the walk that makes the difference. The longer in a sustained heart rate the better. Figure on you can talk but not sing.Walking isn’t sexy, but it works.I wish you the best as you search for the right program for you.

Teen weight loss advice please?

I'm 13, 5'9" and, 170-80 lbs.
I'm not really focused on how much weight I lose, but how diffrent I look.

I have huge thighs, and a ginormus butt (ew), love handles, and a flabby belly.

It'd be nice to be able to change my diet and do excersizes so i can see atleast some (no, i'm not expecting anything to go away over night) improvement in a week or so!

What should I eat?
Keep in mind I can't always go out (homework), so what can i do at home?
How long should I do it (I mean, time wise)?
What should i eat?


Why am I losing weight?

Possibly worms.

Fast weight loss secrets?

I wouldn't recommend this for a long term diet, but if it's only for a week you could try the following. You would mainly be losing water weight, but it's your best option. Anyone else promising to lose mroe than a few lbs of fat in a week is lying to you.

Drink large amounts of water, only eat lean meat, such as chicken or turkey, and ensure you have no carbohydrates and no added salt in your diet. So have something like 1 grilled or over baked chicken breast or turkey steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It's basically a very low carb diet, that'll minimise water retention, so your weight should drop quite a bit.

Again, don't do this for more than a week, it's very low calorie, and not good for you in the long term.

Do weight loss pills make your boobs smaller?

No. Weight loss pills do not directly cause your breasts to become smaller, but there is a chance your boobs will "shrink" or be a smaller cup size or more smaller if you lose a significant amount of weight because you do carry weight in your breasts. The upside to this is that if you lose weight your breasts will most likely still match your frame (i.e. you won't just lose weight in your breasts and your weight loss elsewhere will make everything look proportionate). I hope this helps!